Absolute Honor

Chapter 1207: People can't look

"Your name is Qin Fei." Alexanderkovich said enthusiastically in fluent English: "It's a miracle in the circle of African mercenaries."

Qin Fei knew that Alexander Kovic knew him.

In the Stockholm incident, although the two had never met, they were still invisible opponents.

It was Alexanderkovich who used Simon to establish the "Grave Diggers" organization, which caused a lot of trouble at the charity banquet at the palace.

Strictly speaking, the two were once opposed.

But now they are on the same front again, which confirms the saying-there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

Now that the goals of both parties are very consistent, there is soil for cooperation, and the past events are temporarily forgotten.

Of course, Qin Fei would not be stupid enough to regard this Alexanderkovich as a real friend. That is a stupid idea. If the interests require, Alexanderkovich will not hesitate to sell himself as a bargaining chip.

For fsb, Qin Fei needs limited trust and unlimited vigilance.

What surprised Qin Fei most was not Alexanderkovich's enthusiastic attitude, but the person himself.

Although he had never seen face-to-face before, in Qin Fei's subconscious, Alexanderkovich should be the kind of capable, cold, and seemingly hard-line character.

After all, as the intelligence director of fsb Europe, he has countless spies and agents with amazing capabilities, and he also holds the command of an "Alpha" special operations force. It can be said that he is also a well-known figure in the Russian intelligence circle.

But at this moment, standing in front of Qin Fei was a skinny old man.

About fifty years old, but his hair and beard are all white.

The white beard continued from the base of the ears to the chin. It was thick and neat. The person looked lean and lean. It was in sharp contrast with the few fsb agents who were over 1.9 meters tall.

But his beard was meticulously trimmed and neatly trimmed. Although his eyes were small, they were as deep as an invisible pool of water. They were embedded above the pointed bridge of the nose, giving a sense of majesty at first glance. At least at first glance, he knew that this person's style was extremely harsh and ruthless.

It was such a shriveled little old man who actually controlled a huge sub-game, which made Qin Fei feel deeply that people really couldn't look good.

"Yes, we know each other, but unfortunately we didn't meet once in Stockholm, this time we finally had a chance."

Qin Fei stretched out his hand.

Alexanderkovich smiled and shook hands with Qin Fei, then turned his eyes to Michelle.

"Major, I have been known for you for a long time, and the only mi17 female action commander, it is an honor to know you."

Michelle stretched out his hand, intending to shake hands with Alexanderkovich, but he did not expect that the latter took the major's hand directly and gave a kiss.

This is the usual etiquette of the old gentleman of the empire that never sets, but Alexanderkovich used it without the slightest abruptness. It can be seen that this person's appointment as the head of the European Bureau is not unreasonable.

Qin Fei had heard some rumors of Russian agents in the kgb era before.

It is said that in order to be able to steal information freely in Europe, these agents receive a training called "environmental adaptation".

kgb will own some of its own properties in such a big city, and then decorate some of the properties in accordance with the European style of the entire building, and all the people living in it will follow the European lifestyle and habits, as small as meeting etiquette and dining table Etiquette, eating habits, and clothing matching, etc. will be meticulously implemented in accordance with the standards of some developed countries in Western Europe.

Then let the agents who are going to be deployed in Europe live there for at least three months. During this time, the agents live in the habit of the target country and are guided by professional teachers until they make every effort to include every detail such as speaking and thinking. All fit the customs and habits of the target country.

The advantage of this is that it is not easy to be noticed, and it is also very conducive to disguising your identity.

Whether you are a spy or an agent, you need to conceal your true identity all the time. Success or failure is often in the details. Once what you say is slightly different from what you show, it will easily lead to counter-espionage in your country. The attention of the institution can easily catch fire.

Especially during the Cold War, when the intelligence struggle between the East and West camps reached its peak, the spies trained during that period were not comparable to those students who graduated from spy school.

Obviously, when the young Alexanderkovic in front of him happened to catch up with the peak of the Cold War, it is conceivable that he received such strict training in the kgb era, so that he did not wait for Michelle in front of him. The people of the Empire know every detail of their behavior and can predict their psychological trends.

In Qin Fei's view, although Michelle is a rising star in the intelligence industry, and his record is shining, but in front of this old fox Alexanderkovich, he is obviously really tender.

Even though Michelle himself would not be deceived by a kiss, at least he felt very comfortable in his heart.

The most powerful thing about spies is to dissolve the opponent’s psychological defenses, making you unknowingly from every detail that cannot be smaller, almost an action, which makes you gradually unknowingly let go of your psychological guard, so many people I thought that the "crows" or "swallows" of the former kgb were handsome men and women. In fact, they are not. Some of them are not amazing. But once this kind of person looks at you and gets close to you, he (she) will make you a little bit late to meet you. a feeling of.

It can be seen that one of the most important courses in espionage is psychology, which is almost a required course.

"Colonel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you're overwhelmed." Michelle said quietly.

Qin Fei knew that Alexanderkovic's rank was colonel. This was the information that Michelle had shown Qin Fei a long time ago.

For Alexanderkovic’s age, the rank of colonel is actually not high at all. Michel is just thirty and is already a major. I am afraid it will be a colonel in a few years.

However, anyone who knows KGB or a secret intelligence agency like fbs will know that the gold content of this colonel's rank is not comparable to those of ordinary military colonels.

Although in the kgb era or the current fsb era, their military ranks still follow the military rank system, but the military rank system of this kind of intelligence agency is more complicated, because the organization contains border guards, which are managed according to the ordinary military rank system, and the intelligence department ranks. The system special and popular saying is "see the officer at the higher level", that is, when interacting with ordinary officers, they can command officers one to two levels higher than their ranks under unauthorized orders.

This means that, in fact, Alexanderkovic looks like a colonel, but if he is placed in the army, his rank will not be lower than a major general.

"I think you rushed over from so far. Would you like to take a break? I will arrange for someone to prepare a little dinner for you. After eating, you can take a short break here. We will have a briefing later?" Alexanderkovich said. It is polite, and the tone of speech is not cold, but the kind of warm feeling.

Qin Fei glanced at Michelle, and Michelle said, "No, our time is still more precious, so I suggest eating while meeting. I think I need work. Colonel, won't you mind it?"

"Oh! Of course I don't mind, I admire it." Alexanderkovich said: "I admire people who work hard."

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