Absolute Honor

Chapter 1220: Plan approval

"Fak! Every time you look at me with such **** eyes, I know there is nothing good! Fak!" Mister started scolding his mother, "Oh! I ask you not to do anything earth-shattering, what I fear most is These, can we use some safe methods..."

"Remember a little, Laomi." Qin Fei curled his lips and looked at Mister: "Whether it is a shopping mall or a battlefield, the risks and benefits are directly proportional. Nothing is safe, and great good things are reaped. The sky will never Pie off."

"What the **** is the plan, I am interested now." Yushchenko was a courageous master, and did not immediately refuse to participate, but became interested.

"In this way, we swaggered in, then swaggered out, went directly to Hamm, and took the bag of things Abu Salam gave him." Qin Fei said, "I did this for a reason, no matter what. Does the money have anything to do with Kawasaki Ryuichi or Fan Tianlong? Anyway, this dollar can't fall into the hands of Baskif, or he will purchase more weapons against you. Do you agree with this?"

"Agree." Yushchenko nodded.

"That's right, let's go in quickly, control Hamm in the shortest possible time, and then take away the package." Qin Fei stretched out **** and imitated walking with index and middle fingers, "then slip away and wait. Before the villagers reacted, we left the village. Then we hid on the mountain until the evening, and we sneaked in according to your previous route. I think Baskif will definitely send someone over to hold Hamm to blame. If you kill, you will be sure at night. There will be some movement. Once there is any movement, we can immediately mobilize the army to surround the village, and we will respond internally to eliminate all those who come to clear Hamm!"

"Sounds like a good idea..." Yushchenko touched his chin, and Qin Fei's plan was circling in his mind. The whole plan is very bold, but I have to say that it seems to be correct. The greater the risk, the greater the return. .

His style may have been too cautious before, but Qin Fei's plan was actually really risky.

In this way, Hamm's clue will definitely be broken, so if one or two members of the "Caucasian warriors" cannot be caught, then the whole thing will become meaningless. In intelligence operations, this is a failure.

Moreover, many details need to be considered.

"You mean, let's vacillate in the village first, let everyone know that we have come to Hamm, and take things, and then wait for the people from Baschief to come, and then kill the carbine?"

"You can think so." Qin Fei answered Yushchenko very positively, "It sounds very risky, but I think it is feasible."

"Oh! Don't listen to him!" Seeing Yushchenko's attitude loosened, Mister was anxious. "Yushchenko, Qin is bragging. His luck is too bad. He didn't have all the tasks in Africa. It was smooth once. This guy is darker than the gray on the bottom of the pot, and darker than the African chiefs! Also, do you know the name of the most powerful squad of his mercenary group? It’s called the Ravens squad! Yes, yes, yes. Crow! Have you ever seen a crow that is not black?! That's a sign of bad luck!"

"I said, can you be more courageous?" Qin Fei saw Dumas jumping in a hurry and couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. Right now?"

"You can insult me, please don't insult the Delta Force!" Mister was obviously upset, "I'm cautious. Unlike you, you have to make a big noise in everything to be reconciled, Qin, this is a joint operation. , It’s not your own command of your mercenary regiment in Africa to participate in the action, here you say it’s not a big deal!"

The two couldn't help but argue.

Yushchenko suddenly said: "Actually, I can contact Colonel Aleksanderkovich and tell him what you think. Since we are planning to round up Baskif people, we need the help of the army. We only need to die. For the sake of it."

Yushchenko clearly agrees with Qin Fei's plan, which can be heard in his tone.

"Well, you immediately contact Colonel Aleksanderkovich and tell him this idea, just say that I said it, and you don't need to carry it out."

"Am I like a person who is afraid of doing things?" Yushchenko said coldly.

Qin Fei smiled: "I like a guy like you."

"Oh!" Seeing that Qin Fei and Yushchenko reached an agreement, Mister moaned desperately from the side, grabbed his hair and said: "Why I am so unlucky, always working with lunatics, you can't be normal Point? Use some safer means? Don't go to extremes at every turn?"

"If the conventional method is effective, I won't follow Baschief for so many years." Yushchenko said: "Maybe it's because we were too cautious before, which led to no progress. Very good. Your participation will give us new It’s worth trying.”

After all, he took out the phone.

"I will talk to the colonel and you will wait."

While Yushchenko stepped aside, Mistor complained to Qin Fei: "I said, can you discuss with me beforehand and ask my opinion, can you always come so exciting things suddenly, let me I can’t take it anymore, look at it, look at it..."

He pointed to the distant village.

"That's a village of almost a thousand people. Once you enter, you can't predict from which direction the bullet will fly! Do you think we can go out alive?!"

"Yes, if we do start, we won't have a way to survive." Qin Fei said frankly: "But there is one of our ancient art of war, which is unexpected. Do you know what it means?"

"Don't always talk to me about the art of war. I have read the translated version of "The Art of War" and I know that you people like the so-called tactical thinking." Mister said impatiently.

Qin Fei said: "Since this is the case, you should know that before this Alebek village, nobody dared to swagger into their village in broad daylight. That is to say, they would not take any precautions during the day~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Let’s make a bet, the one hundred dollars I lost to you before. This kind of village has the most respected elders and the like. Before attacking us, we must wait for their approval, so I Make sure that if we move fast enough and they have not had time to react, we will have left the village. At that time, we will leave the car at the place closest to the exit of the village, get in the car and run away after we get out! They can't catch up!"

"You think it's really too simple. Any action must consider the failure factor. If it fails, it is a good plan to ensure that the personnel can come back alive. As long as there is a little omission in your plan, we are absolutely dead. Alice.” Mister was still dissatisfied with Qin Fei's arrangement.

Before Mister continued to say, Yushchenko had returned.

"The colonel agrees to your plan, but let us consider the details. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If there is a problem, we may all die in it." Yushchenko said, "Another battalion of the border guards, and Michelle. The major's team is coming here, and we will soon have a strong back-up."

"The backup is good! I like the backup the most!" Mister immediately became happy, "Can we wait for the backup to arrive before we do it?"

Yushchenko and Qin Fei turned their contemptuous eyes on Mister almost at the same time.

"With so many people moving, do you think you can move to the vicinity of the village without being noticed in such places as the wilderness? Once discovered, everything will turn out to be dirty. Hamm might flee after hearing the wind. Our plan is also What a fart?!"

Mister was taken aback, and had nothing to say.

Yushchenko asked Qin Fei in a low voice: "The colonel asked me to ask you one thing, how do you plan to enter the village? After all, once we start to enter Alebek, it is to dance on the tip of a knife with our lives."

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