Absolute Honor

Chapter 125: Training qualified

  203 training base.

   Thunder sitting on the steps, his jaw aching.

   Just now, Qin Fei made a heavy punch, pressing his finger on it, and Thunder couldn't help hissing and inhaling air-conditioning.

   Chen Kefan came out of the room, sat down beside him, touched his arm, and handed the ice bag up.

   Thunder took it, put it on his chin, couldn't help saying: "Damn, that kid's hands are so black!"

  Chen Kefan couldn't help but smile: "I heard that you also beat him up. It is estimated that he hurts more than you."

   "I'm being merciful." Lei Ming said, "If it wasn't for his saving my life, I would have to break my ribs."

   Chen Kefan did not answer, just watching the thunder.

  Thunder was staring at him and his scalp was numb, and he couldn't help asking: "Why are you staring at me? He beats his superiors. Can he not teach him a lesson?"

  Chen Kefan laughed and said: "I think you and him are also very interesting."

   "What's interesting? What do you mean?" Leiming said.

"Since you beat up the superior, should you leave Qin Fei away?" Chen Kefan raised his head toward the student's dormitory. "I guess he can't sit still at this moment, waiting for the result. This time he is psychologically stressed. Does Qin Fei pass the training?"

   Leiming held an ice pack and pressed his chin without saying a word.

  Chen Kefan handed over the training record, "You are the chief instructor, this is the training record, how do you plan to fill it in?"

   Thundering eyes fell on the training record sheet. In the column of the training summary today, Qin Fei’s name is blank, and there is no comment or conclusion.

  Chen Kefan sent the training record book forward and said, "What? Can't make a decision? This is your good opportunity. If you want to kick him, you can sign and let him go now."

   The scene in front of the mine appeared in front of Thunder, Qin Fei roared and kicked himself away. In an instant, the train passed by...

   He put down the ice pack, took the training notebook, picked up the pen on it, and ticked Qin Fei's name, and then filled in the sentence: the subject training passed.

   Putting down the training notebook, Thunder stopped talking, and started applying ice packs again.

   Chen Kefan put away the training notebook, glanced at the conclusion above, and smiled.


   "Ouch-oh-tap! Tap!"

   In the row room, Qin Fei was sitting by the bed, Xu Wu rubbed the bruises on his cheeks and arms with bone-setting water.

   "Old Xu, and here..."

   He pointed to his waist, Xu Wu opened his clothes and saw that it turned out to be black.

   pushed his finger up, Qin Fei immediately called out like a pig.

   "What is it called? He hasn't broken his bones, Lei Gong is considered merciful."

The singer leaned forward and looked at Qin Fei with admiration: "You're a big lung! You are so awesome, and you dare to fight Lei Gong! Tell me, how about Lei Gong's close combat? Bulls are not bulls? You fight. Can you have him? To be honest, I wanted to beat him a long time ago. This guy is psychopathic!"

"I was hit, but it was the one who was hit. Don't you see who was badly injured? Ya also attacked Lei Gong in a sneak attack, and then he was knocked over and he couldn't get up on the ground." Gao Ming said He smiled and said: "You think Duke Lei is so annoying, Qin Fei, I said you are crazy, you dare to attack your superiors, don't you want to continue to participate in the training?"

   Qin Fei heard Gao Ming's words and suddenly realized that the matter was a bit serious.

   At that time, the anger covered his eyes, and he escaped from the ghost gate. He didn't think so much at all, so he went up and started doing it.

   But then again, what Gao Ming said is right.

  Lei Gong originally thought that he was not very pleasing to the eye. Wei Tiansheng said at the beginning that he was absolutely opposed to participating in the training of Lei Gong.

   Now I dare to beat him, really lighting the lamp in the toilet-looking for **** (dead).

   "Old Xu, will you say Lei Gong will drive me away?" Qin Fei asked.

   Xu Wu rubbed Qin Fei's wound, and said: "I don't know. In the army, attacking the superior is a serious matter, and the nature is very bad."

   As he spoke, Qin Fei started groaning again with more effort in his hand.

"Do you still know that it hurts? I said you can't grow up to be more mature? It's even better to beat people in the reconnaissance camp. You only took over the superior, Qin Fei. Your character is easy to go wrong in the army. "

   Qin Fei was silent.

  Jin Donghai came back from the bathroom, put the towel and the mouth cup away, and sneered: "Qin Fei, I think you should pack your things early. I think Lei Gong will come to you and let you **** off later."

   Qin Fei was speechless, so Jin Donghai could only go proudly.

   "Student #3, come out!"

  Lei Gong’s voice came from the door.

  The crowd in the row house was taken aback.

   "Here! Come out soon!" Qin Fei quickly replied.

   The singer exaggerated expression: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Fuck, don't talk about people during the day, and don't talk about ghosts at night! What a wicked way!"

   Gao Ming sighed, reached out his hand and patted Qin Fei on the shoulder, with a mournful expression on his face: "Brother, the grief has changed..."

   Qin Fei couldn't help but yelled at these two treasures: "Roll the calf!"

   got up from the bed and wanted to go out.

   Xu Wu exhorted: "Remember, Qin Fei, put your attitude down, put your posture down, don't be too muddled! Unless you don't want to continue training!"

  "I got it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Fei walked towards the door of the row house.

   Jin Donghai proudly said to Qin Fei's back: "Qin Fei, or I will pack your things for you, lest you have to pack yourselves when you come back later, and you won't be able to catch the departing plane."

  The people in the row house all rushed to the window, lying on it to watch the excitement.

   After a while, someone started to exclaim.

   "Fuck! I thought Qin Fei was going to be beaten, but I didn't expect it!"

   "Yes! That lieutenant looks really good, you see, she took Qin Fei to the office..."

   "This kid, Yanfu is not shallow, I remember this woman also came to see Qin Fei before, is it his girlfriend?"

   "Bullshit, can my girlfriend come to the 203 training base?"

   Jin Donghai's heart was shocked, and he hurried to the window and looked out.

   I saw Qin Fei and An Ruosu walking towards the office together, but Lei Ming was standing outside the row room, planning to follow. Obviously An Ruosu came to Qin Fei and didn't know what happened.


   He couldn't help but the nameless fire surged into his heart and kicked the foot of the bed violently.

   "Put it on."

   At the door of the office, An Ruosu handed Qin Fei a mask.

   "What are you doing?" Qin Fei asked puzzledly.

   An Ruosu said: "The two commissioners from the CIA and the FBI who will be in a video call with you later, you are not suitable to show your face."

   Qin Fei put a mask on his face and couldn't help saying: "CIA and FBI?"

   His brow furrowed. These two institutions, which were only seen in the movie, did not expect that one day they would face him in a video communication.

   "What are they looking for me for?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking.

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