Absolute Honor

Chapter 1256: Part ways

Everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

Hasayev informed Aleksandrkovich of the entire route and trading location of Baskiv's cargo.

According to Alexanderkovic’s plan, the Georgian side was led by MI17’s Michelle Major and Mistre and their intelligence personnel to contact the intelligence department and the military, and use the local special forces to carry out inspections on the delivery point. Raid-all this must be carried out after Khasayev transported the first batch of XS gel explosives.

Because if you do it now, I'm afraid it will alarm Baskif who is lurking in the Vladimir Caucasus, and he will disappear into the rolling mountains like a frightened rabbit.

According to the information provided by Hasayev, the cargo location was in Kazbegi, a small town bordering Ingushetia, Georgia.

This town is located near the North Ossetia National Nature Reserve, surrounded by mountains and remote. There are many mines and forest farms left over from the Soviet era, as well as some underground military facilities. Although they have been abandoned, they are very suitable for hiding. The finished product and manufacturing equipment of XS explosives.

There, Khasayev will meet with a man named Luo Lisha, and then he will take Khasayev to the loading location.

This time Khasayev used three Ural trucks, each with an approved load of 20 tons, and the three vehicles can carry a total of 60 tons of explosives and equipment.

However, in order to cover up, the vehicle will be specially modified. Two-thirds of the truck is a dark cabin, and one-third is filled with fruits and the like as a cover, so each vehicle can carry about 15 tons of XS gel. Explosives and equipment.

When loaded with cargo, Khasayev will follow the winding road near Mount Kazbek from a small checkpoint into North Ossetia-the Republic of Alan.

The person on duty at the checkpoint that day was a major named Kaniki of the North Ossetian border guard. He was also a long-term bribery target of Khasayev. He arranged his cronies on duty at night and then allowed Khasayev to cross the border smoothly.

According to the plan, when Khasayev's three Ural trucks crossed the Kazbek Mountains and entered North Ossetia, three illegal militants will board the vehicle midway, monitor the entire convoy, and may change the trading location at any time.

When the convoy crosses the border, it will take 60 kilometers to reach the village of Wali near Vladikavkaz, where the explosives and equipment will be handed over to Baskiv and his men, and they will be transported into the secrets of the mountains. The camp is concealed.

At this point, Khasayev's task was successfully completed.

Qin Fei and Yushchenko, who are lurking near the village of Vali, will conduct a raid on the Baskif and the leader of the Quds Army Ryuichi Kawasaki, and at the same time, they will be deployed in Beslan. The nearby Russian armored units, special forces, and FSB operation units will immediately have air and land routes to penetrate the village of Wali at the fastest speed, encircling Baskiv and his armed forces.

At the same time as the operation in Valli Village started, Michel and the Georgian Special Forces who had set up an ambush in the town of Kazbeji would immediately take action to intercept all the XS gel explosives and equipment that had not yet been removed.

The whole plan looks perfect.

Michelle had already contacted the Georgian intelligence department and the military that night. In recent years, Georgia and the Russians have not dealt much with it, but for Western countries such as Europe, they were able to pee into a pot, so the military intelligence department over there quickly agreed to cooperate. MI17 action.

Before leaving, Mister came to look for Qin Fei once, saying goodbye, but actually trying to solve his happy doubts.

"Qin, won't you go to Georgia with us?"

"Not going anymore." Qin Fei said, "My goal is to trade on the Vladikavkaz side. It is enough to have you on the Georgian side."

Mister drew away his things and asked again carefully: "Before..."

Speaking of this, I stopped and seemed to be considering how to inquire about the news.

"If you have anything, just say it straight." Qin Fei joked, "When did Dumas become a steer? What is the big man, why do you twitch and talk like a girl?"

"Qin, I want to know what you and Alexandrkovich had discussed in the office before." Mister finally said the question he most wanted to know, "It seems that you have been talking for a long time, and he took the initiative to You stayed here. It stands to reason that you were with us. We went to Georgia, but he tried his best to keep you here, and..."

"And I agreed, didn't I?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Well, if you have something, you can discuss with us, Alexanderkovich is an old fox, you are careful to be calculated by him." Mister reminded.

Qin Fei said: "Don't worry, there is no deal between us. I can only say that what I talked about with him was all about the XS explosives this time. I stay here because I think maybe Fan Tianlong will actually appear here. Here. I recently received news that the Black Sun organization’s life is not so easy now. Many strongholds around the world have been cleared by the local military. I think he must find a new stronghold, and this is in Eastern Europe. The place is quite suitable for a temporary stay."

"Really for Fan Tianlong?"

"I have always taken him as the biggest goal." Qin Fei said: "You know this too. I have a hunch that Fan Tianlong will appear in Ingushetia or North Ossetia."

"Qin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Colonel invites you to come to his office."

The two were chatting when an agent suddenly came up and knocked on the opened door.

Qin Fei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go over immediately."

He turned his head and said to Mister: "This time you go to Georgia, be careful. Although Hasayev has already transported three carts of supplies, there are still dozens of finished explosives and semi-finished products left in Kazbeji. Tons, it’s not a joke that it blows up."

"Don't worry, Georgia special forces are responsible for the operations there. We are only providing intelligence as a partner." Mister said: "They will not allow us to take people to do these things by ourselves. This will make them feel ashamed. ."

"That's good." Qin Fei patted Mister on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Mistor was stunned, and suddenly remembered that he still hadn't asked Qin Fei and Alexandrkovich what they were talking about.

"Damn it!"

He patted his forehead and cursed himself.

Picking up the simple luggage, Mister walked out of the gate of the command center. It was snowing outside, and he shrank his neck.

An FSB agent came up, lifted his luggage and placed it in an SUV.

"Which airport are we going to?" Mister took out a pack of cigarettes, tapped one, and snorted, and asked the agent.

The agent said loudly: "Go to Grozny, there is an air force airport, there will be a private jet waiting for you there, within two hours you can be sent to Georgia’s Tskhinvali Airport, where there will be a Georgian military intelligence department. Someone picks up the machine."

Soon, Michel and MI17 intelligence analysis officer Lilith also appeared outside the gate. The three got into the SUV and a special agent was responsible for driving. They were soon sent to the airport and boarded the private plane. .

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