Absolute Honor

Chapter 1268: Visitor


Bavsky turned around, walked towards a middle-aged man surrounded by a few big beards, and opened his arms.

"Ramzan!" The bearded Petrov also opened his arms.

The two embraced, touched each other's cheeks, and said a greeting to each other.

"Has everything arrived?" Pavsky asked, loosening his arms.

"It's all done, it's over there." Petrov the beard pointed to the distance.

Qin Fei looked in the direction he was pointing. It was a railroad track. At the end of the railroad track was a tunnel-like building, but judging from the rusty surface, it seemed that it had not been used for a long time.

He turned his head and looked for the special architectural mark of this place.

Wherever he looked, he found that Bavsky was very honest.

This is indeed an abandoned steel mill.

There are Soviet architectural style workshops in the 1960s and 1970s of the former Soviet Union everywhere. This style is not unfamiliar to Qin Fei, because there are many such outdated buildings in China, which are the mark of the times.

There are also all kinds of messy equipment and steel frames that are almost invisible in their original colors. Qin Fei can't even tell what they are used for. There are also two towering cooling towers that can be seen more than 300 meters away from him. Tower, there is a good sniper position.

If you are arranging defenses yourself, the top of the tower is a good choice.

Of course, a clever person like Baskif will definitely set up a sentry there, at least able to control the sight range of almost one kilometer around.

The entire steel plant was surrounded by woodland, but at this time it was already covered with white snow. Only the poplars with all their leaves and the pine trees with some branches and leaves were covered with a silver makeup.

This trading point was chosen very well, at least on those high towers, everything within a kilometer range can be seen with naked eyes. If there is a telescope, the control distance will reach a range of several kilometers.

Sure enough, he is a war veteran.

It seems that Baskif has already prepared for a surprise attack by a small unit with special forces, and has considered the issue of vigilance.

To sneak into here now, I am afraid that the difficulty is not normal, and the probability of avoiding the surveillance of the sentinels arranged around is probably very low, even the top special forces can't do it.

The ground attack is afraid that it will be blocked before it enters the five-kilometer radius of the steel mill, and the people in the steel mill have enough time and opportunity to evacuate.

Baskiv must have reserved an evacuation channel, and Qin Fei didn't know what it was.

The only way is air raids, so that the ground sentries and patrols can be cleared as quickly as possible, and then the transport plane can be roped down to the target area.

It's just that Baskif has the latest model of the "Stinger" missile in his hands, and he can't dodge an air raid by helicopter. If there is any mistake, the entire army may be wiped out.

This old fox.

Qin Fei sneered in his heart, and continued to turn his neck, scanning everything around him.

Judging from the faded red five stars on the round iron arches in the distance, it seems that it was once a state-owned steel mill.

But that has been a long time ago, and now it seems that production here has been discontinued, and there is no steel to make.

As for the tunnel, Qin Fei felt that there was a lot of articles in it.

Maybe Baskif's back is here, if he is himself, maybe he will choose here as a means of evacuation.

No one knows where this tunnel leads.

In the event of a surprise attack, the Russian Army, Air Force and Special Forces will enclose the surroundings in iron barrels, and even if they cannot attack, they will not let the people inside go out.

So, the only way to go is here.

Even if FSB agents can obtain the drawings of the tunnel, after so many years, who guarantees that the tunnel has not been redeveloped? It is not difficult for an illegal armed leader with sufficient funds to dig a secret passage for escape use.

He retracted his gaze and turned to Baskiv, who was having a lively chat with his bearded friend Petrov.

"Oh! I know you are reliable, and everything can rely on you."

Hearing Petrov said that all the goods were arranged properly, Baskiv seemed very satisfied, and once again embraced his old friend.

Immediately he asked about the security situation here.

"My people have been armed around just now, but I still don’t rest assured, my old friend, today’s transaction is very important and very dangerous. It is related to your and my life, so I have to ask one more question. You did it nearby. Clear it?"

"No problem. Since last night, I have sent people to search all the forests and places where people can hide within five kilometers. They dig three feet of land. Now there are at least one hundred people on the periphery of the steel mill. When you are in charge of patrols, if you add yours, I am afraid that you have reached a full-loaded reinforced company. Don't worry!"

Petrov patted his chest and promised: "For this transaction, I have used all the personnel I can use."

He looked around, curled his lips and joked: "Even I asked my men to bring relatives whom I can trust."

Baskiv frowned and glanced around.

As Petrov said, Petrov’s men are everywhere in the sight, all of them are hung with old-fashioned bullet belts and carry a variety of different guns. It is a hodgepodge~www.wuxiaspot .com~ What AK47, R4 assault rifle and M4 are available.

For so many years, as Baskiv's most trusted partner in Karabel, Petrov is the most capable assistant, and he is also the one who keeps his secrets best.

In the past, Khasayev was asked to do many things. In fact, Petrov, who is a businessman on the surface, has the ability to handle borders as well as the fruit merchant Hasayev.

Just to protect Petrov, Pavsky has always tried to avoid involving him too much in dangerous tasks.

But this time, it was the good steel that was used on the blade, which made the Petrov chess piece used.

Suddenly there was a calling sound from the intercom.

Petrov picked up the walkie-talkie and had a conversation with the men inside.

"Boss, a convoy is entering the alert area under our control."

"Is it an army or an agent?" Petrov asked cautiously.

"It's not like, they drive a Land Rover SUV, there are as many as eight cars."

"Stop it."

As he was talking, the phone in Bavsky's pocket rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Kawasaki Ryuichi's number.

"Mr. Chuan Qi, I'm already at the transaction point, the time is almost up." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "I haven't seen where you are yet."

"My convoy is entering your alert area, please let your people go immediately and don't act hostile to us."

"That eight-car Land Rover team is yours?"

"Yes, I'm in the car."

"Where is Mr. Fan?"


"OK!" Baschief cut off the phone and said to Petrov next to him: "It's the guests, tell them not to shoot. Check and send the photo to confirm. Let me see if it's the one I'm waiting for."

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