Absolute Honor

Chapter 1272: Lion mouth

"I think you and I are not the same." Baskif walked around Fan Tianlong and Kawasaki Takashi while saying: "Your vision is the whole world, I don't have such a big appetite, I It's just a general of the terrapin who was chased by the Russians in the North Caucasus--"

He raised his finger and yanked hard in the air.

"For this, I am very self-aware. My purpose is also very simple. To force Moscow to the negotiating table, I am not going to burn with them. Therefore, I need the recognition of the international community rather than being rejected by them. I won’t make the mistakes of my boss in the Beslan incident again, and I don’t want to be on the blacklist of all countries’ counter-terrorism."

"Why go around in circles and speak straight, General." Fan Tianlong slowly turned around and looked at the talkative general in front of him.

"So, I think this is our first and last cooperation." Baschief's face sank. "I want to draw a line with you after this incident. You are you and we are us. "

"No problem, if that's the case, I can pay the money in one lump sum as soon as I get a safe place. You go to your sunny road, I go to my single-plank bridge, let's clean it up."

"No, no, I want more than just money." Baschief shook his head and said, "Before cooperating with you, although my life was not rich, it could be maintained. I chose to work with you, but I didn’t like it. The money in your pocket is the technology of the XS explosive project."

"I understand." Takashi Kawasaki smiled on the sidelines: "You want to make a new start by yourself."

"Is there a problem?" Baschief admitted frankly, "Who doesn't want to do it? I don't want to be controlled by you forever. I have to buy XS explosives from you. This explosive is very suitable for my organization, so I would rather Don’t end the 50 million dollars, I just want you to provide me with technology and equipment."

"Hahahahaha!" Kawasaki Ryuuji laughed and bent down.

The surrounding soldiers and bodyguards were a little nervous, and the muzzle was raised again.

"You're so cute, General." It took more than ten seconds for Kawasaki Takaichi to stop his laughter. "Do you think you are buying groceries in the supermarket now? Pick and choose to take advantage? You know the XS gel explosives. Where did you come from? Do you know how much work it took us to get the technical formula? Do you know how many years it took us to collect technical talents? Just hand over to you? Oh! General, allow me to say something excessive— —"

He arrogantly raised his finger, pressed it on his temple and turned it.

"Are you crazy!? Or when we are stupid?!"

Baskiv's face suddenly sank again, almost as black as the bottom of the pot.

"If it doesn't work, our transaction will stop here, and everything will be cancelled!" Baskif waved his hand and turned and left with his guard.

"Wait!" Ryu Kawasaki shouted loudly: "You can go, and our cooperation can be terminated, but our goods must be handed over. Don't think that the Quds Army can be threatened. Although this is the territory of your Caucasian fighters, But our Holy City Army is not to be slaughtered and dare not say anything!"

The muzzles of the bodyguards and soldiers of both sides were suddenly raised, and they were aimed at each other.

"Do you know how many of my people are here?"

Baskiv stared at Kawasaki Ryuichi with a cold face, as if he wanted to swallow him raw.

"Do you think you can go out alive if you use force with me?"

"Hahahaha!" Kawasaki Ryuichi smiled again and bent over. "Who said I thought I could leave alive? I don't care if I can leave alive. What I care about is whether I can drag you to the bottom."

The air was full of the smell of gunpowder. Although it was a big winter, everyone still felt hot and unbearable. Sweat leaked from the hairline of everyone present and slowly dripped down their cheeks.

As Baskif said, this is indeed his turf.

But the gun is not long-eyed. At present, in the center of the steel mill, only the dozens of people from both sides are facing the dozens of people. In this small area, the power is absolutely equal.

Once the fire was opened, 80% of the people would immediately lie down under the gun.

Baskif and Kawasaki Takashi had more contact than Fan Tianlong, but it was the first time that he saw the other side of Kawasaki Takaichi's bad life. As the rumors said, this guy was simply a desperate guy.

It’s no wonder that he was born in a gangster family, grabbed guns at a few years old, and started killing people in his teenage years. By the time he was a teenager, he was already a small gang leader and had an amazingly high IQ.

Such people are often the easiest to go to extremes.


Fan Tianlong made a stop between the two sides.

"All put down their guns."

No one moved.

"I said, all-put-down-the gun!" He said word by word: "Unless today, everyone doesn't want to leave alive."

Kawasaki Ryuichi first lowered his muzzle and turned his head to signal to his men. The bodyguards also slowly pointed the muzzle slightly to the ground to show back.

Baskiv is not really afraid of death.

Especially dying here is absolutely useless and not worthwhile at all.

Since the situation is turning around, he will certainly hold on to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ listening to Mr. Fan, and put down his gun. "

Looking back, he conveyed orders to Petrov and his men in Russian.

The smell of gunpowder finally dissipated, and everyone returned to the slightly relaxed atmosphere before.

"General, I have a proposal." He said, "If you help me find a suitable place to put my equipment and provide effective protection, half a year later--"

He raised a finger and put it in front of him.

"After half a year, how about I can transfer technology?"

Baskiv asked immediately: "What about the first half of the year? What about the XS explosives I need to use?"

"I can give you 10 tons of XS explosives at one time, enough for you to use for half a year. During this half a year, neither you nor I will be in contact. After half a year, you will send someone to me to take away the technical formula. You are worried that you will burn your body with us. This is the best guarantee for you, but if you want me to provide the formula now, it is impossible. No one knows if you will turn your face and deny you after you get the technical formula. I must also guarantee it. My own interests."

Fan Tianlong's tone was full of unquestionable tone.

"If you do not agree to this condition, then I will take away my people and equipment immediately, but you must hand them over to me immediately, otherwise you and I will fight to the death here. I have twelve points of confidence in my abilities, General , In battle, you definitely won't survive for five minutes."

Baskiv's face was blue and white, and various thoughts rolled in his chest.

He must make a deliberate choice to avoid shopping.

"OK, I promise your terms!"

To show his sincerity, Baskiv turned and waved to his guards and Petrov and others.

"Put down the guns, don't be hostile, Mr. Fan and I are friends."

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