Absolute Honor

Chapter 129: Opportunity in exchange for life

"When I was a kid, I tried an accident and almost died." Xu Wu stared at the original place without moving, as if he had penetrated some space and returned to his memory. After a few minutes, he said, "My hometown." There is a well, which is a dry well. The children in the village like to go there to play. I was very unlucky one time. When I was five years old, I accidentally fell into the well when I was playing by the well. At that time, I could only say The sky shouldn't, it's called the earth's unsound to describe it."

"At the bottom of the well, I was sleepy for more than ten hours until my parents found out that I hadn't been home since the day. This motivated the people in the village to come out and look for me. When they found me in the dry well At that time, I was already collapsed, because of fear and because of hunger."

   Qin Fei listened quietly, Xu Wu's personal experience must be related to his later story.

   Childhood, if you suffer from Xu Wu's experience, it may be a fatal blow to the soul.

   "Fortunately, I recovered very quickly without any major problems. A few days later, I was alive and kicking again, and things seemed to be over."

   He shook his head with a wry smile.

   "Until high school, once I went to the city with my father to do errands and went to a building. That was the first time I took an elevator. It was also this time that I realized that I was a little different from ordinary people..."

"When I walked into the elevator for the first time, I felt like I was sweating all over, and my heartbeat accelerated, as if the walls of the elevator were squeezing towards me. The moment the elevator doors closed, I collapsed and I felt breathing I couldn't continue. People were going to suffocate. I was arguing in the elevator and almost cried."

   Qin Fei blurted out: "Did you have been frightened in a well when you were a child, and developed claustrophobia?"

   Xu Wu nodded: "Yes, my father took me to the doctor later, and I heard this word from the doctor for the first time."

After a pause, Xu Wu said again: "However, my father was relieved, and I didn't take it to heart. After all, my claustrophobia is not serious. Unless I go to a confined space, I don't usually have it. What was the problem, so I didn’t take it to heart. Anyway, there are no elevators in the countryside. I never thought about going to work in a big city, so I just ignored it.”

   Qin Fei seemed to understand in his heart that Xu Wu's elimination might be directly related to this mental illness.

   But now in the submarine, why is he okay?

   "Old Xu, your illness..."

   "Did you mean now? Why are you all right in the submarine?"

   Qin Fei said: "Yes, if you are uncomfortable in the elevator, then you will never be able to stay in the submarine, but I think you are fine."

"Let's talk about why I can participate in the second selection." Xu Wu said: "I participated in the selection training for the first time. He Ping passed the test. I was eliminated at this stage. I didn't even dare to board the submarine. ……As soon as I came up, I was very scared, not to mention climbing tube training, I couldn’t even walk. When I was in the brigade, underwater training was not a mandatory subject. The brigade leader felt that I had problems in this regard. , But other places are excellent, so I don’t force me to participate in this kind of training..."

   "That's how you were eliminated back then?" Qin Fei asked.

   Xu Wu nodded and said: "Yes, that's it, I chose to quit and return to the original army."


   "But why are you here again now?"


   "A student who was unsuccessful and mentally ill, it is impossible to have a chance to come back here again." Xu Wu said: "This is the unwritten rule about Unit 203 that I and you just said."

   "What does that rule mean?"

   Xu Wu covered his face in pain, twitched his shoulders a few times, and finally had to take a few deep breaths to stabilize his emotions.

   "The rule is that if a member of Troop 203 sacrifices, the requirements mentioned in his previous will can be met as long as they are not excessive..."

   Qin Fei's heart was shocked. He seemed to have guessed something, but he didn't want to say it.

   "He Ping sacrificed in a mission. In his will, there was a special note that asked the troops to give me a second chance. He knew that I wanted to join the 203 troops, but he had no chance..."

"When Team Lei found me with this will, I looked at it... I grew up so old and never cried once. When I was young, my dad used a cane to pull me. I never cried. In the army, I eat It took several times as much pain for everyone to win the title of'Tike King'. In order to train to shoot the gun quickly, the skin on my tiger's mouth was worn off. I didn't cry. The military area competition, I applied tactics to take the first place. One, no one knew that I had worn out 7 sets of camouflage uniforms, my elbows and knees were worn out, and I did not cry; I was holding He Ping’s suicide note that day, and I cried for a whole day...My good comrade... …My stupid comrade-in-arms… He didn’t make any demands for himself, but he asked Troop 203 to open the back door for me once, so that I had a second chance to run for the election…"

   Xu Wu couldn't control his emotions anymore, so he covered his face and started sobbing.

   Qin Fei's throat seemed to be blocked with a piece of lead, uncomfortably uncomfortable, and the corners of his eyes were already wet without knowing it.

   Xu Wu did not describe the comradeship between him and He Ping, but just by looking at this article in He Ping’s will, you can know how deep the relationship between the two is.

   Between them is the kind of real life-and-death relationship, no need to say more, just keep it in my heart. I trust you as if I trust my own hands; I care about you as if I care about my own life; if you live well, I feel that everything in the world is beautiful.


   Qin Fei cursed himself secretly. Originally, he felt that after experiencing his father's things, he had enough emotional resistance to resist, but he did not expect Xu Wu's story to defeat his defense in an instant.

   "Old Xu, don't be sad. I don't think you will let He Ping disappointed. Now you have not reached this level? Besides, you are in a submarine, aren't you okay?"

"In order to be worthy of He Ping, I ordered myself to overcome this phobia and break this psychological barrier. After Lei team left, I began to train myself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't need any psychologists, I told myself Since He Ping used his life to give me a chance, then even if I didn’t want my life, I had to take the disease to the customer service, let alone any **** mental illness, even if He Ping made me immortal, I have to live desperately! "

   "Old Xu! You must do it!"

   "Now it seems that getting into the submarine is no problem."

'Xu Wu said: "It took me a year to let my comrades in the team lock me in a small private room in the middle of the night. From there, the space was reduced to the tunnels we used for training, those narrow tunnels. , I specially made two iron doors, let people shut me in when I was fine, I stayed for a whole day, and finally let people shut them in the big iron box for equipment, no matter how I shouted, I would never give it to me. Open the door, it won't open until one point."

   "It seems to be very effective now," Qin Fei said.

Xu Wudao: "For the time being, it looks like this, but the day after tomorrow’s pipe climbing training, I’ve always had no idea. You must know that the pipe climbing must be at least 30 meters underwater. Maybe the standard of the 203 unit is higher. The pipe is 8 meters wide. It’s only 533 mm, with a diving suit on his back. It’s a long process to climb out of there. You can only move forward with the torpedo tube wall a little bit. Under water, the terrible silence is not comparable on land. ..."

   He sighed and wiped some tears from the corners of his eyes.

   "What I am most worried about is that I can't climb the pipe when I come in... The Thunder team also talked to me in private. He said that in my situation, the risk would be great and maybe it would be fatal..."

   "Then how do you decide?" Qin Fei asked.

"I told him, you want me to live and die anything, but if you want me to give up, I only have two words-never! I die, I must die on the training ground! Otherwise, even if I go to Huangquan, I will have no face. See He Ping!"

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