Absolute Honor

Chapter 133: Write a suicide note

  The information is available, everyone opens the first page.

  I saw a photo of a foreign woman, who looked a bit of Eastern European descent, with blond hair and blue eyes, with a high nose.

   The target is actually an extremely beautiful foreign beauty.

   Everyone looked up and looked at Thunder in wonder, wondering what the task was.

  Thunder will dim the light and turn on the projection.

"Natasha Lyudmila, female, 28 years old, nicknamed the Dark Angel. Father Andre Lyudmila, a Chechen terrorist tycoon, disappeared after the war, and there is intelligence that has been hiding in Eastern Europe. We are outside our borders. The intelligence personnel of ”sent back a message two days ago, saying that the dark angel had arrived in a small town on the border of Country J outside the northwest of China and planned to meet with the head of a certain organization that has been engaged in separatist activities. According to the information provided by the counter-terrorism department, we have reason. I believe that Natasha will trade with the head of the organization, Khalick, and I believe it will be a group of powerful Soviet-made munitions."

  Everyone listened quietly, and never looked at Natasha's profile again.

"Originally, this matter was taken care of by the comrades of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, but because their transaction location is outside the border, the country J’s counter-terrorism department was notified that the fighter plane might be delayed. Due to diplomatic reasons, the national counter-terrorism force is inconvenient to go out of the country for combat, but if they wait for them to complete the transaction. If we strengthen our defenses later, we will always be in a passive situation."

   Thunder glanced at everyone, his eyes sharp as an eagle.

   "The order I received is to use you in this special combat unit to sneak into the country and carry out raids. The primary purpose is to destroy the traded arms, kill Harik, collect personal information, and capture Natasha alive."

"The destination of this operation is 20 kilometers away from the border. The Il Transport will fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters above the border airspace, and then take the HAHO mode to parachute. You will be guided by the Beidou system to land in the designated area, and then our Foreign intelligence personnel will assist you to perform tasks at the trading location."

   "After completing the mission, you must arrive at the designated evacuation site within an hour. The air force brothers will fly through the border with a helicopter at low altitude and then pick you up."

   Everyone can't help but be stunned. Although they used to serve in special forces, this kind of cross-border operation sounds like a heavenly book.

"I will lead the team personally for this operation. The action plan will be sent to everyone in half an hour. Due to the nature of the problem, I emphasize discipline again here. All actions will not be recognized. If you are captured, you will definitely not recognize your own. Identity, and you really don’t have any identity. Your files have been completely sealed since you participated in the training."

   Lei Ming turned his head and said to Chen Kefan: "Take them to the gun store to collect equipment. A helicopter will pick us up to the airport in half an hour. You must arrive at the border before 2 o'clock in the morning tonight."

   "Stand up!" Chen Kefan stood up and shouted.

   Eight students who hadn't reacted to stand up.

  Leiming picked up the information and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly he thought of something, and turned to Chen Kefan and ordered: "Yes, give them paper, pen and envelopes. Let them make the final preparations here."

   Everyone is even more wondering, what do you want this for?

   Lei Mingmu said expressionlessly: "Writing a suicide note, if there is anything, you want to tell someone, you can write it down now."

   Everyone was taken aback again, a kind of tragic emotion suddenly came.

   After the thunder disappeared outside the briefing room, everyone finally reacted slowly. This action may be in danger of death at any time.

"From now on, everyone will write a suicide note immediately and hand it over to me for safekeeping. After that, I will take everyone to the armory to collect weapons and necessary supplies. Before the action, no one can communicate with the outside world. You must go to the toilet with one person. If the group supervises each other, if there is a violation of discipline, I will send you to a military court!"

   Everyone's hearts stopped again.

   Letter paper, pen, and a kraft envelope were quickly sent to everyone.

  Chen Kefan looked at his watch: "Fifteen minutes, write it. If you want to smoke, find me. I have a cigarette here."

   He turned around and walked to the door, moved a stool to sit down, and lit a cigarette.

   The atmosphere in the room is particularly solemn.

   This is the first time that Qin Fei has written a suicide note.

   Or in other words, in the previous twenty years of his career, I had never thought about the two words "suicide note". They are distant words and do not belong to young people like him.

   wrote "Mom" on the letterhead, but stopped.

   He really doesn't know how to speak. If he is really killed this time, how can a letter comfort his mother?

   The father is already like this. If the only son has another accident, can his mother Liang Shaoqin withstand the blow?

   "Report! Instructor Chen!" he stood up and shouted.


   Chen Kefan turned his head and took the smoky **** from his mouth.

   "I want a cigarette!"

   Chen Kefan got up and walked to Qin Fei's side, scanning his letter paper.

   "Here!" He took out a piece of Hongta Mountain, handed it to Qin Fei, and lit it for him.

"I don't know how to write? It's actually very easy. Just say whatever you want. Once you sacrifice, you have to make those who love yourself less sad, so that they can live strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is you The first time you write a suicide note, you will gradually get used to it, and then you will choose to write a suicide note at a time without rewriting it again. This is the difference between a veteran and a rookie..."

   finished speaking, and walked away.

   In the briefing room, it was quiet and terrifying, and the sound of the needle falling on the ground could be heard clearly, only the sound of writing with the pen tip falling on it.

   The first mission.

   Qin Fei was both excited and excited, and finally he was one step closer to joining the 203 troop.

   After fifteen minutes, eight suicide notes were handed over to Chen Kefan.

   Everyone followed Chen Kefan out of the briefing room, turned to the northeast corner of the 203 training base, entered from a house, walked through an underground passage, and entered the base's arsenal.

   This is the first time everyone has entered here.

   When the whole picture of the arsenal was shown in front of everyone, most of them couldn't help but exclaim.


  In front of them, this is not an arsenal in the traditional impression at all, but a world-class munitions fair.

From the American system to the Soviet system, and even the European system and the South African system, some equipment that is only seen in weapons magazines are neatly stacked on the wall here. All kinds of light and heavy firearms, from automatic rifles to pistols, light machine guns, Individual anti-tank weapons, landmine grenades with various functions, and electronic warfare equipment are all missing, with a wide variety and completeness, enough to equip a brigade of soldiers.

   "Take your lungs--" The singer rubbed his eyes, "I'm not dreaming! This...this is too fucking!"

Chen Kefan looked at a group of students who had never seen the world, and smiled: "Due to the special nature of the mission, you cannot use our army’s standard weapons. You can choose the weapons here. You have ten minutes to adjust the gun. There is a shooting next door. You can go there and finish it."

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