Absolute Honor

Chapter 138: Time is running out

Most of the bodyguards brought by Natasha have extremely rich practical experience.

Several of them were born in the Chechen rebels and even participated in the famous Battle of Grozny Meat Grinder. They can be said to have come out of hell.

"The opponent is not easy." Lei Ming said: "You must remember that veterans who have participated in actual combat may not have received system training like yours, but actual combat experience will always be a rare asset. This is why I want to The reason why you are fighting for more actual combat experience is that special forces are not made by training, but by killing and fighting."

"Instructor Lei, now there are so many people on the first floor, what should we do?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking: "It is impossible to complete the entry silently."

"How many targets can you hit in a second with your highest record? During training?" Lei Ming asked.

"If you shoot at close range, you can be conservative with two." Qin Fei said.

Lei Ming pointed to the direction of Xiaobailou, "Now 8 of the 12 bodyguards are left outside, and 4 for the front and rear doors have been added. That is to say, each of our team members dealt with 6 at the same time. The gate they defend is only 20 meters away. In other words, if you shoot two people at a distance of 20 meters, can you kill them in one shot?"

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"If you feel that you can't do it, you can withdraw, I'll be replaced, you will be a sniper or fire support, I will let Liu Feilong or Xu Wu on, Xu Wu must be no problem." Lei Ming was not polite, and turned to Liu Feilong. : "Big Worm, how about you?"

"I can." Liu Feilong said: "When the original army was training, my shooting subject scores were very stable."

Lei Ming stared at Qin Fei and said, "Do you need me to change?"

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I think I can try it."

"The 203 troops don't have the words'try', so you can do it, but you can't do it if you don't." Lei Ming said: "We are a surprise attack, and those people are caught off guard. If you can't handle this, then you must be eliminated. Hurt self and others."

"I can do it!" Qin Fei was aroused by the thunder and his eagerness to win, "I can do it!"

"Well, what I want is your confidence." Lei Ming said: "I will be with you. If you miss, I will fill you up, but I will record your performance in the training file."

He raised his index finger and tapped Qin Fei in the air: "Remember what I said, I will stare at you."

After speaking, Lei Ming looked at his watch, then picked up the binoculars to observe.

Arms that did not appear on time are the biggest obstacle to fetters.

Xu Wu pulled Qin Fei aside and asked quietly, "Boy, I have confidence in you. I pay attention to you in my shooting training. Two targets in 1 second are no problem. AKM’s burst shooting is very stable. Remember, in this way In terms of distance, if you are not sure, there is no need to emphasize that a shot hits the center of your eyebrows. You can hit the chest directly. If you are hit by a 7.62 bullet at close range, you will lose resistance for a short time even if you wear a body armor. You can even faint. You can make up your gun. ."

Qin Fei nodded. Xu Wu was known as the "Tunker King" in the army. In the entire squad, no one was his opponent except for the unfathomable thunder.

"Remember my words, don't think that they are veterans and there is psychological pressure. In a surprise attack, one side is prepared and the other side is passively defensive, always taking the initiative to take advantage of the attack, you just treat them as paper people."

Qin Fei nodded again.

Lei Ming put down his binoculars, shook his head and said: "Can't wait any longer, the night is long and dreamy."

Turning around and said to Xu Wu: "We are going to take action. You and the bug will choose a good position immediately, and we will do it when we touch it in. The singer, the person on the top of the building will leave it to you, and Xu Wu will be responsible for the observation. Once it was resolved, we started to rush the front and rear doors, and then Wang Kai's second group went upstairs, and my group was downstairs, waiting for my order to attack at the same time, hitting him on the tail."

"Remember!" He emphasized again: "The best result of this action is to be silent. Try not to let the opponent fire a shot. From beginning to end, they will not have a chance to react!"


Everyone nodded.

A cold wind came.

On the roof of Xiaobailou, the guard with an AK47 automatic rifle on his chest shrank his neck.

"Damn weather!"

He cursed in a low voice, raised his collar, shook his body, and added a little warmth to himself.

Sticking out his head from the roof guardrail, he glanced at the street downstairs. Several off-road vehicles were parked there, and his brother was surrounded by a few tall and bearded bodyguards patrolling.


He has no good feelings for these fierce guys. These guys came once a month ago and talked with his leader for a long time. When he left, he followed behind the leader and accidentally stepped on a guy’s foot. The man picked it up like a chicken and barked at him like a rabies dog.

These are rude people and rude.

The guard felt that he was more gentle than them, although he had forgotten that he was also an extremist.

Kneeling down, he looked around cautiously, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and then placed it cautiously, taking a few puffs greedily, acting like a thief.

Smoking is a seldom thing for him. If he is seen by the leader Harik, he will slap himself harshly.


Experiencing a cigarette addiction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A small stone hit the edge of the concrete fence, bounced, and landed in front of the guard.


His first reaction was that a neighbor's kid was playing a prank, throwing stones here, and then suddenly reacted that the urchins in the neighbor's house had already fallen asleep at midnight.

Dropping the cigarette butt, he stood up abruptly, leaned out, and placed his hand on the gun subconsciously.

After watching for a long time, nothing happened.

Maybe he is nervous, maybe the brother below is boring and deliberately fooling himself.

He put down the gun, and suddenly pity the cigarette that only took a few puffs.

His gaze fell on the cigarette butt, he was hesitant to pick it up and click on it, that would at least make him feel better.

After making up his mind, just after taking a step, there was a low sound of breaking through the air.

Very small voice.


He felt a sharp sting in the back of his head, and then something protruded from his forehead, as if it had a horn.

Before his consciousness was completely lost, the guard even reached out and touched the "horn".

What I felt was a sharp cluster of arrows.

Like a crashed computer, he was weak, fell limp to the ground, twitching constantly on the ground.

He wanted to call for help, but the crossbow arrow was shot in a very precise position. It has penetrated the entire brain tissue, including the brain stem that maintains the life of the individual, including important physiological functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion.

Everything is in vain.

After struggling for a while, the guard finally let out his last breath slowly and hung up.

The voice of the singer came from the communication channel: "The second group report, the guard on the roof has been resolved."


Lei Ming gestured towards the person behind him, "Listen to my orders and prepare to attack."

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