Absolute Honor

Chapter 148: Return to Stova

Qin Fei stood there, staring blankly at Il 76's direction.

This is the first time he has seen the Fulton recovery system with his own eyes.

Suddenly remembered that in fact, Gao Ming is worthy of Natasha, although the girl was tortured in the car just now, so he gave her an anesthetic injection and made her fall asleep.

Otherwise, when the hook of the transport plane jams the nylon rope and pulls up the person, the maximum g-number can go to 6. Without special training, it is estimated that Natasha will be scared to pee her pants.

"Qin Fei, what else are you watching there! Get in the car!"

Lei Ming still yelled at his men unceremoniously.

Qin Fei hurriedly jumped into the pickup truck, and everyone began to check their equipment and prepare for a surprise attack.

Lei Ming sat in the back seat and asked Gao Ming, "Has all the collected intelligence been placed on Natasha?"

"Well, they are all tied into the accessory bag of the flight suit. It is estimated that they have already flown back to our country with the plane at this time." Gao Ming said in a deep voice.

Lei Ming opened the rear window and said to the people in the carriage: "Everyone must cheer up, move fast and don’t need to leave any life. I believe this raid task is very simple for you. Once the guards are established, immediately Blow up those two vehicles directly, and you cannot let him fall into the hands of any extremist organization, otherwise it will threaten the security of our border cities."

"Understood! Instructor!" everyone replied in unison.

"Singer, you are responsible for blasting."

"Instructor Lei, please put 10,000 minds. I can explode what Zhong Zhentao exploded. I can explode it as I want it to explode. I want it to explode whenever I want it to explode. I'm sure it won't be left to them at all."

The singer held the steering wheel without answering his head, and blew his whistle after speaking.

Lei Ming thought for a while and said to Gao Ming: "If you find that there is really octanitrocube in the car later, you will immediately take a little sample and bring it back to the intelligence team for analysis to see if you can find the place of origin."

"Understood." Gao Ming said: "These extremists are really getting crazy. Octanitro cubane can easily be made into underwear bombs. According to the information I have, US airports have tried to intercept a case of octanitro. The cubane underwear bomb was stuffed into a bra by extremists, and even the security inspection equipment could not identify it, which is extremely harmful."

According to Natasha’s confession, the place where the arms are hidden is not far from the town of Štuva.

From this arrangement, it can be seen that Natasha and Harlick had a deal for the first time, and they did not trust each other very much.

In the face of Harlick, Natasha obviously kept a hand, and first took the bodyguard to the meeting, and only after the negotiation was made, the money was handed over.

According to Natasha, two vehicles full of munitions were parked on the edge of a certain section of the road, only a dozen kilometers away from the town.

Lei Ming marked a new route on the map, parked the pickup on a hillside near the highway, and then led the team to climb to the top, searching for vehicles from a high altitude.

However, things seem not as simple as everyone thinks.

After observing on the top of the mountain for a long time, no trace of any vehicle was found.

The car full of arms in Natasha's mouth was gone, gone.

"What's the matter?" Lei Ming put down the observation mirror, "There is no one nearby."

"Did Natasha give us false information? This girl lied!" Xu Wu said.

Gao Ming shook his head: "Impossible, I can be sure that she is telling the truth."

"Gao Ming, if Natasha had received counter-interrogation training, things might be different." Hu Yong, who rarely spoke in the past, couldn't help but speak again this time. "You know, many of the Chechen rebels were former Soviet special forces. Retired from here, Natasha is the daughter of the terrifying leader. No one knows what she learned under her father’s hands."

"Then now, should I contact the Air Force immediately and ask the people on the transport plane to interrogate Natasha?" Qin Fei said, "Maybe it's too late!"

"It's too late." Lei Ming looked at his watch, "Time is not allowed."

Gao Ming gritted his teeth and affirmed: "I believe in my interrogation methods. I think Natasha is telling the truth."

The singer said: "Or, let's go down and take a look, maybe we can find some clues."

Everyone thinks what the singer said is reasonable. If Natasha is telling the truth and the car has indeed stopped here, then there must be a trace.

Everyone rushed along the mountain road all the way to the foot of the mountain, ran to the dirt road and scattered to look for clues.

The traces of the vehicle must be confirmed, otherwise it is difficult to make the next judgment.

"Come here and take a look!" Gao Ming squatted by the withered grass on the side of the road, holding something in his hand.

Lei Ming hurried over, under the clever tactical flashlight, holding a packaging box in his hand, as well as a few cigarette butts and a cigarette case.

"What is this stuff?" Qin Fei stared at the green packaging box, "It looks like food for individual soldiers?"

"Yes, it's in Russian, and it says individual rations." Gao Ming touched the sticky food residue in the foil packaging bag with his hand, rubbed it on his fingers, and put the packaging under his nostrils to sniff. He sniffed, "Very fresh, not long after opening the package."

Picked up the cigarette case and cigarette **** again.

"These are all Russian goods, which proves that someone has actually stayed here."

"I found it here too!" Hu Yong squatted on the road and greeted everyone. "Come and see."

He squatted on the ground, where the flashlight was full of wheel marks.

"It's the wheel prints of a heavy truck. Obviously they turned around here, so the traces left are obvious. Also look at these footprints..."

He pointed to a few footprints and said: "This is obviously the pattern of military boots, which is very different from ordinary shoes. These are non-slip patterns. Judging from the shoe prints, the height of these people is more than 1.8 meters, which is in line with the Chechen rebels. Army-like figure characteristics."

He detached his akm automatic rifle, flashed a flashlight and walked forward along the dirt road, and finally stopped beside a pile of neat footprints.

Place the automatic rifle next to the footprints, measure it, and count the number of footprints within the length of the rifle.

Hu Yong raised his head and said, "Judging by the density of footprints, there is a team of 16 people here, probably under Natasha."

Qin Fei's heart sank, "Could it be that our actions in the small town shocked them, so they thought something was wrong, so they withdrew?"

Squatting on the ground, Qin Fei studied those wheel marks.

After a while, he stood up and said, "I don't think they left, but..."

Qin Fei turned on the GPS, pointed to the town of Shituva and said, "I went to the town of Shituva instead."

"You read that right?" Jin Donghai asked.

Qin Fei said: "They turned their heads. As long as the deal was yellow, the truck would flee, so the front of the car was the opposite of the town of Shituva. Now you see, they turned their heads and the town of Shituva was over there. The traces of the wheels went over there."

Jin Donghai took a deep breath, "Do you want us to go back to Shituva again? Just now we have stabbed the hornet's nest. It is estimated that the armed forces in the entire town are now awake, and they are going to die."


Standing on the side, thunder, frowning and silent, suddenly said: "We can take a gamble."

He squatted down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned on the gps, pointed to the map above and said: "From here to Shituva, you have to pass two mountains with an altitude of 500 meters, both of which are winding roads, and the road conditions are very poor. We started at the evacuation point from the other side, so we did not pass there, and they had to pass there to go to the town of Štuva."

"If two vehicles are loaded with munitions, they will not travel too fast. It is estimated that it will take an hour to drive even more than ten kilometers."

He looked at his watch and looked up at all the players.

"Our pickups are fast and may be able to stop them before they reach the town of Štuva."

Everyone looked at each other, this plan is really risky.

The town of Shituwa has been turned into a pot of porridge before, and now no one knows whether the local armed forces of those tribes will set up cards everywhere to search for themselves.

After finally breaking away, and now going back again, it is equivalent to throwing himself into the net.

"I agree to do it! If we really can't catch up, even if we are unlucky, if we can catch up, we can make the mission the most beautiful!" Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said: "I agree with Instructor Lei's plan!"

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