Absolute Honor

Chapter 150: My brother-in-law is the commander!

Molov was sitting in the back seat of a military jeep, touching the pile of dollar bills with his dirty, slightly drunk saliva, and boasting to Shamili next to him.

"Don't worry, I have the final say in this area! There is no problem if I **** you to the border of H country! Don't be heartbroken with this batch of money. I charge very fair. Look at my brothers. They all have to eat and drink. ..."

Shamili was not in the mood to listen to the fat pig beside him bragging. He picked up the satellite phone and dialed Natasha's number again.

Unfortunately, there is still a busy tone on the other end.

After dialing the phone number of the captain of the bodyguard, it was still the same without any response.

problem occurs.

He could not believe that the 12 bodyguards brought by Natasha were experienced veterans. Most of them were soldiers who crawled out of the dead pile in Grozny, and none of them could escape.

Could it be that the Russian side did it?

After the Chechen War, Shamili followed Andre in exile, evading the pursuit of GRU and the special forces of the signal flag.

The current Russian strongman leaders once publicly declared that forgiving them is a matter of God, and our job is to send them to God.

However, country J has always disliked Russia's intervention in its own country's internal affairs, so it has always refused to send special forces to enter the territory to assassinate terrorists. This is why Natasha dared to bring 12 bodyguards to the town of Stova for trading.

It now appears that perhaps the Russian government finally lost patience with the response of country j and directly dispatched special forces to sneak into the country to perform tasks.

"Petroev, Dzhokhar, pay attention to the surrounding situation, I guess it is Russian special forces..."

People are placed on the roofs of the two Ural trucks, and they wear night vision devices to observe everything around them. Petroyev and Djohar are the guards responsible for the roof guards.

Shamili picked up the walkie-talkie and informed his subordinates.

"Don't worry! Don't be nervous, we are border guards, no one dares to provoke us..." Molov looked at the somewhat nervous Samil and couldn't help but reassure him, "Besides, my brother-in-law is also the commander of the military division. ..."

Shamili did not hear Petroyev and Dzhokhar's response from the walkie-talkie.

"Petroyev, Dzhokhar...please answer when you hear it!"

Still quiet.

Shamil’s heart shook, and he stretched his head to look into the rearview mirror of the off-road vehicle. Under the flickering lights of the car, there seemed to be no one on the roof...

Like a cat whose tail was trampled on, he suddenly yelled: "Stop! Stop! There is an ambush! There is an ambush!"

The car squeaked and stopped on the mountain road. Molov was caught off guard and hit the front seat. The lockbox on his lap rolled to the ground, spilling a car of cash.

"take it easy……"

He was a little annoyed and wanted to reprimand Shamili. Isn't that good? What a sudden nerve! ?

None of the lunatics in Chechnya are normal!

As soon as the car was steady, Shamili pushed the door abruptly, trying to get out of the car.

One foot just stretched out of the car, and suddenly the whole person fell back into the car.


Something shot into the interior panel on the roof of the car.

Something splashed in the cab, and Morov had a sticky face before he knew what had happened.

He touched his face subconsciously, and he touched some soft stuff like tofu. He stretched out his hand and waited in the car to look at it. His hands were full of bright red blood and some gray and white brains.

Looking at Shamili next to him, Molov felt his crotch hot and almost didn't pee.

Half of Shamil’s head was missing, and all his eyeballs popped out of his eye sockets. Only a few nerves and blood vessels were attached. They fell under his knees and dangled, like colored **** on a Christmas tree...

"Oh, God--"

Molov was like a frightened lice, almost jumping three feet, frantically patting the driver's seat in front of him with his fat hand.

"Drive! Drive! Get out of here!"

The driver slammed on the accelerator, the engine rumbled, and the wheels creaked idling on the sand for a few times and rushed forward.


A bullet shot directly into the hood, pierced the iron sheet on the surface, and shot into the engine.


Jet black engine oil sprayed out, directly pasting the windshield into black.

The driver couldn't see the road clearly, and directly hit the soldier in front of him who jumped out of the car to escape. The direction was skewed and hit the rear bumper of the car in front.

Molov's fat head slammed on the front seat once again, and Venus appeared straight up, his tongue was accidentally smashed by his teeth, and his mouth was full of blood, dripping ticking down.

He didn't care so much anymore, the first thing he thought of was the dollar bills.

Now he suddenly realized that he should really lose weight. When he bent down to pick up the dollar bills that had fallen on the ground, the round fat on his stomach made him panting, and it was better to die.

Putting the **** and brain-stained dollar bills back into the suitcase, Molov lay down on the floor like a dog and climbed out of the car.

The gunshots around began to come and go, mixed with a low pounding sound.

Molov was lying on the ground, dragging his suitcase and crawling towards the dirt ditch under the roadside. Through the bottom of the car, he saw several ghost-like figures appearing on the roadside, shooting alternately towards this side. Launch an impact.

One by one, his men and Shamili's fell down, like a stubble of leeks cut by a sickle.

A **** Chechen soldier fell in front of him, his face was facing Molov's face, and one third of the forehead of his head was missing. Molov could even see the pulpy brains in his remnant skull. There are also facial features that are ripped apart like wax people, braving a little bit of heat in the cold early morning temperature.

"Oh! God—"

He screamed again, his three souls and seven souls were scattered, and all of a sudden, feces and urine flew in his crotch.

It must be a special force of the Russian army!

This horrified thought flashed through his mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a thunderbolt that shattered the dark and tranquil sky.

Those lunatics finally got their hands on it, and they even entered the territory of country j directly.

"I surrender! I surrender! Don't kill me! I am Lieutenant Colonel Molov, the commander of the Border Forces, I am an officer, and I am a member of the government of State J! My brother-in-law is a major general of the military division Togorok Kreich Shamei Erkanov! Don't kill me!"

The gunfire soon subsided, and Morov pressed his head to the ground in embarrassment, making his face become ashamed.


The sound of army boots stepping on the sand came towards him.

Someone leaned down and asked in pure Russian: "You say it again, who is your brother-in-law?"

"Major General Togorok Kreich Shamelkanov of the Military Division!"

He closed his eyes tightly, as if standing beside him was not a member of the special forces, but the mythical banshee Medusa who turned into stone at a glance.

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