Absolute Honor

Chapter 153: Alternate evacuation point

J country border, mountainous area.

The Toyota pickup stopped at the foot of a mountain.

The simple houses made up of several broken containers appeared in the sight of everyone.

Qin Fei jumped out of the car and looked at his watch.

5 o'clock in the morning.

"It's safe." Lei Ming jumped out of the car, looked around, walked to the door of the rusty simple house, gently pushed with his hand, the door was not closed, and opened with a creak.

"All come in and have a rest, we want to contact x."

After a night of exhausting fighting, once the tension of the nerves relaxes, the tide rushes in with boredom.

The singer yawned, stretched his waist and said to Qin Fei: "This must be a residence for grazing in winter and summer."

Qin Fei looked at the back of the house, and sure enough, there was a huge sheep pen with some withered grass on the side.

"Go in and have something to eat. It's almost winter, and no herders are here. I've seen around, no one is there."

The singer shrank his neck, rubbed his palms and entered the room.

Qin Fei looked outside and went around the house. There was indeed nothing unusual, so he relaxed and followed everyone into the house.

Lei Ming took the satellite phone and contacted X via a secret line, and asked him to come over immediately to arrange his departure.

The others all found a more comfortable corner in the house, sat down and took out self-heating food for individual soldiers to start replenishing energy.

Qin Fei sat on the icy floor, a heart that was never up and down, like a balloon hanging in the air, the wind whispered outside, and Qin Fei couldn't help but look up from the narrow window every time he blew it.

Lei Ming put away the satellite phone, and when he saw Qin Fei fidgeting, he asked, "What are you doing, sitting on a nail?"

"No..." Qin Fei frowned, and he couldn't tell Lei Gong that he had a bad premonition.

This is just my instinct.

Tonight's mission was successfully completed. Although the trainees were still pre-trained and did not become official members of the 203 unit, at least this time the exam was considered a full score.

Of course, except for his own minor injury.

When I think of injury, there is a dull pain in my waist.

"I will help you look at the wound."

Gao Ming bit a piece of chocolate, swallowed it into his stomach, and leaned over.

Qin Fei took off his equipment, Gao Ming carefully loosened Qin Fei's tactical vest, and lifted the camouflage uniform inside.

Gently peeled off the tape, the cotton inside was already stained with blood, solidified, and the color was dull.

"Fortunately, the wound is not too deep, so you made the cut. Your kid is really fateful. In our team, you have been shot the most, but there is nothing serious about it every time."

After helping Qin Fei change medical cotton and put on new waterproof gauze, Gao Ming sat next to Qin Fei and looked at the roof with a smile, filled with satisfaction.

Qin Fei asked: "Why are you smiling so happily?"

"Aren't you happy?" Gao Ming asked, turning his head. "We may have saved a lot of people tonight. Do you know how dangerous the two vehicles enter the country through our border?"

"I know." Qin Fei nodded, Gao Ming's statement cannot be refuted.

However, he always thinks that Gaoming's performance is unusual, and this guy's usual smile is not like this.

Gao Ming doesn't always keep his face straight, at least he has more talk than Hu Yong's stuffy gourd, and he often laughs, especially with a strange habit. The more tired he is, the more he has to laugh.

Qin Fei asked why this guy is so "perverted". Gao Ming's answer is that laughter is the best way to relax yourself. As a special soldier, to keep smiling in the most difficult state, then at least you can hold on for a while. A chance to survive.

Later Qin Fei took the counter-interrogation theory class, which confirmed Gao Ming's statement.

Once you fall into the hands of the adversary, under extreme torture, the only way you can make yourself hold on for a longer time is to keep your sense of humor, smile more, don’t try to get angry, and don’t resist in hopeless situations, it will be wasted Lose your precious physical strength, once a person's physical strength drops, the will will become weak.

After all, special forces are not supermen in movies. People's will is largely maintained by physical strength. After physical strength is weakened, people will expose more and more loopholes.

Therefore, the revolutionary martyrs who were seen in the movie were tortured with torture and angered the enemy. In fact, it is a kind of irrational performance in modern anti-interrogation. The best way is to save every breath and speak as little as possible. , Can't help but laugh, just laugh.

"Scholar." Qin Fei asked, "Does your kid have something in his heart?"

Gao Ming was taken aback for a moment, and soon returned to normal: "I have something? What can I do?"

Although it was only a small movement, it could not escape Qin Fei's eyes.

"I think you have something, you have something on your mind. If you don't treat me as an outsider, you can tell me that I am a very good listener."

Gao Ming stared at the roof blankly, and suddenly grinned: "Are you nervous, I'm fine."

Looking at his watch, Gao Ming yawned.

"Huh? Why hasn't x come yet?"

Qin Fei only noticed that twenty minutes had passed.

At 5:20, the horizon was a little white.

Looking around, most of the teammates are dozing off. Everyone is taking time to rest. No one knows what kind of route will be arranged to return to the country.

Qin Fei still had a dark cloud in his heart.

He found that Thunder was no longer in the house. He picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it to the other side to awaken Xu Wu, who was closing his eyes and resting.

"Old Xu, wasn't Instructor Lei sitting next to you just now? How about people?"

Xu Wu looked ignorant and looked around and said: "He seemed to say that he would go out and be on guard, let me rest first, and change shifts with him later."

Qin Fei got up from the ground and stretched out his head to look out from the window.

The bitter morning breeze swept the dust on the ground, running around in the open boringly, here and there for a while, occasionally rolling up some dead grass.

There was dead silence everywhere, and there was no thunderous figure.

Qin Fei stood up, fastened his tactical vest, took the gun, and said to Gaoming, "Something is wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Gao Ming asked.

"Instructor Lei seems to be missing." Qin Fei asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, who is he, old fox, are you afraid that he will be bitten by a snake?" Gao Ming disapproved.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "Scholar, I have a bad feeling."

"Premonition?" Gao Ming was stunned.

"Let's go out with me to have a look, I think something is a little bit quiet here." Qin Fei insisted.

Gao Ming thought for a while, picked up his gun, and got up from the ground: "Okay, just for your little intuition, let's go take a look."

When he reached the door, Qin Fei reached out and pulled the door.

Pull it, it didn't open.

Pull it again, but it still doesn't open.

Qin Fei's scalp was suddenly numb.

wrong! Something!

"Be careful! Beware!" he yelled.

However, it seems that things are a bit late.

Two windows in the house were smashed by something at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Something fell into the house.

All eyes fell on the things rolling into the room at the same time.

Qin Fei's heart seemed to fall into a cliff suddenly, and he cursed his mother.

"Oh shit……"

Because what rolled in was a few shocking bullets...

It is shocking bullet again.

Qin Fei felt that he would never want to see this stuff again in his life.




The sound of continuous explosions exploded in the small container house. Everyone had no time to wear helmets and no time to do any protection. The eyes were white and their heads were hit by a heavy hammer.

Qin Fei knelt down suddenly and fainted on the ground.

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