Absolute Honor

Chapter 155: Soldier, are you hungry?

Qin Fei was framed into a closed room.

It was two tall foreigners who supported him. Obviously, this caused Qin Fei's thoughts to be confused again.

He deliberately pretends to be collapsed, so that people can stand him and save a little bit of energy.

Can't be a hero.

Must be submissive.

This is a principle in the counter-trial.

Don't imagine that you are the hero in the movie. You are nothing. In the hands of the enemy, you are a worm, a dog, and a humble animal who is nothing.

Qin Fei kept this in mind.

But one thing made him puzzled and shocked.

Is this really a counter-interrogation?


These are really J country people...

And it's a soldier.

This can be immediately distinguished from their actions.

Regardless of the special forces members of any country, as long as they have served in it, it is as if there is some kind of invisible connection. You look at him, he looks at you, and each other can smell the murderous aura.

What shocked Qin Fei even more was that the guy who got him up in Chinese was a real man with deep eye sockets, big nose and curly hair.

Qin Fei's heart fell into the ice cellar.

Even began to doubt whether this was a counter-interrogation training or was he really captured?

Being dragged to a house, Qin Fei saw the black mirror at first glance.

This is basically the standard configuration of the interrogation room.

He believes that a group of people are standing on the other side of the mirror, and they are studying every expression and subtle movement of themselves by observing and analyzing how to break through themselves.

Typical methods of interrogation.

Not new.

The big-nosed officer who could speak Chinese sat at the other end of the table, raised his chin and gestured to the two men who were holding Qin Fei.

The two cruelly pinned Qin Fei to the opposite chair, and handcuffed his hands with handcuffs.

"My name is Osmonov, the commander of the Second Battalion of the J Army Special Forces." His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he stared at Qin Fei, "Chinese soldier, say your name."

This is a set.

The answer is wrong anyway.

If you answer the name, it is equivalent to acknowledging your identity as a soldier.

Unit 203 is a covert operation. In fact, it has already been granted by recognizing its own identity.

So Qin Fei chose to remain silent.

Seeing that Qin Fei did not answer, Osmonov opened the file folder in front of him and pushed a stack of photos down in front of Qin Fei.

The photo shows the scene of the gun battle in the town of Štuva.

The dead bodies, the off-road vehicle whose frame was left by the bombing, and the Chechen bodyguards in the garbage dump...

"You did all this, right?"

Qin Fei still didn't say a word, but stared directly at Osmonov. Although his gaze was dull, he did not blink.

Osmolov frowned, feeling that the soldier in front of him was not easy to deal with. 24 hours have passed since he was locked in a small black room full of noise, and the young Chinese soldier in front of him behaved so impeccably.

In fact, as long as Qin Fei takes a look at the photos, as long as Qin Fei's expression changes a little bit, as long as Qin Fei speaks, Osmonov can see the clues, and then follow Qin Fei's words to open the chatterbox.

The problem is, if you don't speak, Qin Fei is like a tortoise locked in a hard shell. Even if he is a lion, there is nothing he can do about it.

He must be allowed to speak.

Winked at his subordinates.

Two soldiers with black hoods came up and handcuffed Qin Fei's hands to a chair, and then one of them grabbed Qin Fei's waist.

That is a wound.

Qin Fei felt like high-voltage power passed through his waist, and the uncontrollable pain instantly spread all over his body, blood leaked from the sealed gauze, and the wound was scratched!

He shivered involuntarily.

Osmonov wringed his hands and looked at his subordinates torturing Qin Fei blankly.

"Soldiers, we know everything you have done in our country. As long as you admit that you don’t need to give other testimony, I can make you comfortable. If you want to return to your home country, you can go back and want to stay. Next, I can let you stay, and promise that you won’t be embarrassed, because the soldiers are only executing orders. As a soldier, I sympathize with you and understand you. There is no need to persist. In fact, if you don’t say it, your companion has already spoken. How else would I know that you did these things?"

"Hey Hey……"

Qin Fei suddenly laughed in a low voice, as if he heard some joke, he laughed, and tears were still coming from the corner of his eye.

Osmonov was taken aback, obviously he did not expect Qin Fei to react like this.

In fact, he didn't understand that he had made a mistake, which made Qin Fei find a laugh.

Qin Fei must find a point of laughter and make himself relaxed and humorous.

Osmonov said that he knew everything he and his teammates did, but all he showed himself was the shooting scene in the town of Štuva. In other words, they didn’t even know that it was actually more than 20 kilometers away. Another small-scale gunfight that took place on the mountain road was actually a masterpiece of the 203 squad.

Qin Fei immediately imagined in his mind how the fat Molov explained all this to his superiors when he went back, how to brag about his bravery, and then turned around and shared the colorful beauty with his subordinates. Banknotes.

This is really a big joke.

Army special forces?

It's just a bunch of pigs.

You don’t know anything!

Qin Fei warned himself like this in his heart, Osmonov said so, and from another negative proof that his teammate hadn't spoken at all, but here he threatened himself solemnly, telling his teammate had succumbed, and spoke.

A joke, really a joke.

Qin Fei kept making himself relaxed, which was an extreme hypnosis.

Since you can't escape, then have some fun for yourself.

Osmolov saw the blood dripping from Qin Fei's waist and wet his pants, but he still smiled like that neurotic, and suddenly felt a little frustrated.

"Let him go."

Knowing that using a strong force is not enough, these soldiers probably have received strict training, and the pain can be overcome for them, and there is no great effect at all.

He decided not to be in a hurry to force Qin Fei to speak today, anyway, time is in his own hands, and the initiative is also in his hands. For Qin Fei to speak, he must first defeat his will and exhaust his physical strength.

Pressing the call button on the desk, Osmonov said a word in Russian into the microphone.

Soon, the door was pulled open.

A guy in a white apron appeared, holding a glass of lemonade and a large plate of lamb chops, and placed it at Osmonov's table.


This is the second method.

Of course, there is more.

Osmonov picked up the knife and fork, lowered his head and sniffed on the lamb chop, exaggeratingly praised: "Our country's lamb, I dare say it is the best lamb in the world."

He deliberately fanned the wind with his hand, sweeping towards Qin Fei with the fragrant aroma of black pepper.

Qin Fei's stomach grumbled twice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To be honest, it has been 24 hours without food, of course I am hungry.

"Soldier, are you hungry?"

Osmonov picked up the water glass and drank gracefully.


Qin Fei licked his lips, he was really thirsty.

"Do you want to eat something?" Osmonov felt that the effect of his move was pretty good so far, at least Qin Fei had a physiological reaction.

Hunger and thirsty are two very deadly weapons.

"As long as you name your army, rank and name, I can ask you to have a good meal, and then let you sleep comfortably without going back to that terrible black house."

Qin Fei licked the chapped corner of his mouth again, and suddenly smiled again.

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