Absolute Honor

Chapter 167: the truth

Osmonov closed his eyes.

He heard gunshots that made him frightened.

However, after a while, he found out that he was still alive.

Slowly opened his eyes, there were three more bullet holes beside his face on the table he was lying on.

Qin Fei stepped forward and held Osmonov's head with a PMM pistol, "Do you still want to play it?"

Osmonov swallowed hard, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and did not answer.

At this time, he was already pale. Although his mental quality was already strong enough, the bullet was shot into the table against his cheek, and he had to worry about whether Qin Fei was on the verge of losing his sanity.

The continuous days of inhuman torture will slowly erode the mind of every member of the special forces. At this time, their mental state is fragile.

It can be seen from Qin Fei's words that he has already found himself in a huge scam. There are still many questions in his head that he has not understood. He needs answers now.

"Calm...Qin Fei, calm..."

Aside from dissuasion, Osmonov really didn't know what to say. Qin Fei had clearly smelled the truth. He was only separated from the truth by the thick black mirror.

The sound of automatic rifle shooting sounded outside the door, and bullets clinked on the iron door.

However, this is a military base. This room is used for interrogation purposes, so the security facilities are relatively high-standard.

The door is made of iron plate with a thickness of 1cm, and the bolt directly uses an iron column with a diameter of 2cm, even the bullet of an automatic rifle cannot penetrate.

"Go! Find a tool! Blast it!"

The soldiers outside were obviously panicked, gunshots had sounded inside, and no one knew whether his leader, the major officer, was still alive.

Time was delayed for so long, maybe when everyone rushed in, Osmonov's body was cold.

Qin Fei gently opened the sleeve of the PMM pistol and glanced at the ammunition inside.

Not an honest Makarov bullet, but an improved bullet.

The most obvious shortcomings of the old Makarov pistols are the lower stopping effect and lethality, as well as the small-capacity magazine.

Later, the Russian military industry department improved it. The improved ammunition uses lighter warheads and faster-burning propellant particles. The muzzle velocity of the new bullet is 430 meters per second, which is faster than the original 9×18mm bullet of 315 meters per second, which increases the muzzle kinetic energy to 1.7 times, and the magazine capacity has been increased to 12 rounds.

After checking the ammunition, Qin Fei suddenly raised his hand and fired a shot at one of the corners of the black mirror.

The bullet of the PMM pistol hit it, and a crack like a spider web appeared.

Sure enough, it was a specially treated black mirror. Although it did not reach the strength of bulletproof glass, it was enough to withstand a few pistol bullets.


Qin Fei fired one after another, several bullets hit the same spot.

Then change the position and shoot again in a row.

After lighting up one magazine, Qin Fei quickly replaced another one and continued shooting.

Until the two magazines were emptied, the black mirror had become tattered. Although the bullet did not penetrate completely, Qin Fei only hit four bullet points with 24 rounds of the two magazines.

A quadrilateral full of cracks.

Qin Fei turned his head, walked to the table and dragged the cast iron chair.

When passing by Osmonov, this guy kept yelling at him, "Calm down! Soldier! Calm down!"

"Cold your mother!"

Qin Fei slammed a pistol **** directly behind Osmonov's neck, knocking the annoying guy directly into a faint.


Qin Fei raised the chair and slammed it against the black mirror glass.

one time……

Two clicks...

Three times...

The glass finally exceeded its bearing range, and the whole piece collapsed.

Qin Fei drew a gun and jumped onto the window sill, kicking on the already crumbling glass.


A whole piece of glass peeled off, and the room behind the black mirror suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fei.

All of this happened in less than ten seconds. Qin Fei drew his gun and shot until he stunned Osmonov until finally smashing the glass, all in one go, and he never slopped.

Lei Ming stood in the room behind the black mirror with a table in front of him. Several soldiers and officers of State J who looked like surveillance personnel were frightened by Qin Fei's frenzied faction. They swarmed out and ran away.

In the room, only Qin Fei and Thunder were left.

Leiming looked at Qin Fei with his hands behind his back, and didn't move.

Qin Fei was holding a PMM pistol in a standard gun-holding posture.

"You are amazing!"

The truth seemed to have been presented to Qin Fei in an instant.

This is just a counter-interrogation training, thunderous death, of course, is also a disguise.

In recent years, film shooting techniques have become more and more advanced, getting a few blood bags, firing a few shots of empty bullets without bullets to pose, and then fell to the ground and died...

This is so simple!

But Qin Fei couldn't suppress the anger in his chest at all.

He has suffered too many crimes. In this base, he was tortured with noise, forced to eat dirty food, tortured, waterboarded, and even drugged.

It was not these that made him most angry, but the thunderous death.

He actually took advantage of the sincere feelings between himself and his teammates, and the feeling of comrades in arms that had always been regarded as sacred.

"Say! Why didn't you explain it!? The counter-interrogation is the counter-interrogation. You used our comrades-in-arms to intimidate us?! Lei Gong, you despicable villain!"

"Yes, I'm using you. Could it be that one day you were really captured with your comrades in arms, and you said to the enemy,'Never use my comrades to intimidate me, or use my comradeship'? Are you an idiot? Or a kindergarten? A three-year-old child with a full brain?!"

Lei Ming looked directly at Qin Fei~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although PMM's muzzle was facing him, his eyelids did not blink.

Qin Fei was at a loss.

What Lei Ming said was completely correct, and he couldn't refute it.

"So, we were taken prisoner, was it deliberately arranged?"

"Yes, I arranged it. I invited the special forces of country J to let them approach the house." Lei Ming did not deny it.

"Then this mission is real?" Qin Fei asked through gritted teeth.

"It's true, the mission is not fake at all. You shot and killed extremists and endangered our national security!" Lei Ming said, "I won't make fun of you with this kind of thing. I have no time to act with you. Those Chechen terrorists are what the Russian counter-terrorism department wants, but country J refuses to enter the country, but it offends the Russian government, and Khalik is what we want. It happens that we are holding a counter-terrorism exercise with country J at the border. Therefore, I arranged this half-truth and half-false operation. In this way, no matter in the political or diplomatic level, we, the country J, and the Russian government are all happy."

Lei Ming took two steps forward, but his forehead touched the muzzle.

"Rookie, do you want to kill me now? If so, you will shoot immediately!"

Qin Fei's hands were shaking, facing the thunderous answer, he couldn't seem to find a reason to vent.

"Damn! Don't call me a rookie again!"

Tears slowly slipped from the corner of Qin Fei's eyes.

Lei Ming sighed suddenly: "Actually, I am very satisfied with your performance this time..."

After a pause, he stretched out Qin Fei's gun and patted him on the shoulder again. Lei Ming said with a smile: "Good job, rookie!"

"Fuck me!" Qin Fei roared in disintegration.

Well, the truth is finally revealed, and everyone can go back to China. Do some book friends feel impatient?

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