Absolute Honor

Chapter 174: Unacceptable fact

"What is the relationship between this person and Thunder?" Qin Fei felt that his voice was trembling.

"It's his brother." The old general did not shy away from it, and said straightforwardly: "When I finish talking about the matter between them, you may understand why Lei Ming is biased against you."

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "I guessed something, something happened between Thunder Dragon and my father."

The old general shook his head, with a very complicated expression on his face.

"Fan Tianlong and Leilong, known as Ssangyong in the 203 army, are the two individuals who have trained second only to your father. They have the strongest military capabilities. This has been confirmed in subsequent overseas missions. It can be said that as long as they are asked There will be no problems with the tasks performed."

"In the early stage of establishing this top-secret force, we did not have any experience. Some more conservative leaders from the headquarters also believed that the establishment of such a force seemed to be inconsistent with our national image. It is precisely in this case that in the later In one mission, a small team sent out sacrificed three comrades due to various rules and no effective logistical support."

Qin Fei listened blankly. All this happened in the early 1990s. At that time, he was only a few years old, and he was probably only in elementary school.

"The analysis of that operation from a purely military perspective was purely flawed. Due to international influences, the aircraft was not dispatched in time during the evacuation, resulting in a temporary change of the retreat plan. Three of the team members unfortunately sacrificed. People are members of Team 1. Leilong is the captain of the first team, and Fan Tianlong is the deputy captain, they are all their comrades who get along with each other day and night."

"For this matter, Fan Tianlong clashed with a certain leader in charge of logistics support at the time and beat the other party to serious injuries. He was finally suspended for reflection. But he did not swallow this breath. During the suspension, he used what he had on hand. Some resources sneaked out of the country alone, killing the entire family of the foreign military and police commanders who he believed should be responsible for the sacrifice of his teammates, not to mention the cruel methods, and..."

Qin Fei felt his blood flow faster. Although it was late autumn and the weather in the capital was already a bit chilly, he still felt sweaty all over.

"Moreover, innocent people are involved... This is a serious violation of our internal discipline. According to the principle of Troop 203, whoever trains is responsible for cleaning up. As a trainer of Fan Tianlong, Leilong must bring Fan Tianlong back for review. If No, it can only be killed on the spot."

"However, things changed again without waiting for Thunder Dragon to set off." The old general sighed again and half closed his eyes when he said this.

Qin Fei picked up the tea cup on the table, he felt that his throat was so dry.

The secret history told by the old general shocked him.

That is an invisible front, and the people on the front are so magical, once out of control, the aftermath is a tragedy.

After waiting for a while, the old general finally opened his eyes again.

He drank his saliva and continued: "Before Thunder Dragon set off, Fan Tianlong actually returned home by himself. He is a person who values ​​a family and loves himself and his children very much. From this point of view, he may not have been in the first place. He thought of betraying his motherland, but he had encountered some things abroad that made him suddenly lose control. Therefore, he knew that what he had committed was inevitable, and planned to come back to pick up his wife and children. He did not expect some accidents. "

"What's the accident?"

"It's also a coincidence. Lei Long originally planned to find Fan Tianlong's family first, and sent someone to monitor him, but he didn't expect Fan Tianlong to arrive first. Our troops were not in place, and the local police came first. Both sides There was a conflict, and as a result Fan Tianlong's wife and children died unexpectedly under random guns..."

Qin Fei shook his hand slightly, and his tea shook.

These things are really extremely sad to hear.

"I'm afraid, Fan Tianlong has no turning back."

"Yeah, I have to say, Fan Tianlong is the strongest soldier of Unit 203 I have ever seen except your father. During the round of battle, he once made a marvelous achievement, and he was able to touch the enemy's back. He took away a post and an artillery post from others, and then captured a dozen people back. It was a miracle! The death of his wife and children made him really crazy. The local police who rounded him up were almost not spared, the people at the local police station. Which is Fan Tianlong’s opponent... Only one deputy director who commanded the operation escaped, and the rest were all dead. Fan Tianlong disappeared after that, and soon disappeared beyond the border."

"So, Thunder Dragon went to hunt down Fan Tianlong and was killed by him?" Qin Fei asked.

The old general shook his head: "No..."

He looked at Qin Fei and seemed a little unspeakable.

After a while, it seemed that he had made up his mind.

Under the light, the old general's eyes were piercing, and he said every word: "The Thunder Dragon was not killed by Fan Tianlong, but your father..."

Qin Fei's heart shook wildly, and his hands shook involuntarily.

In this life, he is most afraid of hearing this fact. Although he has always wanted to know the fact, he is unwilling to accept it.


Qin Fei's face turned pale, and his lips were as bloodless as a dead person.

"I don't want to believe it either, but you can listen to me after telling this story and decide whether to believe it or not. If you need it, I have something to show you."

Seeing Qin Fei's silence, the old general continued: "Thunder Dragon later left the country to carry out the arrest mission, but it was a pity that soon there was news that Thunder Dragon had lost his hand. So far we don’t know what happened at that time, Thunder Dragon. It even missed... but both were trained by your father. According to the principle, only your father, Qin Anguo, will go out in person..."

Qin Fei smiled sadly: "Then my father rebelled?"

The old general said nothing.

Qin Fei felt tears rolling in his eyes. He didn't believe this to be the truth before, but now, he has to believe it from the respected General An.

Yes, if this is the case, his father would be a real traitor...

"Grandpa An, I only want to ask you one thing." Qin Fei held back his tears and asked, "Do you believe my father is a traitor?"

The old general didn't expect that Qin Fei would directly ask himself like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His face faded quickly, and the portrait suddenly got older.

After a long time, he sighed: "Qin Fei, I don't want to believe in your father's affairs from the bottom of my heart. But at that time, after your father left the country, he sent a package overseas, and there was a video tape inside. And an autograph letter. The video in the video shows your father shooting Thunder Dragon and kicking him off the cliff, while the letter is your father's own letter announcing his rebellion from the motherland..."

Qin Fei put down his teacup, his hands were already wet.

Tears couldn't stop dripping, and he couldn't finish it no matter how he wiped it.

He didn't want to cry, the eldest man, who was still a special forces member, actually shed tears in front of others, and felt lost.

It's just that he couldn't control himself. Everything he learned from the old general seemed to be an unchangeable fact.

He couldn't help asking: "Since my father is a traitor, why did you still let me join the army? You let me participate in the selection of Unit 203? I am the son of a traitor, so you are not afraid that I am also a small traitor?"

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