Absolute Honor

Chapter 180: Prelude to the mission

"Let’s practice here today." Lao Xiao took off his earmuffs and looked at his watch, "It’s late, go to dinner, come over to me when you have time, for the sake of smoking me today. I will guide you as a rookie."

The drenched Qin Fei took off his tactical vest and equipment, counted the weapons and exchanged them to Old Xiao, and thanked him politely, before he came out of the underground gun storehouse.

When Qin Fei left, Old Xiao sat at the table blankly for a long time, then opened the drawer, took out a box from it, and opened it.

Inside lay a photo and some yellowed letters, as well as various military medals.

Picking up the yellowed photo, Lao Xiao Ding was sure to see that it was the same as the photo that General An Old showed to Qin Fei in the courtyard in the capital. It was a collective photo of the first generation of members of the 203 unit.

Watching, Lao Xiao's eyes were filled with tears, and he stretched out his calloused hand and slowly stroked it, as if he was watching a valuable treasure.

Qin Fei felt that he couldn't lift his hands, and his shoulders and neck were sore.

After staying in the gun library for half the day, he felt that he was about to collapse. He also forgot how many bullets he shot, how many sets of precision shots and rapid shots, and cqb reactive shots.

When I went to the dining hall to plan to eat, I saw Lei Gong sitting on the first table, with Chen Kefan and Xiaojiao. Next to these people, there was a man with glasses wearing camouflage uniforms.

Qin Fei remembered where he had seen this man with glasses.

It suddenly occurred to me that it was the training of skydiving selection in the jungle. This person seemed to be in charge of logistical and technical support in the 203 unit, but the name was not clear.

Before Qin Fei could return to his mind, Lei Gong said, "It's fine if you are here, so I don't need to find you and come to the briefing room after dinner."

Before Qin Fei answered, Lei Gong got up and left.

Chen Kefan was also full, wiped his mouth and got up. When he walked by Qin Fei, he patted him on the shoulder and smiled meaningfully.

Carrying the food, he walked to the opposite side of An Ruosu and sat down. Qin Fei asked, "Little Chili, what's the matter? I think my two bosses seem mysterious. What will happen?"

"Ask what you should ask, don't ask if you shouldn't." An Ruosu said: "How many times have you said that, haven't you memorized the regulations? Want to know what is not easy? Hurry up and go to the briefing room after dinner. , It’s not necessarily a bad thing."

The man in glasses listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but said: "You two know each other?"

"I've known each other since I was young." An Ruosu replied simply and neatly. After finishing speaking, he pointed to Qin Fei and then to the man with glasses: "You two should know each other."

So it was introduced: "This is He Weiming, a second lieutenant, a computer expert. He was once a top expert in the cyber hacking world. Now he is a technician in the logistics technical group of our army and is responsible for the operation of our'Skynet' command system."

He also pointed out that Qin Fei said to He Weiming: "Qin Fei, the training team member, you should be very clear about his information, I will not introduce it."

He Weiming pushed the spectacle frame and stretched out his hand grinningly: "Call me a genius. I like people call me a genius. Qin Fei, I am familiar with your information, including your blood type, height, weight, measurements, and muscle fat content. It's all clear."

Qin Fei stretched out his hand to shake hands with He Weiming, but he was stunned when he said this.

The way this guy speaks is really weird, measurements? It sounds weird.

Shaking his hands awkwardly, Qin Fei asked, "Old Xiao seems to be in the logistics team, right?"

Lao Xiao is in charge of guns and is indeed a member of the logistics technical team.

"That is my immediate boss. He is the team leader, I am the deputy team leader. We have a few people under our staff who provide technical support for you. Don’t think you have only a 7-person team at the end. You need a team behind you. We have a whole company responsible for all kinds of support, and we are your strong backing."

Qin Fei was dumbfounded again.

It is undeniable that He Weiming is an enthusiastic guy, but the way he speaks always makes him at a loss.

It's not surprising to think about it, this kind of people's ironclad technical house, hackers and networks, are heterogeneous who don't listen to things outside the window and focus on technical work.

"From then on, I will ask the genius to take care of you."

"It's okay, all the electronic equipment you need, as long as you need it for a mission, tell me, I'm sure to get it done." He Weiming is not humble at all, patted his chest and said: "I will provide you with technical support later. So you should thank me."

This guy is really cute. He speaks straightforwardly. Qin Fei is used to his way of speaking, but he likes this person quite a lot.

"Okay, please fix it for me, and don't make a mistake." He suddenly thought of something and asked: "By the way, what technical support are you going to give me? Can you tell me?"

He Weiming is not like a little pepper. He lacks a tendon in his head, so he just said: "It's okay. It's just a shot. It doesn't hurt, just like a bite from a bug."

"What?!" Qin Fei was startled, "Injection?"

Although Qin Fei was not afraid of the injection, it was not a good thing to poke a needle on the body for some reason.

"Strictly speaking, it is not an injection, it can only be said to be a human implant technology..."

"Enough, He Weiming, are you not locked on your mouth?" An Ruo gave He Weiming a white look.

He Weiming opened his mouth, and he was taken aback for a moment, realizing that he had said something wrong, so he shut up quickly, bowed his head and picked up rice, and stopped talking to Qin Fei.

Fuck me!

Qin Fei was immediately anxious, and secretly asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Human implant technology?

What is this stuff?

The human perverted experiments in science fiction immediately popped up in my mind, and I felt a little hairy after thinking about it.

"What technology? Genius, what technology did you just talk about?" He couldn't help asking.

The genius didn't say a word, glanced at An Ruosu, made a grimace, and signaled that he was not good to say anything.

Qin Fei knew that it was useless to ask questions, so he could only hold back.

An Ruosu said: "You go to the briefing room to listen to the task briefing later, everything will be clear, what's the rush now?"

Qin Fei muttered in his heart, but guessed that it was related to the mission.

Listening to the briefing in the briefing room is a fixed process for general tasks.

The others did not return to the team and were still on vacation. The only one who listened to the briefing was his own team member. It seemed that he was going to complete the task independently this time.

I remembered what General An said, since the 203 unit intends to send him out for independent tasks, it means that he has been confirmed as one of the candidates.


Qin Fei became excited again.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Fei, An Ruosu and geniuses came to the briefing room together.

Entering the briefing room, as soon as he sat down, He Weiming took a suitcase from nowhere, put it in front of Qin Fei, and opened it...

Qin Fei took a glance and was shocked.

There are some electronic parts that I can't tell, and a thing that looks a little like a syringe.

What disturbed him was that the syringe was not like a normal syringe, it looked like a pump.

He Weiming still smiled and stood beside Qin Fei to comfort him: "It's okay, it's okay. It hasn't started yet. Team Lei will have a briefing with you before it's my turn."


Qin Fei cursed inwardly, what a ghost mission! r

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