Absolute Honor

Chapter 183: Visitors

In a military zone, in an office building on the second floor.

Wei Tiansheng was looking at the document. The pen was on it and you signed your name sloppily. Suddenly there were two knocks outside the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, Wei Tiansheng raised his head.

"Is it Xiao Chen?" Wei Tiansheng lowered his head again and continued to look at the file.

A second lieutenant walked in and stood at the table and saluted: "Political commissar, someone is looking for it outside."

"You let him in." Wei Tiansheng said casually without looking away from the file.

"She is outside the gate of the camp, and the guards stopped her." The ensign had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Huh?" Wei Tiansheng raised his head again. He thought it was an internal matter of the army. Now that he was stopped by the guards, it was obviously not the people in the army who wanted to see him, so he asked, "Who wants to see me?"

The second lieutenant said: "She said that his name was Liang Shaoqin, and that he had known each other for many years and was an old friend."

"What?! What do you say her name is?" Wei Tiansheng's fingers trembled slightly, and an ink flower bloomed on the paper with the tip of his pen.

This is a heavily guarded military zone, and it is also the office of Wei Tiansheng and Lin Zhonghu. Most people don't know the nature of the unit here, so there are very few outsiders from the place to visit.

The question now is, how did Liang Shaoqin find here?

She is Qin Fei's mother!

Wei Tiansheng passed a dark cloud over his heart, and his heart beat faster.

"She said her name is Liang Shaoqin, a middle-aged woman about fifty years old..." Seeing that Wei Tiansheng's expression was a little unnatural, the second lieutenant asked, "Do you want me to go out and send her away?"

"No! You invite her in right away... No!" Wei Tiansheng stood up, took his hat and put it on, "I'll go out myself."

After finishing speaking, he got up from his chair, the wind under his feet suddenly went out, and the ensign followed him. As soon as he walked out of the office door, he saw Wei Tiansheng's figure disappearing at the corner of the stairs.

He couldn't help scratching his head, wondering why the always prudent political commissar was so anxious.

five minutes later.

In the office.

Wei Tiansheng took the door gently, walked to the corner and poured a cup of tea for Liang Shaoqin, returned to the sofa, and gently placed it in front of Liang Shaoqin.

"Sister-in-law, drink tea."

Liang Shaoqin's face is like cold marble, without any expression.

But because of his lack of expression, Wei Tiansheng felt a lot of trouble.

He knows Liang Shaoqin very well. After all, it is not the first day they met. After all, more than 20 years have passed since the first meeting.

Liang Shaoqin suddenly stood up from the sofa and slapped Wei Tiansheng's face with a slap in the face.

Wei Tiansheng could dodge, but he did not hide. He suffered the slap alive.

Five marks appeared on his face. The political commissar of Unit 203, who had never blinked in the face of a rain of bullets, shook his lips slightly at this time.

He had guessed in his mind the purpose of Liang Shaoqin's presence here.

"Say, where was the first time we met?"

"Battlefield hospital, operating room!"

"Why are you there, do you remember?" Liang Shaoqin still asked calmly, his voice was like ice in the snow.

"I was shot, and Old Qin rescued me. You performed the operation on me and snatched me back from Death!" Wei Tiansheng said loudly.

Liang Shaoqin slapped again.

Tears slowly flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"How many times has Lao Qin rescued you!?"

"Twice! One time I was shot and brought me back, one time I was surrounded by the enemy, and he single-handedly killed him back, he just tore a hole in the encirclement and rescued me!"

"Okay! It seems that you remember it very clearly!" Liang Shaoqin's chest rose and fell violently, "Since you still remember, why did you let Qin Fei join the army, and actually went to your army!"

Wei Tiansheng looked at Liang Shaoqin with tears in his eyes, but he couldn't explain it.

Although Qin Fei's service as a soldier was voluntary, everything was indeed arranged by himself.

"Do you think I really didn't know that for so many years, especially after we left the compound, you took him to travel every year during the winter and summer vacations, but actually went to troop training?" Liang Shaoqin couldn't control herself, tears began to slip. He lowered his cheek, "Wei Tiansheng, do you really treat me Liang Shaoqin as an idiot!?"

"No..." Wei Tiansheng lowered his head slightly, "It's just... if Old Qin is still there, he must have trained Qin Fei in the same way, I just..."

"Just what? Maintain your honor as a soldier? Let the next generation be the same as you?" Liang Shaoqin hissed: "Have you thought about it!? I only have Qin Fei a son. Betrayed the infamy of a traitor! You also pushed my only son down the fire pit! I am not a hero, I am not willing to be a hero, I am just an ordinary mother, our Qin family has paid enough for this country, Whether Qin Anguo is a traitor or not, I will never let my son step into the army again!"

"sister in law……"

"Don't call me sister-in-law! I'm not lucky enough to be your sister-in-law! If I knew that one day, I shouldn't have rescued you on the operating table! Let you die!"

After all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liang Shaoqin couldn't control her emotions anymore, so she sat on the sofa and sobbed with her eyes.

Wei Tiansheng was extremely shocked at this time. Liang Shaoqin discovered that Qin Fei was lying. This is not what shocked him the most. As a military doctor who has been on the battlefield, a woman who has been married to Qin Anguo for many years, she is definitely not the kind that can speak a few words. Ordinary housewives who can lie to the past with just a few excuses.

When Qin Fei used the so-called part-time job, participating in the team and many other excuses to prevaricate Liang Shaoqin, Wei Tiansheng knew that this matter would not last long, but he planned to wait for Qin Fei to formally join the 203 troop and wait until the end of the day is a fait accompli. Bring Qin Fei to the door to explain.

He had conceived in his mind countless times what he would say when he met Liang Shaoqin, but he never thought that it would be in this kind of scene, this kind of time.

What shocked him most was how did Liang Shaoqin know his office location?

The office of Unit 203 is hidden in the military management zone, separate from the office. Ordinary people don't know what the camp is for and what troops are in it.

And Liang Shaoqin was able to come to find her by name, obviously someone told her the address.

"Wei Tiansheng, I know Qin Fei will definitely not be here, but I came today to tell my son not to play tricks with me anymore. If he recognizes my mother, let him come and find me."

She walked to the table, picked up a pen and paper, and scribbled down the address and phone number.

"I live here now, and I will wait for him in the guest house for three days. After three days, if he does not show up, I will leave, and then I will cut off relations with him in the newspaper, and have nothing to do with him!"

After all, Liang Shaoqin turned around and slammed the door away.

The door was slammed shut.

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