Absolute Honor

Chapter 187: Hands-on


The broken eyebrows suddenly screamed, and the person rammed backwards, and rolled back onto the bunk like a ball, until they reached the other side of the wall, and hit the wall with a bang.

He held his stomach and touched his head that was knocked up.

The two strong prisoners holding Kunchai and Kunchai themselves were also stunned.

They just saw that the newcomer kicked his broken eyebrows directly with a back kick, and even before he could scream, the broken eyebrows hit the wall.

Several people hurriedly dropped Kunchai, stepped back, looking at Qin Fei in surprise and viciousness.

"Don't bring bullies like this?"

Qin Fei threw the quilt away and calmly looked at the few fierce guys in front of him.

After this shock, everyone woke up.

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Fei.

And Qin Fei's gaze swept across the faces of the three guys closest to him.

The three of them shuddered suddenly, Qin Fei's eyes were too calm, and there was a sharp feeling, as if a knife swept lightly in front of your eyes, you looked at the sharp blade and felt danger approaching.

"Yo!? Or Lianjiazi?" The boss of the prison, the bald-headed "Old Flower" stood up, "Fuck?"

Qin Fei was stunned, but it was not easy to answer this question.

Did you tell him that he was working with special forces?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but almost laughed.

Old Hua's face changed: "Is it funny? Brother doesn't seem to give me face anymore? Don't even say anything?"

"Where are you fucking?" Qin Fei suppressed a smile and asked, staring at the old flower.

The old flower snorted coldly, and Ma Tsai had already started to flatter him, "You don't know Master Hua? Are you on the road? No one in Ningpu District, the provincial city, knows "Huaguoshan" Brother Hua. The night scenes in that area are all seen by Brother Hua!"

Qin Fei was actually not interested in messing around with these people, but he had to get involved in these messes.

One is now a good opportunity to let Kun Guai notice him, and secondly, I originally came in to save Kun Guai, and save him before getting the final account and password so that there is nothing wrong with him.

Although I know that the chances of causing a life here are very small, it is probably not good to be disabled.

"I don't know." Qin Fei shook his head and said, "I thought Huaguoshan only raises animals, not people."

He said, thinking in his heart.

This prison includes 31 people in total, and then removes the Kunchai. Among the remaining 29 people, some seem to be older and honest. They probably won’t cause trouble. The main threat comes from the elderly. There are about a dozen of Hua and his men.

This may be the legendary "Supervisor".

Qin Fei's current position is leaning against the low wall of the toilet and the wall on the left. In this way, at least the possibility of being attacked behind the scenes can be avoided.

There are too many opponents, and even if you can play, you have to lose.

These bastards, big and small, must be shocked at once, so that they dare not make any more moves.

What makes Qin Fei even more troublesome is that most of the skills he learned in the special forces are killing skills, and using them on these guys might kill them.

He said to himself secretly, light his hand and relax, if he can't hold his hand and abolish the other party, then the trouble will be serious.

"I heard what brother said, you are going to have trouble with me!?" Old Hua heard Qin Fei turning around and calling himself a "beast", and his face suddenly became cold.

He originally watched Qin Fei kick Fei and cut his eyebrows. He felt that this person was very good. He wanted to get together, but he didn't expect Qin Fei to toast so much without eating or fine wine, although he knew that Qin Fei was a man based on his years of experience in the world. Not easy to mess with the lord, but people want face and want, if you can't handle Qin Fei, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the thirty-odd people in this warehouse.

"Get him!"

Lao Hua gave an order, and two people who knew nothing about life and death rushed forward.

The people here are all gangsters, and there are street fights, but few have real skills.

The aisle is narrow, and two guys rushing forward one after another.

In front was a fat man in his twenties who was covered in fat. He waved his fist and punched Qin Fei fiercely in the face. Qin Fei lowered his head and dodged a punch. Then he hit him in the abdomen with an uppercut, this guy. He immediately arched his waist like a cooked prawn.

The second one with single eyelids and small eyes chose to kick his legs and kicked directly towards Qin Fei, wanting to kick his belly.

However, in Qin Fei's view, this kind of untrained guy has too many flaws in the value of his actions, and he can kill him in just one second on the battlefield.

When Qin Fei waited for his kicking foot to reach the front, he slammed sideways to avoid it.

The single eyelid was caught off guard, and the force of kicking forward was so strong that he couldn't stop the car and rushed over.

Qin Fei waited for him to pass half of his body and kicked directly on the ankle of the foot that supported the ground with his single eyelid.

With a single eyelid scream, he found that he was flying into the air, losing his center of gravity, and the person lost control and bumped his head against the low wall of the toilet in front. A big bag suddenly appeared on his head, and countless golden stars were flying in front of him. Almost fainted.

Qin Fei stood still, and did not pursue the victory, quietly waiting for him to return to his original state.

The fat man would get angry first, and finally barely straightened his body, and then swiped his fist towards Qin Fei with a scream.

This time Qin Fei applied a little bit of force on his feet, and his right leg flew up like lightning, and he was kicking directly on the round and round belly of the fat man.

The strength of this foot was extraordinary. The fat man spread his limbs and flew out directly, hitting the person standing behind in the aisle, and he fell into a large area.

The fat man hugged his stomach, knelt on the ground and started to vomit.

He felt that his internal organs had moved, and his stomach was overwhelmed, and the yellow gall bladder was vomiting out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn’t shoot, and the eyeballs in the eye sockets, including presbyopia, almost Fell to the ground.

I have seen people able to fight, and I have never seen people able to fight like this.

Although the fat man and the single eyelid are not ruthless characters in the road, they are still strong in the warehouse, and they are usually crab-like characters, but in front of this newcomer, how can they be beaten like a grandson? force?

Qin Fei stood there like a okay person, waiting for the dizzy single eyelid to get up.

He only used 20% of his strength, and he was really afraid of kicking him.

The single eyelid finally got up with difficulty. He spit out a mouthful of blood. He just hit the wall and broke his mouth. He almost broke his tongue. There was a big bag on his head. Because it was a bald head, it was obvious that he was alive and well. Horned beast.

But he obviously didn't want to admit defeat. The gangsters were still a little bit fierce after all. He settled a little and punched Qin Fei in the chest again.

Qin Fei flashed his fist, passed his right hand under his ribs, and stood on his side, his right palm directly buckled his neck from behind, pressing his elbow against the fat man's back.

The hand where the fat man punched was cut back, and he knelt down again with a cry of pain.

Qin Fei raised his head and looked at the dumbfounded old flower provocatively.

Then he raised the palm of his left hand and arched left and right bows on the fat man's face...




The fat man’s face was quickly swollen like a pig’s head with one palm after palm, but he did not move anything. As long as he moved, he could feel the iron-like hands on his neck and the arm that had been sheared back. It's as painful to dislocate.

The second is more. Thank you book friend Feng Xiaodong for your reward! The book has been revised, and three changes will begin tomorrow! If the reward and turnout rate is high, it will be added as the case may be!

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