Absolute Honor

Chapter 189: It's time to do it

Qin Fei thought to himself, I’m afraid Kun guessed the news of his sister’s death. The interrogator must have let him go and leaked certain information to him. This is to deliberately lead him back to Zhang Lan’s death and look for the last words. secret.

"You just said that I've made you miserable, what do you say?"

"Brother, you're pretty good, where did you learn it? Have you practiced martial arts?" Kun guessed.

"No, I learned it in the reconnaissance army." Qin Fei deliberately downplayed, "But I was expelled from the army and hurt people."

"So it's a special soldier?" Kun Gu's eyes lit up again, "No wonder he is so skilled. How did you get in?"

Qin Fei thought to himself, this kid's vigilance is quite high, this is just playing his own words and trying to find his own bottom.

So he said: "I just came back to the place and came to play with my comrades-in-arms. When I went to the bar, I met a few people who did something to the sister of the comrades-in-arms. First, I couldn't hold back and did it..."

"Will you hurt people badly?"

"One was killed, one was injured..."

Kun Guess was taken aback, the young man in front of him actually killed someone! However, it is rare that he is so calm, it seems that he is not killing himself, like others killing, he is just a bystander.

"Missing a woman, **** it!" Kun guessed, "but now you come in, you still have to abide by the rules, just like me, not in my own territory, no one is covering, or is it not the dragon to hold it, the tiger to stand? Tell? You, every prison has three kinds of people, no, there are four kinds of people to be precise."

"Which four?" Qin Fei asked.

"Look at it." Kunchai pointed in the direction of Lao Hua, "Like the one called Lao Hua, there are five people sleeping on the bunk next to the window. Those are called Jianba, and they are the best people here. Generally, this kind of people have some status in the local arena, and some people take care of them; the other kind is like the two you just fought. These are called thugs. There are ten thugs. They are responsible for serving as thugs for the supervisor. Some small gangsters on the road are all expecting to get stuck with the boss and have a good future when they go out."

He also pointed to the people lying crookedly in the aisle and sleeping on the ground: "These are called workers, they are the lowest level in this warehouse, who are specially responsible for serving those superintendents. We have to do all the dirty work. This type is generally uncovered, and has no reputation on the road, and can only be bullied."

Qin Fei nodded: "I understand."

Then he said, "Is there another kind?"

"There is another type?" Kunchai pointed to the middle position of the shop: "The other type is those business bosses who committed economic crimes or were caught in a stupid situation. Although they are not well-known on the road, they are rich and rich. If you can make the ghosts grind and give money, the superintendents here will be covered. They don't need to be beaten, they won't be deprived of food, and they don't have to wait on the boss, they have a good life."

"Is there still food deductions here?"

"Every Tuesday and Thursday, when we add vegetables, it is also the only time when we can eat meat. Each person has two large pieces of fat pork. They are usually the cheapest greens, but the meat should go to the bosses, understand?" Kun guessed, " Tomorrow is Tuesday, and you will know by looking at it. Speaking of which, I haven't had any meat or fish in a few months."

"Aren't you very powerful? Why do you get so miserable?" Qin Fei deliberately mocked Kun guessing.

Kun Guai was taken aback, and then a little angrily: "Do you think I lied to you!? If you don't believe me, wait out..."

Suddenly remembered something and shut up.

"Forget it, brother, you and I don't seem to be able to get out anymore. I was arrested for drug trafficking. You murdered. We are all waiting to eat peanuts..."

"I won't be willing to die." Qin Fei closed the cup, turned over, and stared up at the ceiling.

He said this deliberately, waiting for Kun to be fooled.

"Huh?" Kun guessed as if he really smelled something, turned his head to look at Qin Fei, looked for a while, as if he wanted to say nothing, thinking about it in the end, he didn't say anything, and turned his head.

After a while, I seemed to think of something again.

Turning his head and saying to Qin Fei: "Brother, for the sake of your kindness just now, I would like to remind you that if you open a position at 9 o'clock tomorrow, they will definitely act on you at that time. Be careful."

After speaking, he turned his head and fell asleep.

Qin Fei couldn't sleep, his nose was filled with a pungent smell and a faint smell from a nearby toilet.

This is the first day of my mission.

He suddenly missed his mother a little, and felt that he was unfilial.

I had the opportunity to go home to see my mother, but I was afraid of showing my feet in front of my mother. Although his mother was a doctor in the army, she was by no means a fool. She had also trained on the **** battlefield back then, and she could smell her own scent of soldiers.

When this matter is over, you must go back and confess to your mother, and then you can just confess your mistakes by beating and scolding your mother. His father's affairs had become the most lingering obsession in his heart for many years. He knew that this would make his mother sad, but Qin Fei couldn't let it go, so he had to make it clear.

He crazily wanted to see his father, and asked him personally why he did it back then, why he had to ignore his wife and children, betray his comrades in arms and army, and the motherland at all costs.

I kept thinking about it and didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

Qin Fei woke up early in the morning.

This was a habit formed in Unit 203. Since Lei Gong began to throw shock bombs into the barracks, Qin Fei became extremely alert.

Without a watch, Qin Fei didn't know what time it was.

Looking out from the bars, the sky is already bright, everyone is still asleep, no one has yet to wake up.

Qin Fei didn't dare to sleep anymore. He remembered what Kun Guai had said, those people like Elder Hua would definitely not give up, and would definitely start with him today.

At 8 o'clock, there was a harsh sound of music outside the cell, and everyone in the cell suddenly looked like a toy man with a clockwork adjusted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ one by one got up from the bed and on the ground.

Every "workman" in the aisle packed up his bedding, stuffed it into the storage compartment under the bunk, and then went to the bunk. Stacked the thugs, supervisors, and bosses' things, and leaned against the wall. Put it neatly.

Then, everyone sat neatly on the Chase shop, like employees waiting for a meeting.

At 8:30, a guard appeared on the bars, holding a roster and starting to roll the names one by one.

After all the prisons were named, the iron gate was opened with a bang, and it was time to let the wind go.

The so-called ventilation hall is actually an open-air hall measuring ten meters by ten meters, like a closed yard, with an iron net made of steel bars with thick fingers above the head. The sky can be seen through the iron net, and even the sun can be seen. .

The ventilation time lasted from 9 in the morning to 6:30 in the evening. During this period of time, the people in the cell could breathe fresh air and get a little bit more so-called freedom than in the house.

The washing station is in the corner of the air-venting hall. Everyone lined up to wash the dragons. Naturally, it is divided according to the rank, and the supervisors wash first.

Fatty walked out of the ventilation hall later than Qin Fei. When he came in, he saw Qin Fei wringing his hands and standing by the door. He was so scared that he hurried to the side like a rabbit, clutching his unswollen cheeks and ran to the old flower and they gathered. Go to one of the corners.

Qin Fei noticed that the supervisor and the thugs had gathered together, squatting far away in a corner, discussing something in a low voice.

Kunchai walked over, lost a look at Qin Fei, and hurriedly glanced at the side of Presbyopia.

Qin Fei knew that those people would definitely have to do it, they were waiting for the opportunity.

The second is more. Please pay attention today, please vote a lot, my update speed has started to speed up, I had to revise the manuscript before, so it was delayed. The more you support, the more I update!

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