Absolute Honor

Chapter 194: act rashly

More than a dozen special police officers were divided into two teams, sticking to the sides of the stairs and slowly ascending to the fourth floor.

Going out of the stairs on the fourth floor, there is one family to the right, three to the left, and one door at the end.

At the end, the house number is 405. The door of 405 is equipped with a large iron door. The iron door is custom made and made of steel bars thick with the thumb. Inside is a wooden door of some years.

At this moment, looking from the top of the stairs, there is light in the crack of the wooden door, and there seems to be someone inside.

The captain of the special police made a tactical sign language to the players who reached out. Among the two teams, two of them stayed at the top of the stairs and controlled the stairs. The remaining eight were divided into two teams and slowly approached the iron gate with guns.

When he arrived at the iron gate, the special police captain nodded to Lao He and pointed at the iron gate.

He swallowed, nodded, slowly moved to the door, and took out a bunch of master keys from his carrying bag.


The master key like an iron hook was gently inserted into the keyhole, and He was sweating like rain.


Outside the dormitory area, two crossroads leading to the gate of the dormitory had already erected iron horses at this moment, and traffic police and special police with submachine guns guarded the intersection.

The traffic police waved a light-emitting baton and led all the cars into other fork roads.

A dark green minibus drove to the iron horse and stopped, and the traffic police raised his hand to stop it.

"Comrade, the road is closed, please detour."

The window was lowered, and inside was a driver who was wearing a black anti-terrorist suit but without any logo or rank, but looked full of military personnel.

"We have already contacted your Deputy Director Luo and are here to assist you in the arrest."

The driver handed it up.

It was a soldier's card. When the traffic police opened it, it was the rank of the driver, the third-level non-commissioned officer, and the unit was the 203 breeding base of the General Logistics Department.

"203 breeding base?" The traffic police laughed blankly, and someone from the logistics department of the army came to assist in the operation? What the hell! ?

He pressed the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and wanted to call the headquarters, but suddenly a policeman trot up from behind.

"Give me the ID." The policeman with the rank of first superintendent said as he took the soldier ID from the traffic policeman, opened it and looked at it, and then said to the traffic police: "Pull the iron horse away and let them in. "

The traffic police recognized that this was the deputy captain of the Special Patrol Brigade of the Municipal Bureau, so he nodded and greeted the colleagues next to him for help, and everyone pulled the iron horse away.

The third-level superintendent handed back the certificate to the driver, saluted, and the driver returned the salute, and the minibus drove in.

The police command center was set up in a small courtyard of a design institute across the street from the electronic factory dormitory area. At this time, the courtyard was full of special police cars.

CMB drove in and stopped.

Thunder jumped out of the car, followed by the members of the 3rd team.

The police around were shocked by this special group of soldiers in front of them.

These people do not have any military ranks, but they can see that they are not ordinary troops. In addition to anti-terrorism suits, they also wear thick body armor. The tactical vests are covered with all kinds of grenades, and they wear rare specials. The army skateboard helmets have been installed with communication headsets and night vision goggles.

They are all experts, and they understand at a glance. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this outfit.

Lei Ming walked into the temporary command center with everyone's surprised eyes.

"College Lei!" Deputy Director Luo greeted Lei Ming and shook hands. "You are welcome to come."

"Hello, Deputy Director Luo, what's the situation now?" Lei Ming went straight to the subject.

"After receiving the notice from the provincial government, we began to control the entire neighborhood. Now the masses in the electronics factory have been evacuated in secret. Our special police team has gone up, ready to attack?"

When Thunder heard the last sentence, his eyebrows twitched.

"Launch an attack?" Lei Ming said, "Don't you want to wait until we come to make a decision?"

"College Lei, they kidnapped a child of a policeman in our detention center. They dare to kidnap our policeman's child in a city under our jurisdiction. This is a blatant challenge to us." Deputy Director Luo said: "Besides, our special police team is enough. Don't worry about dealing with these people."

"Have you done an on-site assessment?" Lei Ming asked.

"Done. According to the understanding of all parties, this house was rented at a high price a month ago. It was only the last week that someone moved in. Usually there are five people who are between 30 and 40 years old. The neighbors understand it. The situation is that these people usually don't talk very much, but they are very kind. They smile and nod when they see them. Although we did not get the photos, we believe that they came from Southeast Asia, so our skin color and various aspects are not very different from ours, and they did not attract attention. "

"What weapons do they understand?" Lei Ming asked.

"Time is too short, I only know that two people have pistols in their hands..." Deputy Director Luo said: "But our SWAT team has already brought bullet-proof shields to go up, I believe there is no problem."

"Are there any live images?" Lei Ming asked.

"Yes!" Deputy Director Luo guided Lei Ming to the side of the house. Several LCD screens have been set up here, placed on the laptops and LCD screens on the table, and the attacking team can be seen from different angles.

Obviously, these cameras are installed on SWAT members.

"Why do you bring a light shield?" Lei Ming glanced at the live real-time image ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suddenly found a problem.

"No problem, they only have pistols. Our team members wear bulletproof vests and shields. They can't wear them." Deputy Director Luo was confident.

"Who is this?" Lei Ming pointed at Lao He in the picture, "Why doesn't he have a gun?"

"Oh, this is the locksmith in our area, because every household in the dormitory area here has custom-made iron doors, we can't open those locks, so please come back to help him, he is very good at craftsmanship, and I promise that there is no problem." Luo The deputy director seemed very satisfied with his arrangement, "Cooperate with the police and the people!"

"Cooperate!" Lei Ming was anxious, "Deputy Director Luo, haven't you read the information we faxed to you?"

Deputy Director Luo was taken aback by the thunderous voice, "Look at it."

"Then you should know who these are! You go up and attack with this kind of equipment!? You are looking for death!?" Lei Ming was not polite at all, shouting loudly: "Deputy Director Luo, you are taking your subordinates Life is kidding!"

Deputy Director Luo was upset. He felt that this was more or less a kind of contempt for himself and his subordinates.

"College Lei, not only you are soldiers, many of our special police teams are also reconnaissance troops who come back as soldiers. Their skills are not as bad as you think. For so many years, there have been so many hijackings in our city, my subordinates. All successfully completed the task, and none of the hostages suffered any casualties!"

"Enough!" Lei Ming couldn't help it. "These five of them were someone who spent $1 million to invite back to the prison. Who do you think can be worth such a high price!? These are not ordinary thieves, they are professional soldiers. , Mercenary!"

Deputy Director Luo was stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

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