Absolute Honor

Chapter 196: This is the storm

Room 404.

Lei Ming gestured towards Hu Yong behind him.

Hu Yong stepped forward, pasted the heat source scanner on the wall, and moved slowly.

Finally, he stopped and tapped the wall with his hand.

Lei Ming stepped forward, took out the C4 from the tactical bag behind Hu Yong, and pasted it in a rectangular shape along the wall.

"Team Thunder, the gangsters in the room are a little excited..."

Thunder soon heard the gunshots, and the gangster in the room dragged the child to the window, used the child as a shield, and shouted at the policeman below: "Don't come up, come up, I want him to lay the bottom!"

After speaking, he dragged the child into the room again.

Without further ado.

Thunder pressed the communication button of the Throat Shake headset.

"Each team prepares..."

He pointed to the wall, Hu Yong knew, and walked to the left of C4, while Lei Ming stood on the right.

Both of them put on the night vision goggles installed on the skateboard helmets at the same time.

Outside the door, Jin Donghai squatted beside the electric meter and put on the night vision goggles with Liu Feilong.


Following the thundering order, Jin Donghai pulled off the switch.

It was suddenly dark in room 405.

The moment the lights went black, three sniper rifle shots from three sniper points in different directions in the distance sounded almost simultaneously.




Three 12.7mm sniper shells hit the wall of the 405 from three different directions.

The high-speed warhead directly penetrated the already very fragile wall of the building in the 1960s. A gangster standing at the east corner flew up and fell directly two meters away. The bullet penetrated the wall and penetrated again. On his chest, a hole the size of a sea bowl was drilled directly from behind, and he almost lifted half of his left chest.

One of the two gangsters standing behind the south wall was also hit. The bullet hit the neck and cut the neck directly. People didn't even grunt, and the mutilated corpse stood upright in the dust, standing opposite him. The gangster on the north wall, the loud gunfire made him have not yet realized what happened, and the No. 2 sniper Gao Ming pulled the trigger.

He was also pushed out by the huge momentum, and directly hit the coffee table, without a trace of anger, and instantly became a corpse.

Three shots!

Three shots through the wall, all hits.

Liu Feilong at the door had already opened the unlocked iron door and kicked open the wooden door full of bullet holes with his shield.

A gangster shot him.

The bullet hit the heavy bulletproof shield continuously without penetrating.

Liu Feilong's pistol mounted on the shield fired, and the gangster who fired at him directly hit the wall.

The last gangster was planning to shoot at Liu Feilong. His location was on the west wall, which was separated from the 404 wall, and the location was just on the side of Liu Feilong.

Almost in an instant, the thunder in the next room pressed the C4 detonation button.


The wall seemed to have been cut, and a hole was blown out.

The location of the blast was right in front of the gangster, and the dense dust immediately covered his sight. He closed his eyes subconsciously and took a step back.

This is a normal human response.

In less than a second, thunder rushed out of the blasted wall and fired a shot at the gangster.

The bullet directly hit his right hand holding the gun, and the gangster landed with the gun, clutching his hand.

There was no pause in the thunder, and he stepped forward, shooting as he walked.

The second bullet hit the left hand.

The gangster rushed up with a cry.

Thunder's muzzle pressed down, and a shot was hit on his right ankle.


Before this guy rushed to the thunder, he fell down.

On the east wall, the gangster who was hit by Liu Feilong still had his last breath, struggling to raise his gun and plan to fight back. He had FN57 in his hand and contained steel-core bullets. As long as he hits those who did not raise their shields, At such a close distance, the muzzle velocity of more than 600 meters per second can definitely cause harm to these people in black.

However, he had no chance.

The singer hit directly through the old-fashioned wooden window and fell right in front of him.

The gang turned their guns to kill the singer.

However, the singer didn't give him a chance, so he pushed the trigger on his forehead with the muzzle of his gun.


The brains burst out.

"Collect information and control the scene!"

Lei Ming inserted the pistol back into the holster, stepped forward and picked up the eight-year-old boy who was unsure and bewildered from the ground.

"Don't be afraid, boy, uncle is a soldier."

He covered the child's eyes. Although the power was cut off, there was a faint moonlight outside the window and the lights of the surrounding buildings. He was afraid that the child would see this **** scene.

War does not belong to children.

Thunder carried the child through the gap and went to Room 404. Among the remaining people, some went to reopen the switch, and some went up to tie up the gangster who had been shot three times in his limbs, and then stopped the bleeding.

The entire battle was almost completed in less than seven seconds.

The captain of the special police downstairs saw Lei Ming holding the child and couldn't help but gave a thumbs up: "This...what do you call it."

"Thunder, you call me Lei Team." Lei Ming said.

"You are the most powerful soldier I have ever seen..." The special police captain admires the five-body throwing to the ground. This is the first time he has seen this complete rolling battle. As a special police captain, he has also served in the armed police special service squadron before. He had always sneered at the combat standard of ordinary policemen, but in front of thunder, he suddenly found an old saying that was right.

There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!

Lei Ming smiled, and stepped forward and handed the child to the special police captain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The child was already frightened, with tears in his eyes, and a little face, but he couldn't say anything.

Lei Ming said: "Take him to see a psychiatrist, don't leave a psychological barrier."

The captain of the special police nodded and bowed to thunder.

Thunder returned the courtesy, and then walked towards his car.

The 3rd team members came down one after another upstairs, and the surviving gangster was dragged away.

"Is there anyone up there?" The special police captain stepped forward and asked, "Do you need our help?"

"Nothing." Liu Feilong thought about it: "Help is still needed, let's inform the funeral home, clean up, maybe you can find the whole body."

The SWAT captain was taken aback, watching these people go away, and then looked back at Room 405, imagining what it was like there.

Back in the small courtyard of the temporary command center, Deputy Director Luo's face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

Lei Ming looked at him and didn't know what to say to him. After all, two team members were injured. A locksmith who assisted in unlocking was shot. The deputy chief was afraid that he would go back and be punished.

Shaking his head, Leiming saluted him and got into the car.

Sitting down, Lei Ming took the microphone of the communications station, "Red Arrow called the headquarters."

"Headquarters hears, please speak."

"The mission is complete. The enemy has four dead and one injured. I will bring them back alive. Please prepare medical equipment immediately."

"Understood, congratulations on the successful completion of the task."

"Please tell the chief that the obstacles are clear, and the bird can plan to fly."

"Understood. Happy return journey!"

The fourth one! Do you think that I am so diligent and my wrists are sour. Give me a lot of support and vote! ? It's best to recommend it to friends who like military affairs. The novel can only live longer if you support it. You are the meaning of this novel.

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