Absolute Honor

Chapter 199: Escape

as predicted.

Ten minutes later, the car left the bustling urban area and drove into the suburban national highway.

It was dark outside the car window, and occasionally I saw a little light flashing in the distance, perhaps the village.

The Sea Lion van crossed a bridge. Qin Fei looked up and saw the name on the bridge—Sanhewan Bridge.

Well, it's here! He secretly told himself that after crossing this bridge, it was time to do it.

In the interrogation room, in the plan that An Ruosu showed to herself, every detail was omitted. Tonight, the police transferred the route of themselves and Kunchai, and the staffing was clearly arranged deliberately. It is estimated that in the temporary headquarters of Unit 203, Lei Gongyi is staring at the tracker on the screen, paying attention to his every move. A move.

After taking a silent breath, Qin Fei moved his hands and feet lightly, and after a while, he had to settle the two policemen sitting behind him in one second.

More importantly, he couldn't make heavy moves, so as not to cause serious harm to the two of them.

It's tiring to think about it!

"Police officer!" He turned his head to the rear and said to the policeman sitting in the back of the car: "Can I park the car and go to the bathroom?"

Perhaps the policeman sitting behind did not expect that a suspect would dare to make such a request. This was the first time he saw him.

"What?" He didn't believe his ears, thinking he had misheard, so he moved forward and got closer, "What did you just say?"

Qin Fei saw him move, and the fat black policeman in front of him also noticed him, and turned back the big round head.

It's really a good angle.

Qin Fei secretly predicted once in his heart.

"I say--"

He said two words and didn't say anything further.

The thin policeman behind thought he hadn't heard clearly.

"What are you talking about?" He moved forward again.


The sound of metal rubbing suddenly came from Qin Fei's hands.

The eyes of the fat black policeman in front suddenly became round. He is an old policeman, and the sound of the handcuffs can be distinguished with his eyes closed.


He only said one word, and Qin Fei had already shot a flower before his eyes.

Qin Fei's right elbow slammed into the rear, directly hitting the cheek of the thin policeman behind.

The huge and rapid impact directly knocked the thin policeman on the window of the Sea Lion van.


The car window shattered, but not completely.

Qin Fei didn't put a heavy hand, otherwise the thin policeman sitting behind must have hit the glass and opened his head.

The thin policeman fainted on his seat after receiving such a heavy blow.

Without any pause, Qin Fei hit the thin policeman's right hand directly and swung forward again, slashing a palm on the outside of the black fat policeman's neck.

This is a dangerous move.

Both sides of the neck are covered with deadly blood vessels and nerves. The carotid artery and vagus nerve are also distributed along both sides of the neck. If the outer edge of the palm of your hand slashes the outside or back of the enemy’s neck, it can compress the carotid sinus, causing severe arrhythmia and heart failure. Killed in a short period of time, but if the strength is properly controlled, the opponent can be stunned for a short time.

The fat policeman had no time to react, and he was surprised enough to see Qin Fei taking action.

In the office of the detention center, he clearly searched his body. Qin Fei took off his prison uniform and changed the casual clothes he took out for him. To be on the safe side, the police had a set of methods of their own, but they would not keep it. Any iron tool dropped to the prisoner, even a rope, belt, or key will not be left behind.

How did he open the lock?

When he saw his colleague cracked the glass head, he thought of pulling the gun in his waist.

As soon as his hand touched the gun, he was stunned by Qin Fei.

All this happened in less than a second.

Qin Fei stepped forward and drew the Type 92 pistol from the waist of the fat black policeman and pressed it directly on the driver's head.


When the driver stopped the car, he was still confused. When he realized that the control of the police car had fallen into Qin Fei's hands, he suddenly broke into cold sweat.

"What do you want to do, shoot the police officer you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Fei stunned him with another palm.

Kunchai sat in his seat, watching all this happen as if in a dream, and his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

Qin Fei deliberately didn't take him seriously. Now his role is a fugitive. A fugitive doesn't need to pay attention to other people. First of all, he has to think about how to escape.

Qin Fei handcuffed the policemen behind with the handcuffs he found, and found a gun and two spare magazines. After that, he took out the pockets of the three policemen and took all the cash away.

"Boss! Boss!" Kun Guai finally recovered, "Save me! Save me!"

He raised his handcuffed hands.

"Don't leave me alone."

Qin Fei glanced at Kunchai, then found the key from the fat black policeman and threw it to him: "You get it yourself, I'm leaving."

Get out of the car after talking.

"Boss! Wait for me, wait for me!"

Kunchai rushed forward in a panic and followed Qin Fei: "Can you tell me something?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei said as he got out of the car and looked around, then found the right direction, shook off his steps and started off.

"I think you are really good, you are the best person I have ever seen!" Kun Guai threw the handcuffs far away, and said, "How are you going to run? Where are you going?"

Qin Fei said: "I have my own arrangements."

"Can you take me?" Kun guessed that Qin Fei was just leaving, and he didn't plan to pay attention to him at all, so he panicked.

This is a remote place, and it is a foreign country for Kunchai. If no one helps, he knows that he might not even be able to go out of this county.

"Take you?" Qin Fei sneered, and said coldly: "I never bring cumbersomeness."

Kun guessed that Qin Fei disliked himself as a burden, but was not angry at all. He chased up and said, "Don't do it for nothing, as long as you take me to the border of Province Y, I can give you 100,000."

Qin Fei still walked forward, ignoring Kun guessing.

"It's dollars!"

Qin Fei's footsteps did not stop for a moment, as if he hadn't heard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~10,000! "

Qin Fei paused and said, "I am a murderer, you are a drug dealer, and both of us are going to be shot. In addition, we are now breaking out of prison and grabbing guns. If we are caught, we will die. Take you and I will take risks. It’s okay to go by yourself. Do you think I want your 500,000 US dollars to go to Lord Yan as a road money?"

After speaking, he went on.

"One million!" Kun guessed anxiously, "US dollars! A lot of money!"

Qin Fei stopped, turned around, and looked at Kun Guai: "Just you?"

He deliberately scorned Kunchai and did a good job of tricks.

"It's just me! I guess it's not a character here, but you let me go back to Country D to try. My sister originally paid $1 million to get someone to rescue me this time, but those people don't know what the **** is going on. , I thought it was good to go to the detention center at 10 o'clock last night to save me, but I haven't heard anything until today."

"Hahahaha!" Qin Fei laughed out loud: "You are your home when you are the detention center? Come when you say it, and leave when you say it? Also, didn't you say that your sister died? Why? Send someone to rescue you. ?"

"My sister is dead, but I was caused by the accident a few days before her death..." Kun Guai's face dimmed, and he couldn't help sobbing sadly when he mentioned Zhang Lan after the poison.

"Fuck! I don't want a man to cry the most. Damn, you are a big man in your 30s. Can you just cry?" Qin Fei looked at Kun guess who was wiping the corners of his eyes, and felt that this guy was still okay. It's really pitiful, no matter what this guy does, but the relationship between the two siblings is true.

"Okay, don't cry so much, I will take you."

"Really!?" Kunchai stopped sobbing immediately.

"Is there really 1 million? Don't lie to me!" Qin Fei took out the gun and shook it in front of Kunchai, "Otherwise, please take the gun!"

The second is more.

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