Absolute Honor

Chapter 201: Pickpocket

Kunchai's gaze fell on the map in Qin Fei's hand and exclaimed: "The railway? We go to the railway station to find death!"

Qin Fei never left the map, nor did he even look at Kun Guai.

After a long time, he put away the map.

"Hurry up and rest, I'm afraid I'm going to stay up late tonight."

"Boss, you don't really intend to leave the train station, do you?" Kun guessed his face was green. "There must be police everywhere there, aren't we sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?"

"Have you heard about picking up a train?" Qin Fei: "I will show you tonight."

The two fell to the ground and fell asleep, and they woke up until the night.

After eating pancakes and drinking water, Qin Fei led Kunchai across the road, walked a few kilometers, over a hillside, and then stopped.

"See there?"

Qin Fei refers to the railway under the hillside.

"The railway track under this hillside is the Cheng-Kun line. We only wait for the truck to pass by, and we can pick it up. The truck is usually checked less, and the heart will not be found. We sat until the Y province."

"Truck!?" Kun guess asked in surprise: "Why don't you get on the bus?"

"Firstly, the truck speed is slow, and secondly, the vehicle inspection is not strict. The passenger car is fast and cannot be picked up. Even if it goes up, once the police officer above inspects the carriage, neither you nor I can escape." Qin Fei pointed to the railway below. The pillar with the signal light said: "When the red light comes on, the trucks passing by here will slow down. That is our best opportunity."

The two slowly descended the hillside, sitting in the grass beside the railway waiting for the truck to pass by.

Qin Fei watched a train coming and going occasionally. It was very close to the railway station, and H Province was a big province with rich mineral deposits, so there were many trains loading ore.

After waiting for a long time, I only saw a few trains of tankers passing by, but didn't see the car I wanted.

There are many types of railway trains. There are gondola, flatcar, boxcar, insulation car and tank car. Flatcars generally transport large machinery and automobiles. Gondola cars are mostly ore, and boxcars have cars, and most of them transport instruments that are afraid of rain. Or cargo, and tank cars transport liquids. There are only two types of cars that are most suitable for picking up. One is a gondola and the other is a boxcar.

"Boss, what are we waiting for?" Kun guessed that Qin Fei hadn't moved after waiting for so long, and was a little anxious. He was now anxious to leave Z country with wings on his back.

"Wait for a suitable car..."

Qin Fei stared at the direction where the train was coming. Soon, the lights of the locomotive appeared in the darkness, and then he heard the sneer of the train.

A gondola covered with tarpaulin on a train appeared in sight.

"Ready! That's it!"

Qin Fei pointed to the train road coming in the distance: "Pick up the train, do you understand?"

"Should understand..." Kunchai licked his lips. He didn't dare not understand it, because he felt that if he made Qin Fei feel that he was a burden, this guy would stop paying attention to him if he could not.

When the red light came on, the boxcar really slowed down.

good chance!

Qin Fei whispered: "Go!"

Then he rushed out, took a leap over the rails, grabbed the iron handle on the carriage, and in a blink of an eye, climbed onto the car like a gecko.


Qin Fei turned his head and shouted at Kunchai, who was following the train under the car, "Hurry up! Otherwise the train will speed up!"

Kunchai chased the train, his heart beating violently as if it was about to hit his throat.

He has never done such a job in his life.

The huge train carriage and the rotating iron wheels made him frightened. If he could not catch an accidental slip on the rails, he would be scratched by the train...

"Boss... I'm afraid..."

"Fuck me!" Qin Fei was so angry that he jumped off the car. He didn't expect that this guy would be so courageous. He used to hear that this guy is a drug dealer, and drug trafficking is an offending thing. Who dares to do this kind of business? Not a ruthless character?

But Kun Guai looked like a clear stream among the drug dealers, losing all the faces of the drug dealers and opening up Qin Fei's eyes.

The most terrible thing is that you can't leave him alone.

The red light went out, and the train began to roar, and the sneer became faster and faster, and the speed of the train became faster and faster.

Qin Fei knew that if he continued to delay like this, he would have to jump out of the car to accompany the bastard.

So he quickly got out of the car, grabbed the iron handle on the car, and stretched out his right hand to shout at Kunchai who was running wild by the car: "Grab my hand, you can't get in the car, just wait to be caught by the police here. Then get shot!"

The last sentence worked.

Kunchai gritted his teeth fiercely, and yelled in his mouth to reach out and put Qin Fei's right hand.

Qin Fei gave a strong mention. Fortunately, Kun guessed that his figure was thinner, estimated to be only one hundred twenty thirty kilograms, and he lifted him up without much effort.

As soon as his foot lifted off the ground, Kunchai began to scream again.

Qin Fei lifted him into the car and yelled at him: "Damn! Grab the handle on the car!"

Kunchai finally touched the iron handle, holding it tightly like a straw, not daring to relax a bit.

"Climb into the car!"

Qin Fei finished, grabbing various raised parts outside the car, and quickly got on the car.

Kunchai moved a few times before daring to move. The faster the train moved, he was too scared to open his eyes.

"Fuck me!"

Qin Fei was completely irritated, so he stretched out his hand again, grabbed the boy's clothes, and dragged him to the car.

"Scared me……"

When he arrived at the car, Kun Guai sat down on the canvas. The man collapsed like you. His whole body was wet with sweat, as if he had been caught from the water.

"I have seen anyone who is afraid of death, I have never seen you who are so afraid of death."

When Qin Fei finished, he lifted a corner of the canvas and looked inside.

The gondola is filled with wood, and there are gaps under it.

"If you don't want to die, let me in!" Qin Fei pointed to the corner of the canvas that was opened, "Stay outside and you will soon be discovered."

Kunchai used both hands and feet like a dog, grabbed the rope that fixed the canvas and climbed to the corner, took a look at the black carriage, and then gritted his teeth and jumped in.

Then, Qin Fei followed him down into the carriage.

There was a smell of resin and a moist musty smell in the carriage where the five fingers could not be seen. Qin Fei took out the flashlight he bought from his pocket~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned it on.

The sharp flashlight light illuminates the narrow space. In sight, several people squatted in a corner of the carriage, staring at Qin Fei vigilantly.


Qin Fei was taken aback. He didn't expect that there were still people in such a place.

Subconsciously, his hand touched the Type 92 pistol in his waist.

He didn't know who the other party was, but it was absolutely impossible to be a policeman. The policeman didn't need or have the ability to predict that he would get on this bus, and he squatted here to wait and see.

Who the **** is it?


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