Absolute Honor

Chapter 213: Exposed

Country d, Lamu Town Fishing Port. X

   The speedboat drew ashore, Qin Fei took Kunchai and jumped onto the pier. At a glance, he saw two Toyota off-road vehicles parked in the distance.

   6 fully armed wearing special warfare skateboard helmets, all eyes are wearing sunglasses, special warfare scarf around their necks, covering half of their face, firearms are improved m4a1 plus sigp228 pistol.

   can only be described as well-equipped.

The person headed by    wore a denim shirt, 511 tactical pants, and a pair of jungle military boots. When they saw Qin Fei and Kunchai, they waved at them.

   "Qin Fei?"

  Santos has never seen Qin Fei's true face, this is the first time I have seen it.

   "Agent Santos?"

   Qin Fei walked over with Kunchai, and the team next to him immediately came up and clamped Kunchai from left to right.

  Kun Guess face turned blue and shouted at Qin Fei: "Boss, you said you wanted to intercede with me... I don't want to die..."

   "I know, I will." Qin Fei nodded Chaokun Guess, then turned his head and shook hands with Santos, and said in English: "This is your person?"

   "Yes, it's an operative member of our Interpol." Santos looked at his watch, "Let's go, it's not safe here, now..."

   He looked back at Kunchai: "All the people in country D are chasing and killing this kid. If you don't leave, I'm afraid something will happen."

   A group of three people got into the car and was taken to the back off-road vehicle. Qin Fei, Santos and three other team members got into the front car.

  The off-road vehicle turned around and started to go north along the highway.

   "Where are we going now?" Qin Fei asked, "I want to contact my superior."

   Santos took out the satellite phone and tinkered for a while and said, "Ah, there is no signal, **** it! That's the case in a broken place like country D. You can call your superiors when you have a signal."

   Qin Fei glanced at the satellite phone in Santos's hand, and it turned out that there was no signal.

   "It's really hard for you this time. By the way, did you find something?" Santos asked.

   Qin Fei took out the yellow envelope from his body and handed it to Santos: "Fortunately, I found them all, they are all here."

   Santos took the envelope and poured out the contents. Qin Fei noticed that he was not going to check the Swiss bank documents for the first time, but going to the black notebook.

   "Not bad, not bad, even found their books." Santos said.

   "I didn't say that it was a ledger, how did you know Mr. Santos?" Qin Fei asked.

Santos froze for a moment, and then said: "Ah, it's the secret information we received. It is said that what Zhang Lan left behind includes a secret account involving the exchange of funds from several major drug cartels, and some are estimated to be sent to some zf records of bribery by dignitaries."

   Qin Fei smiled, "It seems that you know Mr. Santos very well, I didn't know it before."

   "I haven't notified your superiors about this matter, because I'm not sure." Santos said haha, prevarication: "But with this thing, it is very useful for your country to crack down on the black sun organization."

   Santos' expression and tone, as well as the flaws in his words, aroused Qin Fei's suspicion.

   Such an important piece of information, since it is a cooperation between the two sides, why not provide it before the operation? Why conceal the existence of this extremely important account book?

   Qin Fei suddenly became vigilant. After all, Kun guessed his identity is too sensitive now, and there are people everywhere wanting his life.

   3 billion U.S. dollars, plus a large secret account book, and other factors involving the division of the local drug cartel's territory, Kunchai is a moving target.

   With this thought, Qin Fei's nerves tightened again.

   No one can believe it now, anyone can be a traitor.

   His eyes moved to another team member brought by Santos sitting next to him. Qin Fei noticed that this guy had a familiar pattern tattooed on one of his arms naked outside the combat vest.

   This is a tattoo of a sea eagle holding a gun and a trident on each foot surrounding a sea anchor.


   He suddenly remembered that Wu Nawen once mentioned that it was a seal squad deployed in Southeast Asia that had ventured into the country to kidnap Zhang Lan!

   Are these people the members of the special forces who fought against themselves in the jungle for a day and night?

   His hand slowly touched the pistol in his waist, pretending to be quiet on the surface.

   Unexpectedly, the foreign special forces member sitting on his left suddenly touched the holster on his thigh and pulled out the p228 pistol.

   Qin Fei held his hand like a lightning, slammed the muzzle in the direction of the opponent, and then directly squeezed the trigger.

   Gunshots sounded inside the car.

   The SEAL sitting on his left screamed, and the bullet directly penetrated his calf and hit the floor of the cab.

   Before everyone could react, Qin Fei directly raised the gun and directly pressed it against the completely unprotected intercostal space on the side of the guy's body armor, and squeezed the trigger again.

   The bullet shot into the seal's body. The guy trembled all over, his head tilted, and knocked on the glass window.

   Qin Fei then felt a heavy blow to the back of his head, and his front was completely dark, and he immediately lost his intuition...

   Before he was completely unconscious, he heard someone yelling.

   "fuc/k! I want to kill him! I want to kill him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Calm down! He still works!"


  D country, a border town.

   A van crossed the street and quickly left the city and ran on the highway in the wild.

   Inside the car, several members of the 3rd Squad of Unit 203 are inspecting guns and ammunition. They are all wearing jeans and T-shirts, carrying civilian version of MacGyx backpacks and tactical bags. They look no different from ordinary walkers.

   Leiming is holding a satellite phone. On the other end of the phone is He Weiming of the information group.

   "Lei Team, Qin Fei's signal has disappeared."

   "What?" Lei Ming was taken aback, "When did it happen?"

"Ten minutes ago, I have checked. It is not our system failure, nor the satellite signal problem. I believe that either the tracker is malfunctioning or it is subject to strong interference." He Weiming said, "You must now find Qin on your own. fly."

   "Fuck!" Lei Ming couldn't help scolding his mother, "What's going on! Why was a rebellious Interpol in the ga room!? No signal, where can I find Qin Fei?"

   "Qin Fei once stopped at two places in country d. You can go there to collect information, maybe you can find clues." He Weiming said: "I will always pay attention to the signal, and I will contact you as soon as there is new information."

   put down the phone, thunder pinched his eyebrows.

Gao Ming asked from the side: "Lei Team, if Qin Fei stayed, we can find out who he met here and who he has looked for. As long as we find them, we should be able to get some information. As long as we find someone, I will interrogate. !"Rw


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