Absolute Honor

Chapter 226: Special Forces Code

"You all get out of the way." Liang Shaoqin calmly said to several team members: "He is my son. I will see him personally for the last ride."

After all, grabbed the shovel from Xu Wu's hand.

"You go aside."

Xu Wu can only go to one side.

Liang Shaoqin glanced at the urn that had been placed in the tomb, and began to shovel dirt in one shovel after shovel.

The cemetery was quiet, the wind suddenly disappeared, and everything was as silent as death.

Liang Shaoqin silently shoveled the soil. The tomb was relatively large. She was a middle-aged woman, after all, her physical strength was not very good, and a layer of sweat soon broke out on her forehead.

But no one dared to disturb Liang Shaoqin.


Without Qin Fei, Liang Shaoqin has lost everything.

Elder An looked at the stubborn Liang Shaoqin and couldn't bear it secretly, but knew that he couldn't dissuade him, so he could only shook his head slightly and sighed.

Time passed by every minute.

Liang Shaoqin worked as a doctor all year round, perhaps because of excitement, the skin on his palm was quickly rubbed, and the blood stained the handle of the shovel.

"Sister-in-law, can you let me come?" Wei Tiansheng finally couldn't help it, and stepped forward to grab the shovel, "I'm sorry for you!"

Liang Shaoqin glanced at Wei Tiansheng coldly, regained his shovel, and said in a deep voice, "Get away!"

Wei Tiansheng could only watch Liang Shaoqin continue to shovel the soil pitifully.

Finally, all the soil was filled in the pit, Liang Shaoqin squatted down and gently stroked the fresh soil.

"Son, Mom can only send you here."

Then he got up and said to Elder An, "Old Chief, I used to be a soldier. I only have one thing to say about Qin Fei's death."

Elder An nodded: "Just tell me."

"Qin Fei has paid off Anguo's debt." Liang Shaoqin took a deep breath and tried to suppress his emotions, "Old Qin family, worthy of this country."

After all, turned around to leave.

Wei Tiansheng finally couldn't help it. He stopped in front of Liang Shaoqin, drew the pistol from his waist, loaded the bullet, flipped the handle of the gun, and handed it to Liang Shaoqin.

"Sister-in-law! It's my fault! It's because I failed to stop Qin Fei, and I wasted the last time. I'm sorry for you! If you feel uncomfortable, just use this gun to shoot me in the head, if you can You feel better, I am willing to accept your punishment!"

Everyone was taken aback, and they stepped forward to stop Wei Tiansheng.

"Get out of the way! Leave me alone!" Wei Tiansheng shouted loudly.

Liang Shaoqin still had a cold expression, looking at Wei Tiansheng: "Wei Tiansheng, Wei Tiansheng, have you fainted?"

Wei Tiansheng lowered his head, not daring to face Liang Shaoqin.

"Qin Fei chose his own path. Of course, you also played a role in fueling the flames, but after all, it was his own choice." Liang Shaoqin said: "If you shoot you, Qin Fei can be brought back to life. I tell you, as Mother, I will do this without hesitation! But, obviously impossible. Take back your gun and don't make me feel that you make me sicker!"

Liang Shaoqin's indifference made Wei Tiansheng's heart like a knife. He really couldn't accept that the old brother and his family were now destroyed, and he was the one who sent Qin Fei to the edge of the cliff of death.

After all, Liang Shaoqin bypassed Wei Tiansheng and strode out of the cemetery.


Except for Thunder, all the members of the 3rd team rushed in front of Liang Shaoqin and knelt down.

There is gold under the knees of men, especially soldiers. The army has an unwritten common name agreement to enter the temple not to worship the gods. In ancient times, even if they saw the emperor, they could not kneel because of the armor.

Liang Shaoqin was moved, her eyes flushed all of a sudden, who had been calm and calm.

"What are you doing..."

"Qin Fei is our comrade-in-arms, he is dead, you have no son, if you want, we will be your son in the future, we will do our best for Qin Fei!"

After Xu Wu took the lead, he was already in tears.

The singer couldn't help crying, "We are all bad, and Qin Fei could not be rescued. If you want to blame, blame us..."

Seeing the six young soldiers who were kneeling down in front of him, Liang Shaoqin couldn't bear it even if he was calm. The sadness that had been buried in his heart gushed out like spring water, and tears burst into his eyes in an instant.

"Get up all...you can't be blamed...you can't be blamed..."

Liang Shaoqin helped the team members up one by one.

Wiping her tears, staring at everyone, a few seconds later, she whispered: "Take care!"

Then turned and left, never looking back.

After Liang Shaoqin left, everyone returned to Qin Fei's tomb, and Lei Ming ordered the team members loudly: "There are all, salute the martyrs!"

The six team members, including An Lao and An Ruosu, and Lin Zhonghu Wei Tiansheng, all gave a standard military salute to the place where Qin Fei was buried.

"End of ceremony!"

Lei Ming looked at Wei Tiansheng, and Wei Tiansheng nodded: "Team Lei, you can announce it."

Lei Ming took out an order from his pocket, unfolded it, and read: "According to the headquarters order, Xu Wu, Zhong Zhentao, Gao Ming, Liu Feilong, Wang Kai, Hu Yong..."

Whenever thunder touches the name of a player, the person who is touched will stand at attention.

"You have completed the selection and training of Unit 203 and have been officially recruited as members of the 3rd Division of Unit 203..."

After announcing the order, Lei Ming handed over the rank of a second lieutenant to Xu Wu: "Sergeant, you have been promoted."

Xu Wu took over the rank and held it in his hand, feeling heavy, thinking of Qin Fei, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Today ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there should have been eight people, but unfortunately, now one has been expelled, and the other has not survived until now and has sacrificed in a foreign country.

"Put away your sorrows, because we still have a lot to do. Since you have become official players today, then I want to read to you the rules of our 203 troop. This is the spirit of our troop. I hope you will remember every word in your heart, and engrave it in the deepest part of your memory, and never forget it!"

Then, Lei Ming began to read the rules of Troop 203.

"...We are not in the age of peace, we are just in Heping's country. The world situation has never been stable. Wars are invisible to the people. Our duty is to defend the hard-won peaceful environment of the country and ensure national interests and peace. National interests! As soldiers of special forces, we are always waiting for the call of the party and the people. We are ordinary people and extraordinary fighters at the same time. If the enemy is strong, we must be stronger than the enemy; if the enemy is ruthless, we must be stronger than the enemy. Ruthless; the enemy is not afraid of death, we are more afraid of death than they are! We will never give up our teammates, we must not compromise to difficulties, be firm, and face difficulties. Every time I get knocked down, I can only knock down my body, But the spirit that cannot knock me down, as long as the breath survives, I will stand up again, continue my battle, protect my teammates, complete my mission, defend my country, never give up, never back down!"

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