Absolute Honor

Chapter 232: do not! Asia!

Looking at Kun guessing with red eyes, Qin Fei wanted to slap the two pigs.

But he didn't do that. He just walked aside, picked up the gun from a corpse, and waved to a villager.

When the villagers arrived in front of him, Qin Fei handed him the gun, demonstrated the operation, fired a shot in the sky, and then handed the gun to the villager.

Then he beckoned to the parents of the boy who died, took a jungle machete from a soldier's corpse to clear the way, stuffed it into their hands, and made a motion of wiping the neck and beheading.

Although they don't understand each other's language, body language is common to all human beings.

Ge Dan on the ground stared wide-eyed and watched Qin Fei doing all this in horror. He was so frightened that he would break his guts.

"You said, you said not to kill me! You didn't believe it!"

He was going crazy, facing death, Gedan felt that he was going to collapse.

Qin Fei looked at Gedan coldly, spreading his hands: "Yes, I said that as long as you confess to me, I won't kill you."

He also pointed to the villagers: "I will never kill you, but I don't include them."

After that, he turned around and left, behind Gedan screamed like killing a pig.


Half an hour later, on the black sea, Qin Fei was sitting in the boat, Kunchai was standing on the bow, and an indigenous man was shaking his oars behind him.

The boat moved slowly in the dark, and the paddles were rowed in the water, rolling up patches of phosphorescence.

Now the two of them must leave the island immediately, where it has been exposed, and there will be no more sense of security. As long as Qin Fei and Kunchai stay, it will bring even greater disasters to the indigenous people.

As for the team brought by Gedan, the corpses are very simple to deal with. The undeveloped waters can bring rich and delicious seafood, as well as countless sharks willing to carve their bodies.

Even if someone finds there later, they won't find any clues, at most they think that there is an error in the intelligence.

Qin Fei threw away all the weapons, leaving only the Sigsauer p228 pistol for self-defense.

According to the escape route arranged by Kunchai, the two of them must first leave the island to go to the nearby city of Mogui, where there are a large number of motor sailing and speedboats specializing in tourist business.

Later, you can rent a ship and send the two people to a nearby dock. There is a 10,000-ton freighter in the bay next to the dock. This South African-registered freighter unloaded in country d and intends to transport a batch of containers to Algeria via the Indian Ocean.

After arriving at the port of Algiers, Qin Fei and Kunchai could disembark and cross the whole territory, then all the way south, through Mali and Guinea, and finally to Sierra Leone.

I am afraid it is not safe to leave country d by other means. Kun guesses that as long as it appears in densely populated places, it will soon attract hunters. The best way is to get on a freighter.

Strictly speaking, this is a kind of smuggling, but after all, there are not people who leave the country in this way. What's more, it happened that the two diners on this ship just fell ill and were not discharged after being admitted to the hospital in country d. It’s not difficult to bring Qin Fei and Kun Guai to the ship again. By the way, I can help the kitchen with something.

As for Algiers, the major port of Algeria, as long as Qin Fei and Kunchai disembark, everyone will go to their own destiny without the captain's worries.

Besides, Kun guessed the price of ten thousand dollars.

Although not many, flies are also meat anyway, and smuggling into country m only costs more than 20,000 US dollars, not to mention that such African countries are not strictly investigated.

Soon they arrived at the pier in Mogui City. The two got off the boat and said goodbye to the indigenous people. There they found a speedboat and gave the boatman US$200. The boatman immediately let the two of them board the speedboat and sailed towards the sea outside the pier.

The speedboat split the sea and sailed into the distance against the wind and waves. Kunchai sat in the stern, looking at the land and lights that were going away, and suddenly stood up and shouted at the land of country d——

"I will be back someday! I will definitely be back! I swear!"

Qin Fei looked at Kun Guai quietly. He felt that this guy must be very uncomfortable at this time.

Think about how it was not like this, at least Kunchai still knows where his home is, and what about himself? I can't remember everything.

Kunchai recounted everything about himself, and Kunchai didn't know much. I am from country z, from which province in country z? Where is my hometown? Are there any relatives?

None of these can be verified.

Perhaps infected by Kunchai, Qin Fei also stood up and headed to the north, which is the direction of country Z. He also learned Kunchai's tone and shouted loudly towards the dark sea: "I must too Will be back!"

After the roar, Qin Fei suddenly couldn't figure out why he would roar with Kunchai.

I am a murderer and I have been wanted in country Z. Doesn't going back mean being caught in a snare?

He suddenly felt that he was ridiculous, and he went crazy with Kunchai with his head and brains.


Is it really that easy?


The speedboat arrived near the deep water line outside the pier in half an hour, and the South African-registered freighter stopped quietly on the sea.

It was already night, and there was no inspection by border inspectors at the pier nearby, and the two of them boarded the boat smoothly.

The captain is a white South African named Alfonso, probably in his fifties. He is chubby and kind. Seeing that Qin Fei and Kun Guai both can speak English, and they look pleasing to the eye and have a good appetite, so let The chef in the kitchen led the man away.

Alfonso will not delay any more people are due, and all the procedures have been completed long ago. He ordered the anchor to be lifted overnight and the ship began to head towards Africa.


One day more than a month later, the scorching sun was in the sky, the scorching sun was like fire, and the earth seemed to be scorched.

On the border between southern Guinea and Sierra Leone, a tattered pickup truck creaked and stopped on the side of the road. The car banged for several times, as if it was about to fall apart in the next second.

Qin Fei and Kunchai jumped out of the car and walked to the cab to thank the driver of the black uncle.

"Are you really going to Sierra Leone?" The uncle looked worried, "The situation there is very turbulent, why do you Asians go to such a messy place..."

The black uncle speaks English. Although the languages ​​of Guinea are mainly Susu, Malinkai and Fula, they have been colonized by many countries such as Gaul and the sun not setting in history. Although the French colonization time was the longest in the end, But some people can still speak English.

The body language of black people is always very rich, and the intonation is extremely rhyming, speaking like a singer rap, because the uncle’s English is not standard, Qin Fei and Kun Guai also half understand and half do not understand, just listen to it, anyway. It's just a slap in the face of Sierra Leone.

Qin Fei nodded, laughed, and waved. Finally, the black uncle stepped on the accelerator to leave. After a few meters of the car, he could still hear him chattering.

Walking along the dirt road for a few hundred meters, up a slope, there is a run-down station on the side of the road, standing by the station, you can see the border checkpoint from a distance.

Qin Fei took out the map ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to compare his location, and then said to Kun Guai: "The location is correct, and the appointment is here."

Kun Guess looked at his watch, then looked around.

"It's almost time, why haven't my forms come yet?"

He seemed a little anxious. A foreign country and a war-torn and civilized African continent could not see a person for a long time, some of them were lions and tigers and other wild animals. No one knew whether a group of militants would jump out in the next second. Or some kind of beast.

The two of them sat on the rock by the side of the road, drank their saliva, and just lighted the cigarette, they heard the unique black rock music from the road down the slope.

Qin Fei stood up and saw that a Toyota pickup had arrived on the dirt road in the direction of the checkpoint, and rock music came from the open cab.

The driver’s seat is a guy with a thick gold chain like a bull rope hanging around his neck, wearing a fancy red, green and green t-shirt, wearing a straw hat that resembles a cowboy hat, and a guy with a two-faced moustache. Shaking his head and shaking his head, he slapped the steering wheel with the rhythm, and drove towards the two of them all the way.

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