Absolute Honor

Chapter 235: Army going south

Qin Fei asked: "What job?"

Somchai said: "I need someone I can trust to help me watch my mine. You know, it’s a bit insecure here, and I can’t find someone I can trust. Although I have hired a few bodyguards, these guys It doesn't look reliable at all!"

Qin Fei didn't answer Soong guess right away. To be honest, he didn't have a firm idea about whether he should find a job right now.

Since waking up on the island of State D, Qin Fei has been in a state between sleepwalking and reality. After all, a person’s memory is a person’s soul. If you lose your memory, your life is like written in one. The pencil writing on the piece of paper was suddenly erased with an eraser. When facing a blank piece of paper that was supposed to be full of stories, no matter it was, everyone would feel a little hesitant.

Seeing that Qin Fei didn't say a word, Soucai immediately said, "I'll give you 50 dollars a day!"

"Cut! Cousin, it's only 50 dollars a day, you send the beggar!"

From the perspective of Kun guessing who is accustomed to being lavish, 50 dollars is indeed not a big money. Although he is now a tiger, he is very clear about Qin Fei’s true identity. Besides, Qin Fei has rescued him several times, in his mind. Zhong is a savior, so I naturally feel that Somchai is too stingy.

Somchai displeased: "50 dollars is definitely a high price in Sierra Leone! My workers are 100 dollars a month, and they are rushing to do it. Even the mercenaries in the rebels only cost 30 dollars a day, high. It's only 50 dollars, but people make money with their heads!"

"Cousin, I invested in your diamond mine, am I also one of the bosses?" Kunchai asked.

Song Guai nodded: "Of course, how about 30% of you?"

Kun guessed: "I don't care how much you give me. I just want to say that in my shares, my boss, that is, Qin Fei, he has to account for half."

Qin Fei was taken aback. He didn't expect that the heartless Kun Guai still had this heart for himself.

Even Song Guai was stupid. It took a long time to relax and whispered: "Old Biao, have you been irritated recently and become stupid?"

In his opinion, Qin Fei can only be regarded as an outsider.

My cousin is about to split the shares equally with others. Is this kid stupid by his sister's lifelessness?

"No need, I haven't thought about what I want to do for the time being. Since you are going to mine with your cousin, I will follow you first. Maybe after a while I will slowly recover my memory. I can think of something from the beginning. Make another decision." Qin Fei said: "Recently, there are always some reflections in my mind..."

"Did you remember something? Boss." Kunchai asked nervously, "If you remember, remember to tell me the first time!"

He was afraid that Qin Fei would think of his true identity, and then knew that he was the goal he wanted to bring back to Country Z. In this way, the two of them would really have to be friends.

"No." Qin Fei shook his head, "It's just some very vague images, maybe some important things..."

Hearing what Qin Fei said, Kungues finally breathed a sigh of relief and pretended to be concerned: "Don't push yourself too tight. Take your time. Anyway, you will definitely not go back to country Z for a while, just stay in Africa first. It's ready."

The Toyota pickup went all the way south along the highway.

They entered the country in Benti, Guinea, followed the road from Port Loko all the way south, passed through the city of Tamaya, and soon entered the Bo city area.

The roads in Sierra Leone are not easy to follow. Many places are very primitive gravel roads, with only a small number of asphalt roads. Entering the Bo city area, several military vehicles full of government soldiers also drove southward, overtaking the pickup.

Somchai looked at the military vehicle full of Black Brother soldiers, and couldn't help but utter a "Hey", with a confused and slightly nervous expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei felt very keen, especially he had a strange feeling for soldiers in military uniforms. He would look at soldiers in military uniforms along the way.

However, he blamed all this on the situation that Kunchai had mentioned to him, that he had served in the army.

"Something's wrong..." Somchai took out his mobile phone. This is an old-fashioned Sony Ericsson phone. It has been years and months. He pressed a number, stuck it to his ear and listened for a long time, then took it down, cut the line, and redialed it again. .

The result still didn't get through.

"Damn phone!"

He began to curse again, looking a little irritable.

"Cousin, what's the matter?" Even Kunchai couldn't help but ask.

Somchai said: "Those soldiers have gone south."

"Go south?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking, "Is there anything weird about this?"

"Don't you know?"

Somchai held the steering wheel and began to popularize the national conditions of Sierra Leone to the two people. "There are three major provinces in this country, the Northern Province, the Eastern Province, and the Southern Province. Since 1991, there has been no end to war here. The armed group is called. The Revolutionary United Front is controlled by a guy named Foday Sankoh. They almost occupied the entire territory in 1994. Later, the new President Warrington invited a group from the South African EO Private Military Company. The mercenaries drove them back to the Eastern Province and signed a peace agreement to prepare for elections. However, after 1997, due to international pressure, the government cut off the contract with the eo company. As a result, the guy Kosan saw the mercenaries go. Now, immediately tear up the peace agreement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and attack the government-controlled territory again."

"In 1997, Corsang’s army even invaded the capital Freetown, where they burned, killed and looted. At that time, my three mines were looted, including all my possessions in Freetown. None of the assets were plundered and cleaned up. If it weren't for the oil on the soles of my feet and running fast and slipping to Guinea, I'm afraid my life would not be guaranteed."

"In this case, why are you back again?" Kun guessed.

Songchai shook his head and said: "Isn't it for money? You know, your cousin, I have been here for more than ten years. Although it's messy here, I'm like a fish here. I'm used to it and can't live without it. What's more. Later in 1998, the African Union peacekeeping force came in, and peace was restored here. I observed for two years and found that it is better to dig diamonds to make money. You know, as long as you dig a high-quality flawless diamond, I can get rich overnight, and I won’t have to worry about the next life if I break my leg."

After speaking, he sighed.

"I just need some time, give me some time, I can make a comeback, but now these troops seem to be going to the Eastern Province, it's not good..." Somchai frowned and touched his chin, "Where is Kosan's site? , Are they going to fight? Is something going to happen again?"

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