Absolute Honor

Chapter 243: veteran

The commander was killed, and the remaining ten or so soldiers of the rebel army suddenly lost the courage to continue fighting.

In Qin Fei's eyes, this kind of unorganized and undisciplined retreat was equivalent to a desperate rabbit in the wilderness, and it was no different from sending him to death.

Qin Fei's ak47 was seized from the rebels. The Chinese mercenary gave Qin Fei a vz58v, "Use this one, take advantage!"

The vz58v is produced by Czech/Germany, and its design is very similar to the ak47. It was the best of all the ak47 firearms imitated by the Warsaw Pact countries.

Compared with ak47, vz58 adopts machine tool processing. Compared with the ak47 of the stamping process, it has inherent advantages in accuracy. It also comes with an empty warehouse hang-up function. The muzzle brake is an upper notch design, which is beneficial to improve the ease of the ak47 gun family. The problem of unstable jumps during bursts. Therefore, this gun has won the favor of many countries and even special forces. Even in the 21st century, many people still love it very much.

Just like the vz58v in my hand at this time, like the one in the hands of the Chinese veteran, it has undergone a complete magical reform, has leather rails, can be equipped with various sights, and is even more powerful.

After receiving the gun, Qin Fei immediately felt the excellent performance of this famous gun. He held the gun at a rebel army running on the grassland and pulled the trigger. With the help of night vision sights, the rebel army a hundred meters away responded. In fact, it simply means where to fight.

The Chinese mercenary did not show weakness either. The two were like in a shooting match, shooting short shots one by one, and several rebels who had not had time to get on the car quickly all lay down.

The truck driver was so scared that he desperately stepped on the accelerator to turn his head on the dirt road, the engine roared, and the exhaust pipe emitted a puff of black smoke.

The Chinese veteran obviously did not intend to let any of them live.

The death of his teammates has already made him angry. These rebels deserve to die, none of them can be let go!

He actually held a gun, jumped out of the dirt ditch, and fired while trotting.

Qin Fei discovered that the man's marksmanship was extremely accurate. He shot several short shots, and once hit the front left tire of the car. The tires of this truck were not advanced run-flat tires. After being hit, they sneered and flattened.

The front wheel was discouraged, and the direction of the car was suddenly chaotic, and he could not turn around for a long time.

The Chinese mercenaries began to pull the trigger continuously toward the cab, and after hitting a magazine, they replaced the magazine with one hand when there was no empty warehouse and then kept the firepower.

After lighting up the two magazines, the truck cab has become a honeycomb, and the door is densely packed with bullet holes.

The Chinese mercenary walked over with the gun and carefully pulled the door. The two corpses were immediately hung out of the door from the co-pilot's position and went around to the driver's position. The driver was also lying on the steering wheel, dripping blood on the floor. Come on, it's hopeless.

He still didn't vent his anger, kicked **** the door of the car, kicked loudly, and cursed a few words of "Damn" in his mouth.

Then he turned around and walked towards Qin Fei. When he saw that there were rebels still moving while he was walking, he did not hesitate to replenish his guns. After walking down the road, the whole grassland returned to silence.

He returned to the dirt ditch and asked the wounded mercenary: "Thor, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." The mercenary called Thor held Locke's corpse for a long time and refused to let go. "Rock...and Hans...they died...the **** **** attacked and killed them... …"

The Chinese mercenaries stood and watched for a while, and sighed softly, "Put the bodies of Locke and Hans away. We will find a car later and take them away. Don't hold him... he died……"

Thor, this guy is tall and mammoth, with a golden beard, like a barbarian. Judging from his current situation, this guy is really sad. Although mercenaries are called wardogs and work for money, their friendship is baptized by blood and fire, and most of them have deep friendship.

After finishing speaking, the Chinese mercenary jumped into the dirt ditch and helped up the black politician who had been lying on the ground without daring to move from under one side of the ditch.

"Mr. Zhu Lite, it's safe, we will find a car and leave here later."

Zhu Lite tremblingly sat up from the ground, panting and saying: "Thank you...thank you..."

He really couldn't say anything except thank you.

The Chinese mercenary patted him on the shoulder, jumped onto the ditch, and returned to Qin Fei.

"My last name is Yu, Yu Zhonghua, they all call me Lao Yu, what is your name?"

While talking, Lao Yu stretched out his hand.

Qin Fei also stretched out his hand, and the two shook hands politely.

"My name is Qin Fei."

"Qin Fei, have you been a soldier?" Lao Yu asked.

"It's..." Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then he could only answer like that.

He can't say that I was a scout, then killed someone, was wanted and ran here.

He is wary of strangers.

"No wonder, I don't think you are a soldier of an infantry company in an ordinary field unit. If I guess right, it is a special unit." Old Yu said.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly. He really didn't know where he came from. As for whether it was a special force, he didn't even know, he only knew that he was a scout.

"Forget it." He could only answer vaguely again.

"Take me as your senior." Lao Yu said.

"Oh?" Qin Fei's eyes lit up. He has an inexplicable intimacy for the profession of a soldier. After all, the only person who remembers his identity now is a former soldier. "Are you?"

"The Thirteenth Reconnaissance Brigade, the deputy squad leader of the first squad of the armed reconnaissance platoon of the two mountain round warfare in 1987." When Lao Yu said this, his waist suddenly stood up and his expression was full of pride, and then he suddenly looked down at himself. Wearing mercenary costumes, he smiled and said: "But it's all over. Now I am a mercenary from the South African Protector Company."

Qin Fei saluted and said, "Hello, old squad leader!"

The old fish immediately returned the gift, and then asked, "Qin Fei, how did you come to places like Sierra Leone? Are you here for business? Or mining?"

Qin Fei said: "Come with a friend from country T. He defected to his cousin and opened a mine here..."

He pointed to the temporary container house in the distance: "It's there~www.wuxiaspot.com~Now they are all hiding there."

Then, shouting into the distance: "Guess Guess! Come out, it's okay!"

"Qin Fei, you should leave this country as soon as possible." Lao Yu shook his head and said, "It won't be safe here soon."

"What happened?" Qin Fei said, "I caught a prisoner just now. He confessed that you were responsible for rescuing a presidential candidate away, right?"

"Yeah." The old fish pointed to Zhu Lite under the dirt ditch. "It is him. For him, I died six brothers. We had backups. Something went wrong..."

Speaking of this, Qin Fei saw endless anger in the eyes of the old fish.

"Anyway, let’s listen to the veteran. Leaving here, immediately and later, I won’t be able to leave." Lao Yu said: "The rebels have torn up the peace agreement again, and the war has been fully launched. Within one day yesterday, the rebels’ troops It has advanced for more than 70 kilometers, and now Bo City is probably not safe anymore. Once the fight starts, the current government/government army's combat effectiveness will not be able to withstand it. They can only ask the AU peacekeeping force to intervene. Before that, I am afraid that the capital Liberty City is not safe."

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