Absolute Honor

Chapter 245: The story of the old fish

"Too much like..." Lao Yu's eyes swept across Qin Fei's face, "Although nearly 20 years have passed, you really look like the one I met during the two mountain rounds. A great man."

"Bull man?" Qin Fei was inexplicably interested in the "bull man" in Lao Yu's mouth. "How to be a bull?"

The old fish thought for a while and said, "When you have all the bullets on your body and only one empty gun is left, can you capture the soldiers of the other two squads?"

Qin Fei was stunned. He didn't expect Lao Yu to ask such a tactical question.

Empty gun without bullets?

Do you want to capture two squads?

If the infantry squad is full of at least ten people, then two squads have at least twenty people.

This is really a problem.

"The great man you are talking about has encountered such a situation?" Qin Fei asked curiously.

Lao Yu nodded and said: "Yes, that great man exchanged fire with the enemy during a reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines. In order to cover his teammates to retreat with his tongue, he chose to break alone. Although he managed to get rid of the pursuit, the troops were separated. At that time he was separated. Without a map, I can only determine the route back to China based on the direction in the deep mountains. As a result, I encountered the enemy's two squads on a mountain road, but with an empty gun, all the people were caught back."

"It's really awesome." Qin Fei said, "How did you do it?"

"This question is actually a question of courage. When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. He bet his life, but he wins. Otherwise, he will die. In a critical moment on the battlefield, the brave will often survive. Those who are afraid of death often die. Faster." Lao Yu said: "Those yn soldiers lack his courage. No one knows that his gun is an empty gun, and no one can imagine a person who would dare to jump out with an empty gun to stop them. People in this class, because only crazy people do that."

Qin Fei was stunned, that's right, if you pretend that there is a bullet in his gun, betting that the opponent is afraid to shoot, it can really scare the opponent.

"I admire, this person is Qin Anguo you said?" Qin Fei asked.

Lao Yu nodded: "Yes, he was already a veteran at the time. He was a battalion reconnaissance staff officer. I was just a deputy squad leader in the reconnaissance brigade. Staff Qin was specially sent by the chief to formulate special operations plans and research. It is said that He is preparing to build a very special unit, code-named "Red Arrows". What a pity..."

Having said that, he raised his head and sighed.

"What a pity?" Qin Fei asked.

The old fish shrugged and said regretfully: "When I finished the round, Staff Qin approached me and asked if I would join the Red Arrow team. I refused."


"Because I am a more traditional person. At that time, my old mother was seriously ill. I was brought up by my mother since I was a child. Hundreds of filial piety is the first, so I chose to retire." Lao Yu said, "I want to go back to the place to arrange a job and take care of it. I'm going to give my old mother a filial piety, but I didn't expect that my poor old mother left without waiting for me to arrange the work."

Qin Fei also secretly sighed, Lao Yu's experience was also one of the many veterans who participated in the southern Xinjiang campaign. Some chose to leave the team while others chose to take off their uniforms and return to their hometown. There was no right or wrong choice.

"But why are you going abroad as a mercenary now?"

This question is extremely attractive to Qin Fei.

A veteran participating in the war is still a reconnaissance brigade, who is performing missions behind enemy lines that are born to death. Such people should be placed in any case.

"People are not as good as the sky." Lao Yu shook his head and said, "When I returned to the place that year, I almost beat up those **** in the resettlement office because of a trivial incident, so the impact was very bad, so I didn't give me resettlement. Angry, just don't settle down, just come out and try yourself."

"What happened?" Qin Fei thought to himself, Lao Yu doesn't seem to be a violent person, and I'm afraid he is in a hurry to beat someone.

Lao Yu said: "In fact, it's not my own business. I can't see the matter of a comrade-in-arms. I grabbed the collar of the deputy director's grandson in the resettlement office and scared him to pee. As a result, the local Public Security Bureau I plan to take me to the criminal police team, so that others will have something to say, how can a bandit like me enter the ga bureau, let’s discuss and discuss again. As a result, the discussion has been discussed for more than two years without any results, I I got angry and went directly to the resettlement office to take away my files, so I don't want these grandsons to settle for me."

"Veteran, you are really awesome!" Qin Fei smiled and couldn't help but thumb up.

The comrades who came down from the battlefield back then had a fate of friendship with each other. It is okay to feel wronged by themselves, but they can’t bear the entrustment of their comrades. You can imagine the anger of the old fish.

What's more, a scout crawling out of a pile of dead people grabbed the collar of a civilian cadre who had been sitting in the office all the year round. It is estimated that that kind of staring stare can scare people. It is not difficult to imagine the deputy of the mz bureau back then. The director's face is probably whiter than the newly made paper.

"Why are you here as a mercenary now?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it because of life? For people like me, once they don't want to be assigned, they realize that their ideas are simple. Apart from fighting, I really don't understand other things. Later, an uncle of mine who went to France to open a Chinese restaurant in his early years needed manpower. So I applied for a tourist visa to go out, and then came down to work as a black job for him. Later, I met a French woman over there, got married, and got his status."

"Okay, I won glory for the country." Qin Fei smiled again.

The old fish laughed twice and continued: "What is it to win glory for the country? Isn't that? It's all for living. Although the welfare is better with the status, but the French wife of my French wife is called Nengsheng, and the hen lays eggs. One after the other, a total of four were born. The salary I spent in the Chinese restaurant gradually became more difficult. In order to make my family live better, I joined the Foreign-French Corps and signed a five-year contract in it. I went to the eo company in South Africa. I have been running outside for the past few years. I still want to save more money. When I have money, I will find a remote place in the south of France to buy a small farm or something, and taste the feeling of the local owner. ."

Suddenly, a Thor, who was playing with the radio, cursed loudly beside them.

"What's wrong?" the old fish asked Thor.

Thor angrily said: "The **** of the clown team arrived in Bocheng two hours ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They hid in Bocheng and did not come out to meet us!"

"Have you contacted them?" Old Yu asked.

Lei Shen said: "No, but I contacted the combat headquarters of Liberty City. They told me that they had passed with the Joker team ten minutes ago. They had arrived in Bo City a long time ago. I don’t know why they didn’t leave the city to meet us. !"

The old fish pondered for a moment and said, "They are waiting to pick up the bargain."

Thor was taken aback, then he cursed loudly.

"Look, there is someone in front!"

Kun Guai stretched out half of his body from the co-pilot and shouted at the person behind the car: "What should we do? It looks like a soldier!"

The old fish rushed to the front end of the car and observed with the night vision scope.

"Turn off the headlights! It's the rebels!"

He suddenly shouted, "Ready to fight!"

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