Absolute Honor

Chapter 250: Joker debut

Two new trucks and an armed pickup appeared on the road, and the follow-up troops of the rebels arrived.

The M1 heavy machine gun mounted on the pickup completely shattered Qin Fei's idea of ​​grabbing the car, not to mention that he couldn't raise his head at all now, even if he was so lucky that the bullets flew away from him, and then rushed into the truck, it would be useless.

Under the powerful firepower of the M1 heavy machine gun, this old antique Soviet-made Ural truck is simply a paper-covered toy. The 12.7mm warhead can go directly to the backplane of the bedside car and then penetrate the car board. People are beaten into a pile of rotten meat.

This is not the ak-47 that those black buddies hold in their hands. Although the M1 model is old, the rate of fire is not fast, and it gets stuck from time to time, but it’s old and tough. It’s not too easy to deal with a truck, after all. The caliber determines its power.

At this moment, Qin Fei was lying in the dirt pit, and many rubble and sawdust and gravel splashed by the warhead fell on his body. For the first time, he felt the approach of death.

It's already desperate.

Qin Fei couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Unloading the magazine and looking at it, there are half of the bullets left in it, plus there are two full magazines in the tactical vest. This is his final cost.

Once it is lit up, it has to wait to die.

There are dozens of new reinforcements from the rebels. Their marksmanship is still so bad. They shoot and charge indiscriminately, but they have always strictly followed the same tactical principle, always spreading to the wings, and then trying to outflank themselves. Once the enemy outflanks successfully, they will fire at the target from different angles.

Qin Fei tried to take advantage of the moment when the M1 heavy machine gun paused, but such sporadic counterattacks could not completely stop the black rebels swarming.

Lao Yu and Lei Shen were also helpless. They were 40 meters away from Qin Fei, and they couldn't lift their heads under the pressure of dense bullets and roaring rockets.

Qin Fei suddenly felt that the commanders of these rebel forces are generally of high quality. Although their individual quality is very poor, they know how to achieve the best firepower suppression.

Even if they don’t have night vision equipment, but relying on gunfire and muzzle flames generated when shooting, even if they can’t see the exact position, they still order their subordinates to fire rpg rockets at Qin Fei and Lao Yu to strengthen them. Their firepower.

It seems that war can indeed train people. Even if they have not received systematic training and military command teaching, these rebels who can survive as officers are elites who have survived various civil wars. They are not manic and commandless. An artistic lunatic, but a person who has a thorough understanding of the principles of fighting in the African wilderness and jungle.

Are you really going to die?

Qin Fei flashed this thought for the first time, because at this moment he had no chance to come back, unless a miracle occurred.

Touching the last grenade on the tactical vest, he was considering whether to shoot the bullets, and whether to find a chance to rush out and pull a few guys on the road together.

He didn't understand why he had such an extremely crazy heroic complex in his bones, and he didn't understand why he thought of this step. He could only attribute all this to the fact that he had been trained in the reconnaissance force.


The armed pickup, which was parked on the highway and was shooting frantically, was suddenly bounced into the ground in a fire, and fragments and corpses were scattered everywhere.

The old fish raised his head and watched this scene in astonishment.

He didn't realize what was going on?

Did those black guys blow up their cars by playing hand grenades?

But this explosion is obviously not something that a grenade can do.

Then, Qin Fei, who was lying in the dirt pit, heard a strange sound of "Fufu" from the treetops. Qin Fei seemed to have heard such a sound in his consciousness. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly curled up to death. Lie on the bottom of the pit.

It was the sound of a mortar shell flying, and judging from the rush of the sound, it had reached the top of the woods, that is, above his head, perhaps only less than 20 meters away.

Sure enough, a ball of fire exploded more than 20 meters away from Qin Fei.

More than a dozen rebels suddenly screamed again and again, and someone was pushed directly by the air wave and crashed into a tree to death.

Judging from the power of the explosion, the caliber of this mortar shell is not large, perhaps only about 60-80 mm in caliber, but the explosion range is also about ten meters, enough for those black buddies to drink a pot.

Qin Fei didn't dare to move. He knew the shooting principle of the mortar. The first shot must be a proofreading design. Once the point was correct, the next shot would be a regular rapid fire.

His guess was correct, and soon he heard the sound of the tail of the mortar shell spinning through the air.




After a few rounds, there was a cheerful sound of machine guns.

It's not the dull "all-through" sound made by the 12.7mm large-caliber m1, but the sharp and crisp 7.62mm machine gun sound.

He ventured to see his head out of the pit and found that the rebel soldiers were retreating collectively, in a panic and unorganized formation. Obviously their commander had already seen God, and no one commanded it to be so messy.

Qin Fei put his spear down and soaked in the several rebels behind, then turned and looked in the direction of Lao Yu.

He knew that it was definitely not the old fish who came to save himself, but that reinforcements had arrived, but he didn't know who the reinforcements were.

On the highway, two "badger" wheeled infantry armored vehicles came slowly from a distance. There were two 7.62 machine guns on the roof of this vehicle.

The armored vehicle was parked on the side of the road. The armored door on the right front opened. More than a dozen mercenaries in full gear wearing tactical pants such as 511, camouflage short-sleeved Kevlar helmets and night vision goggles got out of the vehicle. Occupying favorable terrain, a sniper rushed to the armored vehicle to find cover and started sniping.

The revitalization is methodical, and obviously has received rigorous training.

"Old fish!"

A middle-aged mercenary with a beard, looking like the leader of the team, shouted into the woods: "We're here to save you."

Lao Yu didn't pay attention to this beard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but rushed to Qin Fei the first time.

"Qin Fei, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can't die." Qin Fei shook the soil and got up from the pit, "Fate."

"Your kid is really crazy!" Seeing that Qin Fei was okay, the old fish couldn't help but smile. "You are a crazy man, but I like it. It seems that our troops still have successors for so many years."

Qin Fei smiled and didn't answer. Did he tell Lao Yu that he was a murderer?

Who will succeed?

"Who are who?" Qin Fei changed the subject, "it seems that they saved us."

"They are the clown team, and we are employed by the same company." Lao Yu's face suddenly sank, looking at the beard walking towards him, his eyes full of anger.

"Vincent! You son of a bitch!" Thor didn't know where he rushed, like a rugby player, he hugged his waist and lifted the beard, and slammed it on the mud.

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