Absolute Honor

Chapter 252: Protector company

The corpses of his teammates were also loaded into the car. Lao Yu and Raytheon followed Qin Fei on the same "badger" infantry fighting vehicle. It was very close to Bo City and soon outside the city, and bunkers were piled up on both sides of the road. , The soldiers of the government army were nervously deploying defenses.

After showing his credentials to explain the situation, the officer saw that it was Zhu Lite and immediately let him go.

The car drove along the dilapidated dirt road towards the hospital. There was fire everywhere along the way. Obviously Bo was also shelled and the rebels were attacking Bo.

When passing a road on the way, a large number of residents hurriedly fled to the east of the city with some simple luggage. Suddenly a shell fell on the side of the road, blowing several innocent pedestrians into fragments.

Flesh and stumps were scattered everywhere, and other people on the road screamed and ran to hide in their own rooms.

The old fish looked at everything outside through the observation hole, and his heart slowly sank. He turned his head and said to Vincent: "It seems that Bocheng will not last long. What you have observed is the weakest defense of the rebels. Where? We can find a way to rush out."

"There is nowhere to escape. Except for the direction you came just now, the other three sides are surrounded, but you can't get out from the direction you came, because the past was all rebel territory." Vincent smoked a cigar. , Said to Lao Yu: "There is one thing, I think it is necessary to inform you."

He smoked a cigar, took a note from his pocket and handed it to the old fish.

Lao Yu took the note, turned on the tactical flashlight and looked at it, his face suddenly changed.

Lifting his head, he stared at Vincent on the opposite side.

Vincent spread his hands and said proudly: "This is the meaning of the company. Of course, I also think Mr. Robert's decision is very correct. Your team has now lost its combat effectiveness. Now there are only two people left, and we We should take over the task from the military perspective or the company's interests."

"I can finally see it. No wonder you were so humble and didn't come to grab the task when this mission came down. It turned out to be the fisherman's profit..." The old fish leaned forward and said, "You know you go to Corey Bundu. Rescue of Zhu Lite is a dangerous thing, so we deliberately let us take this task, and then you assist. It is not that you are modest, but you know that going to the Eastern Province to save people is equivalent to nine deaths. If my team rescues people, I am afraid it will be too. You will suffer a lot of casualties. You deliberately silently radio in Bo City, just to see our deaths and injuries, so that you have enough reasons to blackmail me and take away the tasks that I am responsible for from Robert. , Even if we all die in the Eastern Province, there is no loss to you. You can retreat directly in Bo City, right?"

Vincent shrugged: "Old fish, I think this is just your idea. But I remind you that now you only have two players, no matter what kind of cruel character you are, it is impossible to take Thor this guy to break through the whole In the encirclement of the Revolutionary League Front, you can only rely on us. There is also me who can arrange helicopters for you. Don’t forget, my presence in Africa is very broad..."

"Can you get a helicopter?" Old Yu's expression changed.

"Of course, you forgot? I used to be a green flat hat, what did the green flat hat do? In Africa, I trained the special forces of many countries, and many of them owed me favors, including this time. Entering the African Union peacekeeping force in Sierra Leone, one of their lieutenant colonel was one of the special forces members I trained back then. I can ask him to send a helicopter to take us here. Now they have arrived at Mobayan, where there are three Mi-17s. Helicopter, as long as I contact him and tell him, there will be a helicopter to rescue us soon."

The old fish was silent.

Vincent's conditions are very attractive. You know, Bo City is now surrounded on three sides, and the remaining area that has not been surrounded is also heading to the rebel base camp in the Eastern Province. It is impossible to **** Zhu Lite out of danger by himself and Thor. It's a helicopter, not even an armored vehicle, and Vincent has not only two "badger" infantry fighting vehicles, he hasn't even contacted the Mi-17.

If you have a helicopter, you can obviously get out of the trap easily, because the rebels do not have very advanced air defense weapons, and basically can only use rpg to attack the helicopter. As long as the Mi-17 is flying high, they can do nothing.

In this rescue of Zhu Lite, the Protector Company has invested a lot of money, because Zhu Lite is the person most likely to become the president of the country in the future. Once he comes to power, it means that the agreement between Robert and Zhu Lite will be It will take effect. What the Protector Company wants is not only the pitiful remuneration, but also the mining equity of the diamond mine.

This is a steady stream of financial resources. Compared to the current cramps of 20,000 US dollars paid to each team member, it is almost insignificant.

Robert definitely agrees to Vincent’s request, because as the boss of a private military company, he only looks at the ultimate profit maximization. As for the independent contractors who subcontract tasks, he has no interest in taking care of their lives and lives. He wants It's just that Zhu Lite is alive.

Lao Yu felt that he had reached a desperate situation and had no other choice.

Just rely on the two of them, not to mention that I am not sure to rush out, even Zhu Lite would not agree to continue to be escorted by myself.

If it is handed over to Vincent, the customer who was saved after sacrificing six brothers will be handed over to Vincent, and the remuneration will be lowered. What's more, if you are a mercenary in Africa, you want fame. The greater your reputation, the higher your reward, and the more people who invite you.

The reason why Lao Yu took the risk of taking on this dangerous business was not just to stare at the reward, but to gain some reputation for his team and get a better job in the future.

Only now, everything seems to be in vain.

He was obviously overcast.

Qin Fei was sitting next to Lao Yu, and he had already heard some clues from the conversation between the two.

Vincent is absolutely shameless. Qin Fei doesn't like this countryman very much. Even though he is a mercenary, he started to set up such a shame to go with him, and he was not kind in any way.

Perhaps in a place like Africa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shamelessness is a way of survival.

Qin Fei sighed with emotion. Thinking about it, it is the same everywhere. It is the law of the jungle where the weak and the strong eat the strong. Just as Kun guessed that the scenery was infinite when his sister was not dead.

He didn't know how to help Lao Yu, besides, what he had to care about was not other people's affairs, but Songchai and Kunchai.

The car reached the hospital and stopped.

Kunchai and Qin Fei took two bodyguards and quickly carried Songchai inside.

Due to the outbreak of the war, most of the local doctors fled. Only a few doctors from the International Red Cross organization are still here. They didn't come here to treat the war wounded, they just came here to provide medical assistance, but they unexpectedly encountered the outbreak of a civil war. So I immediately became a war doctor.

A foreign doctor touched Sonchai's heartbeat, and with a small flashlight, he raised Sonchai's eyelids and took a photo, frowning.

"What's the situation?" Qin Fei asked.

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