Absolute Honor

Chapter 259: Swamp Horror

The old fish held up his fingers, pointed to his eyes, and pointed to the front right.

Qin Fei lifted the VZ58, and through the night vision sight, he saw about a dozen rebel soldiers sitting on the ground at the edge of the forest, forming a circle, seeming to be chatting.

The distance was about 100 meters, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

If a gun is fired at this distance, it will definitely cause someone to escape into the woods.

The SA-3 launch vehicle has not been found yet, and I must not be stunned. The rebel soldiers must be killed silently. There are all rebels nearby. Once someone fires a gun, the trio must be like stepping on a hornet’s nest. He will soon be surrounded by the swarming rebels, let alone bombing the car, his life will not be guaranteed.

The best way is to get close, and then the three of them fire at the same time, and kill them before the rebels can react.

The three of them slowly lay down in the swamp. Fortunately, the aquatic plants here were half a person tall. The three of them lay down and couldn't see any traces at all.

After climbing more than 30 meters, the old fish on the right front suddenly stopped moving and raised his fist again.

Qin Fei was a little surprised. There was still at least 60 meters away from the rebel soldiers I saw just now. Did the rebels find himself and Lao Yu?

This is simply impossible. They don't have night vision equipment, and they can't see the three people hiding in the water plants 100 meters away in the dark.

Qin Fei slid slowly on the ground, crawling close to the old fish in a low posture.

"What's wrong?"

The old fish turned his head cautiously, as if he had stepped on a thunder, and it would explode with just a slight move.

Extending his finger to the front, the old fish pointed.

Although the face of the old fish cannot be seen in the dark night, he can be heard from the old fish's breath that he is very nervous and his breathing is a bit heavy.

Looking in the direction of Lao Yu's fingers, Qin Fei was shocked.

A pair of green eyes appeared less than five meters in front of the right of the old fish, less than half a meter from the ground.

Moreover, the pair of green eyes disappeared from time to time, and then reappeared, Zaiba blinking.

Eyes are less than half a meter from the ground?

It doesn't seem to be a big beast, otherwise at least one meter.

However, Qin Fei soon discovered that he was wrong. When he looked at the thing with the sight, he found that he would rather encounter a lion now than encounter this thing.

A crocodile!

A Nile crocodile!

This crocodile is very fierce and famous in Africa. It eats almost everything. Some animals eat animals, some people eat people, and even a tire that falls into the water will bite off a piece and swallow it in its stomach.

The most notorious crocodile in African history is more than five meters long and has eaten more than 300 people in 10 years.

Fortunately, this crocodile does not appear to be five meters long, and the age is estimated to be relatively young, only about two meters.

Even so, it is enough to kill an adult. The most cruel stunt of this animal is to roll around 360 degrees in place after biting its prey. Imagine when a person’s thigh is bitten by this guy, and then it violently Roll a few times...

Qin Fei's scalp was numb when he thought of this.

"Kill it!" Qin Fei carefully aimed VZ58 forward. Although the Nile crocodile was fierce enough, it was probably vulnerable to human weapons.

"No!" Lao Yu said solemnly: "VZ58 gunshots are too loud."

The old fish knows the performance of the VZ58 very well, and although the VZ58 he used has been modified, the silencer is made of AK gun. Although the price of the furry stuff is cheaper than that of the US, it is just stupid and thick and durable, but it is really exquisite. Not as good as those made in the United States and Europe.

The marshland at this time was not only empty, but also deadly silent.

Shooting in such a place, even with a silencer, the sound of the metal hitting the gun and the sound of gunpowder exploding in the barrel may still alarm the rebels 60 meters away.

Although I don't know if it will surely alarm the rebels, this involves the entire operational arrangement, so we can't bet on it.

Once you lose, you lose everything.

The old fish pointed to Qin Fei's thigh holster.

Qin Fei immediately understood, because he was using a P228 with a silencer. This gun is different from the VZ58. It is one of the favorite pistols of special forces. It is well made and has excellent silencer performance. Qin Fei has used it. Of course know its benefits.

Even if the gun was fired from 30 meters away, I am afraid that the rebel soldiers would not think it was a gunshot when they heard it.

Lao Yu made a gun-shaped hand with his right hand and placed it on his left palm.

Qin Fei knew that the old fish let himself wait for the crocodile to approach, and it was best to shoot against the crocodile's body, so that it would pop out of the crocodile and shoot directly into the crocodile's body, which can reduce the noise of cutting through the air.

"Damn... Old Yu, you are really good at fighting." Qin Fei couldn't help but say.

The old fish smiled and whispered: "I press your head, you rush down/half body, its heart is down from the neck, and a section in front of the forelegs. Don't shoot from the back. The spine cannot be penetrated by the bullet. , Shooting from the side."

"Thor." The old fish turned around and said to Eric: "If we fail and alarm the rebels, you will open fire immediately! How many can you kill!"

"Understand." Thor raised his right hand and made an OK gesture.

The crocodile is slowly approaching Qin Fei and the old fish at this time. Generally, crocodile will not take the initiative to approach its prey. They like to lie on the ground quietly or take a deep breath of air before diving into the water. Its unique physiological system will Send blood to the brain, eyes and other major organs, so they can stay underwater for dozens of minutes like hibernation~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wait for the prey to pass by and then rush to bite.

It's just that Lao Yu and Qin Fei stopped after they discovered it. It could hear the human breathing of the two in front of them, but they didn't move forward.

Therefore, it decided to try to approach these humans slowly.

The last time it ate was a week ago. It was an antelope that was unlucky enough to come to the river in the swamp. Now a week later, its stomach has completely digested the antelope, leaving only the pair of horns.

It needs to eat, and it is very urgent.

Qin Fei put down the VZ58, slowly pulled out the P228, gently pulled the sleeve, checked the barrel of the gun, and made sure that there was no sand infiltrated inside, otherwise once it jammed, it would be dead.

Lao Yu drew out an M9 saber, took a breath, and calmed his mind.

The two of them were waiting for the crocodile to approach, and the crocodile was slowly moving towards their prey.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer...

Three meters...

Two meters...

one meter……

0.5 meters...

The crocodile felt that this distance was almost close, uh, it sprinted forward!

At the same time, Qin Fei and Lao Yu also rushed forward like leopards!

In the distance, the rebel soldiers in the siege of the city heard a noise in the grass in the distance.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then there was a few more whispers.

A rebel soldier picked up his gun and walked to the edge of the swamp to see what happened.

"Hey! Don't go there, there are crocodiles! The crocodiles are preying!"

The leading soldier stopped his men, "There must be no one there, no one can pass through this crocodile swamp, unless they want to die, or they are crazy..."

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