Absolute Honor

Chapter 266: Forbidden bar

In a hurry, Lao Yu drove the car fast.

In less than twenty minutes, he took everyone to the mercenary bar by the sea.

A place like a bar is usually a place where nocturnal animals live. Generally, the door is closed during the day. Qin Fei finds it strange in the car. Going to the bar during the day to recruit mercenaries sounds a bit unreliable. .

But when he got there, Qin Fei was surprised that the door had already been opened.

To be precise, there is no such thing as closing and opening the door here.

Liberty City is a place where the wealthy people in Sierra Leone live. It is also a resort and trading center for diamond merchants when they come here for gold nuggets. The bar named Forbidden Land is located by the sea. It's not worth much money, so it covers an area of ​​several hundred square meters, and there are many outdoor bars built of wood and palm leaves on the beach outside.

At the beginning of the war, the rich and diamond dealers had already begun to flee in a hurry. Most of the people who stayed here were free mercenaries looking for employers.

"We won't follow you to do business, just have a drink here and blow the sea breeze and wait for you."

Kunchai and Thor became addicted when they saw the wine in the outdoor bar. They jumped into the chairs and refused to get down, and asked the bartender who was resting in the bar to make two cocktails for themselves.

Lao Yu and Qin Fei walked into the open door of the bar. As soon as they entered the door, a pungent smell of wine and musty penetrated into their nostrils. Many tables in the bar have not been cleaned up, with wine bottles and some leftovers poured on them. Leftovers, smells very choking.

"You wait for me here, I'll go to the boss." Lao Yu said: "He should know who else hasn't been hired recently."

"If you are busy, I will go around." Qin Fei nodded and replied.

The old fish walked through the lobby of the bar and walked towards the end. Qin Fei walked around in the bar himself. This ghost place was full of alcohol. Qin Fei wanted to breathe fresh air, so he found a back door next to him and pushed. I want to go out and find a place to smoke a cigarette.

Unexpectedly, this door was not a back door at all. As soon as it was opened, it turned out to be a big bed. The dark red light revealed a certain ambiguity, and Qin Fei was embarrassed by the sight of the bed.

Two buttocked black girls lay on the big bed, naked and naked.


As soon as Qin Fei wanted to push it out, a pistol suddenly appeared by the door and pressed it against Qin Fei's temple.

"Raise your hand!" A vigilant voice sounded.

Although he was shocked in his heart, Qin Fei raised his hands, and suddenly saw the two ***s that made him a little lost, but he didn't realize that someone was hiding behind the door.

"Friend... I just went in the wrong door." He said lightly, turning around slowly, "I just came to the bar to find someone."

Turning around, Qin Fei saw the small man in front of him. This guy was holding a Grote 17 pistol. He was not very tall and had a dark skin, but he was not a pure black man. He looked like a man. Mulatto.

"Looking for someone? That's right, I am the person you are looking for."

As the little man said, he reached out and touched Qin Fei, took off his VZ58 assault rifle, and threw it on the bed next to him. He took out the Sigsauer P228, stared at him, and smiled: " Very good stuff, with a silencer? Do you dare to say that you weren't sent by Noel?"

Qin Fei was confused. It seemed that this guy had admitted the wrong person, so he said: "I don't know what you are talking about, I don't know any Noel."

"Okay, okay, don't pretend." The little mulatto sneered, "When did Noel hire Orientals? Are black and white killers too expensive?"

Qin Fei had already completely turned around at this time, and suddenly took advantage of the moment when the little man looked down at the P228 pistol and was slightly distracted.

The little mixed-race man only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and his wrists hurt for a while, and the gun turned into a magic trick and reached Qin Fei's hands!

He almost dropped his jaw!


Almost at the same time, the little man leaned over like a monkey and rushed over to hug Qin Fei's legs.

As a result, the distance between the two people suddenly narrowed.

Qin Fei immediately understood that this guy was shortening the distance between the two, letting the muzzle of the pistol exceed his body distance, and could not shoot him.

This is definitely a smart choice, because the gun is in the opponent's hand, no matter how you escape or hide, you can't be faster than a bullet at such a close distance. The correct way is to entangle yourself closely so that the opponent can't shoot the gun at all.

The little man didn't stagnate at all, he directly held Qin Fei's thigh and twitched.

Qin Fei suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground after looking up to the sky.

Seeing Qin Fei and the little man start their hands, the two naked black girls woke up, screaming and walking away.

The little man immediately stepped forward and grabbed Qin Fei's hand. He also lay down on the ground on Qin Fei's side. His legs stretched out to clamp Qin Fei's right hand holding the gun, and he twisted his backhand!

Cross solid lock!

Typical Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

This kind of fighting technique originated from street fighting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After slowly developing and growing, it was carried forward in MMA unlimited fighting, simple, fierce, practical, and emphasized to be small and big!

Qin Fei was very surprised by this kid's fighting level, but he himself had received strict training, so of course he wouldn't wait to die.

Once the cross lock is completed, it is difficult for Qin Fei to have a chance to come back!

The little man was proud, because as long as he locked Qin Fei, even if Qin Fei held any gun in his hand, there was no use at all. As long as he wanted to, he could dislocate his big arm at any time.

But things didn't seem as simple as he thought. Qin Fei suddenly turned over, using his powerful waist to roll his legs over his head, and then turned his head directly.

In this way, Qin Fei was kneeling on the ground, while the little man was lying on the ground.

Qin Fei didn't care whether the little man's legs had clamped his right hand holding the gun, his left hand went up to grab the little man's thigh, and hugged the little man's thigh, and he directly lifted the little man up, and then knocked heavily on the ground.

The little man received a heavy blow on his back, and he almost carried it back in one breath. He turned black in front of him, but he still clamped Qin Fei's right arm, but the cross lock was finished, and he was already at a disadvantage.

Originally, Jiu-Jitsu made it easier for a small man to deal with opponents who were much stronger than himself, and to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses, but Qin Fei had already broken the cross lock and stood up, completely taking advantage of his body.

Before the little man could take a sigh of relief, Qin Fei lifted him up again. This time the little man was horrified to see that Qin Fei lifted him towards the door frame.

If you hit, your lumbar spine will probably be broken directly!

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