Absolute Honor

Chapter 269: 1st Sniper

In the entire bar, all the mercenaries have found work, and only the last three mercenaries are left.

Qin Fei noticed that one of them turned out to be the Dick who had just started with him because of a misunderstanding, that is, the half-blood who was nicknamed the front sight.

At this moment, he was sitting with the two sisters Hua who had worn their clothes back. Seeing Qin Fei noticed him, he gestured to Qin Fei Fei as a greeting.

Qin Fei also nodded at him awkwardly.

Old Yu whispered: "Do you know him?"

"..." Qin Fei really didn't know how to answer Lao Yu for a while, so he could only whisper: "I just met, it's a acquaintance."

"This guy is called Dick, nicknamed Sight Star, and he is a very powerful character. He is known as the number one sniper in the African mercenary circle. He has successfully killed 576 people in two years." Old Yu said, "If I can, I would love it. Hiring this guy, but our pay is too low, I guess we can't hire this big star."

"What about the other two?" Qin Fei asked.

The old fish swept his gaze towards the other two, and turned back and whispered: "Among the other two people, the one with the bald head is a member of the former GROM, and the other and I were once comrades in arms, both of whom served in the Foreign-French Corps. Later, after the expiration of his contract, he was transferred to the 13th Dragoon Regiment. Later, for violating battlefield discipline, he went to a military court. Although he was not in jail, his future was ruined, and he came to Africa."

"GROM?" Qin Fei heard the name of this special force for the first time.

Lao Yu said: "GROM is a new type of special operations force established in 1991. Although there are not many fighters, the insiders know that their training is still very good."

"Sure enough, all the powerful roles are left to the end." Qin Fei said.

The old fish smiled bitterly: "Do you know why they stayed until the end? Because their asking price is very high. At this time, the average mercenary is already a very good price for a mission of 3,000 US dollars. Generally, this kind of **** mission is very good. It's a short distance, so the price is not high, but everyone who stays here now is worth over 10,000."

"Over ten thousand?" Qin Fei thought. Before, Lao Yu took his team to rescue Zhu Lite in the rebel-occupied area. This was a very risky task. Each person was only paid 15 thousand dollars. These people actually cost more than 10,000 for a short-range **** mission, and the price is really staggering.

The old fish nodded and said: "Yes, the more you keep till the end, the more expensive the price, but I don't want to hire those garbage mercenaries, it will kill everyone, Vincent's team died two people, they added two Human words are enough, there are three here, we can hire at least one, and then I will find a way to find a cheaper one."

"Isn't that dragoon your comrade-in-arms?" Qin Fei said, "Maybe we can set up friendship."

Lao Yu shook his head and said, "No one here has friendship with you, and friendship is not worth money here. Everyone is selling their lives to get money. The amount of money is the key. In terms of reasonable rules, everyone is willing to take more."

The bar owner walked out of the bar and stood between Vincent and the old fish.

After looking at everyone, he smiled and said: "Vincent and Yu, you are all old acquaintances, I don't think there is any need to circumscribe, now you know the remaining three people."

The boss looked at everyone and smiled.

"Now it looks like a seller's market, with only the three most powerful elites left. You can show your cards."

"Vincent, you can talk first."

Lao Yu knew that his remuneration and tasks were superior to those of Sente, so he could only choose him first. Two of his team members died in Bocheng. Now there are two missing. Anyway, there is one left. Just leave, and then the boss will hire another. It is estimated that there are mercenaries who have not been to the bar to participate in the morning activities. It is not difficult to hire one.

Since there is no way to compete on remuneration, we can only make concessions.

Vincent bit his cigar and looked at his watch: "The time is almost here, so I won't be oblivious. Mine is an **** mission to bring people to Liberty City safely. Destination: Binti, pick up De Beers here. A business representative of, paid 15 thousand."

Fifteen dollars!

The old fish didn’t know this reward before. He only knew that Vincent’s mission reward was definitely higher than his own. After all, De Beers is the most financially powerful company in Sierra Leone, and even the ZF officials respected them. So the shots are relatively generous.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be so high.

GROM mercenaries and dragoons couldn’t help but raised their eyebrows when they heard about the reward. Obviously they were very satisfied with the price.

Upon hearing the price of the reward, the sight immediately blew a whistle, expressing his surprise.

Lao Yu's face was not good, Qin Fei comforted: "Forget it, he hires two, let's hire one, let him go."

The bar owner asked Vincent: "How many people do you want to hire?"

"Three!" Vincent said, looking at the old fish defiantly: "I can hire all three of them here."

Turning his head, he looked at the three mercenaries and asked the GROM one: "Quick, would you like to participate?"

The mercenary named Quik nodded: "The pay is good, count me."

Vincent turned to another dragoon: "Raphael, how about you?"

Raphael looked at the old fish first, shrugged and said, "Yu, I'm sorry, I can't fight with you again."

The old fish smiled reluctantly and said, "It doesn't matter, there may be a chance next time."

It seems that Vincent deliberately wants to fight against himself.

The remuneration is paid by Robert to the captain Vincent, who is assigned to the team members participating in the task. Vincent’s remuneration seems to be very high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he is willing to pay three people after missing two people. Of the money to hire these most elite mercenaries.

Quirk and Raphael took their guns and walked to Vincent's side. As long as they hire a sight, everyone can set off immediately.

"Front sight!" Vincent smiled and said at the star: "This is a good deal, is it a deal?"

The front sight picked up a glass of whiskey with ice on the table, took a big sip, and barked his teeth and said: "You already have a good helper, I won't join in the fun."

"What?" Vincent was obviously surprised. He was determined to win the strongest sniper, but he didn't expect to get the rejection of the opponent.

"This is 15,000 U.S. dollars. The only place I went to is Binti. It is estimated that it takes only two days for the round trip. The average daily cost is 7,500 U.S. dollars. If it weren't for the war now, the rich guys would be anxious to flee. At this price."

The sight took out a cigarette, bit it on his mouth, and the black girl next to him obediently handed him a lighter and lit it for him.

After blowing a mouthful of white smoke, the sight said: "Your reward is very attractive, but you know that I believe in wizards. The wizard told me that it is not suitable for me to go to Bindi today."

Vincent twisted his brows together, and he obviously heard the sight of the crosshairs, but he didn't know why this guy rejected him.

Time is running out, Vincent doesn't want to stay longer, so he shrugged and said: "It's a pity."

After all, I left the bar with my own people and left.

When Vincent left, the sight suddenly turned to Qin Fei.

"Are you hiring people for tasks?"

Qin Fei nodded: "Yes, but it is said that your worth is very high, and our remuneration may not meet your requirements."

The sight said: "Tell me how much is paid."

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