Absolute Honor

Chapter 283: Merry sight

Early morning had arrived, and the sun gradually climbed into the eastern sky, lazily looking at the earth like a person who was not awake.

   The temperature gradually started to rise.

   A short black man was walking through bushes taller than him like a sensitive monkey. This guy made a very small sound when he moved forward. This was because he didn't wear shoes at all, but was barefoot.

  The jungle is as familiar to him as his own backyard.

Suddenly, he stopped abruptly, bent down, squatted halfway on the ground like a hunting dog, his eyes swept over the decayed branches and thick leaves, then stretched out his hand and touched it on the ground again. Touched there, and finally put his hand under his nostril and smelled it.

After   , he drew out his long knife. This kind of knife has a very thick back. At first glance, it is used to chop relatively hard trees and vines to open the road.

   He gently put the knife on the ground, then stretched out his finger, and made a point in the air, as if he was counting something.


   came the shout of Tours from behind.

"what have you found!?"

   Ali tried to stand up, wave his hand, and then squatted down again.

   After watching for a long time, he stood up again, took his knife from the ground and walked aside, cut off a small tree thick with a wrist in two strokes, and cut off the small branches from the trunk.

   Then backed a few steps, motioning for the rebel soldiers behind him to back too.

   Waiting for everyone to retreat, Ali tried to raise the wooden stick, aim it, and throw it forward. With a muffled noise, the branches hit a pile of fluffy dead leaves five or six meters away.


   More than a dozen wooden sticks suddenly shot out from the bushes in the dense forest.


   In another part of the jungle, Qin Fei crouched behind a big tree with a thick foot hugged by a person, hiding behind enough to block the AK47 bullet.

   The surroundings were terribly quiet, which made Qin Fei feel a little strange.

After    separated from the Thor Eric and the polar bear, he and Lao Yu laid at least six simple traps along the way, two of which were grenades.

Qin Fei did not expect that a few traps would be able to block the entire rebel team more effectively, but as long as a few traps worked, those rebel soldiers would become scared, and the explosion would remind him that the rebels had already Where it is, and from which direction it will come, the three-person team can prepare in advance for blocking.

   looked at his watch. It was already 6:50 in the morning. According to the estimated speed of the rebels’ march, they should encounter traps.

   Did they actually abolish all traps?

   "Qin Fei, why hasn't there been any movement?" Lao Yu's suspicious voice came from the headphones.

   Qin Fei looked sideways to his right front. The old fish was hiding on a three-meter-high dirt bag. At the top of the dirt bag was a giant tree lying horizontally, which was a good shelter.

The positions of the three people formed an arc-shaped blocking line, and the distance between them was only more than 20 meters. Analysis from the shooting range, as long as the rebel team traced along this road, when they entered within 50 meters. It will all be within the fire control range of this blocking line, and the three cross firepower points will sweep away the firing circle and there is no dead corner of shooting, which can maximize the firepower to the greatest extent.

   This arrangement was arranged by Lao Yu, and this set was also explored from the actual combat in the two mountains.

Because the scouts have to sneak into the enemy's back in small units all year round, once their whereabouts are revealed, they will definitely be at a disadvantage when the number of personnel is small. Therefore, in various battlefields, they have slowly figured out this set of methods, how to block the maximum number with the least number of people. The pursuit of soldiers, to the greatest extent possible to kill the enemy.

   "I'm also surprised, Lao Yu, I have a bad feeling, I'm afraid they have discovered all our traps." Qin Fei said.

   Lao Yu said in disbelief: "We have laid down six traps, including two booby traps. These rebels have not received any professional training. How could they have eliminated all six?"

   Qin Fei shook his head secretly: "I can't figure it out either."

The front sight interrupted at this time: "Let’s worry less, if it’s really ruled out, it’s not something we can control. In short, if they want to track us, they must pass through here. As long as they come, I will let them **** hands. SVD is great. It seems that today, I can add more people to my sniper list."

   "Front sight." Qin Fei couldn't help asking: "You have been calculating your own sniper performance, what's the use?"

"It's useless." The sight said without concealment: "But as a sniper, there is always a goal of learning, or a role model. When I was fifteen, I was already a Johannesburg gangster. My task is to let me kill his opponent. But his opponent is usually very cautious, and he went out with at least ten professional bodyguards. I got an SVD and spent three times in the woods outside the opponent’s mansion. God, I found the opportunity to sniper him, and I became famous with a shot. After that, I became a killer for the boss, and knew everything he didn't want to see for him. What I am best at is a sniper rifle."

"So at the time I tried my best to learn sniper skills, and then practice my skills in constant killings. At that time, I knew that the most powerful sniper in the world was the Finnish white **** of death Simon Haye. His life's sniper record is 705 people, I vowed to surpass him, but I didn’t expect that I would be forced to leave South Africa before I fulfilled my ideals.”

Qin Fei suddenly remembered the day when he first met with the sight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and couldn’t help asking: “Is the person you killed is going to chase you? That’s why I went to Sierra Leone to hire him. Soldiers?"

   "That's not true." The sight said: "Do you know who is going to kill me? It's my boss, the Noel I was talking about at the time."

   Qin Fei was stunned. He didn't expect that it was not the enemy who was chasing the sight, but his own boss.

   "Did you know something you shouldn't know?"

   "I shouldn't know? I helped my boss kill so many people, and I did know a lot of things that shouldn't be known, but we are different from secret agencies. Knowing a secret does not mean we are dying."

   "Then why were you chased?" The old fish couldn't help but began to question on the radio.

The front sight was silent for a while, and finally said quietly: "Cough, don't say it, I put the boss’s favorite woman to sleep. For a while, my boss met a terrible opponent, and the two people beat you to death. He felt I'm good at it, and I was sent to protect his lover during that time. As a result... love, it's such a wonderful thing. Alas..."

   Lao Yu and Qin Fei were stunned for a moment, then almost laughed out loud.

   When I first met with the sight, Qin Fei also saw that this guy was a tramp, but what he didn't expect was that this guy was so romantic that he could not be killed, and the protector actually protected him on someone else's bed.

   "What happened later? Your boss is going to kill you?"

"Yes, he said, I must cut off my eggs and use them to soak in wine to relieve my hatred, so I offered a large reward for hunting me everywhere." The sight said helplessly: "I had to run away from South Africa and come. Be a mercenary."

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