Absolute Honor

Chapter 288: It's still called Mao

Fortunately, Qin Fei has received rigorous training. In the critical moment, he finally calmed down. He quickly pulled out the dagger from his waist and plunged it into the soil. He firmly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, as if holding the last straw. .


The sharp tip of the knife sank into the soil. Due to the huge sliding force, the blade cut the soil like tofu, leaving a long scratch on the ground.

After sliding for a few meters, Qin Fei's speed finally dropped.

"God bless……"

Qin Fei was about to collapse, and he took a long breath.

There is an old saying that misfortunes never come singly, and Qin Fei's troubles are not over yet.

The heart hanging in his throat had just been stuffed back into his chest, Qin Fei heard the sound of brushing from above his head, and then heard the screams of the sight of a ghost crying like a wolf.


As soon as Qin Fei raised his head, a group of black shadows slammed into him. The uncontrollable sight hit Qin Fei who had stopped. The two of them tumbling on the slope, once again rolled up the dust and slid towards the bottom of the U-shaped slope. Two marbles in a pinball machine.


Qin Fei screamed, even if he received rigorous training, he would inevitably not lose control of his emotions at this time.

The two slid to the bottom of the U-shaped **** in an instant, which eased their speed slightly, but with their current momentum, they were able to rush out of the U-shaped **** at best, and fell under the cliff of more than ten meters. On the rugged river beach.

On the edge of the cliff, there were a few bushes with thick wrists erected, and Qin Fei knew that this would be his last chance.

"Grab the tree!"

He issued a warning, opened his hands as much as possible, and tried to catch something when he fell down. If he is lucky, he can catch a tree, if he is bad, he can only catch a handful of weeds, and then...

Adrenal hormones were secreted crazily, and Qin Fei's brain was running at a high speed under tension. At that moment, he felt that the most beautiful bushes in the world were those with crooked necks.

The two rushed to the last part of the U-shaped **** at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and then flew like a cannonball. As the two flew together, there were other things, such as a Penney hat, a rifle, and a Kevlar helmet. There is also a small accessory bag with tools hanging on the front sight...

Fortunately, I didn't pull off the grenades that hung on the upper part of the chest. It was close to the head, so it was well protected, otherwise everyone would have turned into a human bomb in the middle before sliding to the last part.

This is already a great fortune in misfortune.


Qin Fei and the sight yelled in the air, sliding into the last meter of dirt slope.

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and grabbed his hands, desperately holding a strangely ugly tree. The unknown plant had some spikes, which pierced Qin Fei’s tactical gloves under a huge pulling force. Into the meat.


Qin Fei closed his eyes tightly with pain, and tears came from the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt his feet sink, and his body fell down suddenly, as if something was pulling him.

The thick wood of the wrist that I just grasped cracked, completing a look close to a right angle, and the corners suddenly broke, exposing the fibrous tissue inside.


Qin Fei lowered his head and looked at his feet, and saw a front sight as frightened as a cat that kept a piece of clothing on the drying rack while falling from a building.

"Qin, don't let go!"

"Nima--" Before Qin Fei had time to answer, the clutter snapped and broke.


Amidst the screams of the two, they fell again.

Qin Fei had to grab with both hands again and grabbed a tree again. No matter what he grabbed, no matter how painful the palm was, he couldn't let go, and fell directly from the ten-meter high cliff into the pile of rocks. It's not a joke. Although it is much safer than before, it still hurts the bones. Injury in such a place means waiting for death.

Qin Fei finally caught a small tree growing on the cliff. He breathed a sigh of relief and found that the front sight was still holding his feet tightly. This guy was holding it so tightly that Qin Fei felt that he was down. Half of his calf was caught in an ischemic state.

"What are you doing?"

The old fish's voice suddenly came from the right.

Qin Fei turned his head and saw that the old fish was also clutching a tree, seeming to be slowly lying down on the cliff.

The situation of the old fish looks very bad, the helmet is missing, the face is full of blood holes, the back of the tactical vest is worn out, the water bag is worn through, the dripping is leaking, and the whole body is wet. I don't know whether it is sweat or water. I am injured. Blood oozes from the wound on his right foot, and then he wears a gen2 camouflage.

"It's fine to see you..."

Qin Fei just wanted to tell Lao Yu that everyone was lucky, but immediately realized that he shouldn't be optimistic too soon.

Because the tree growing on the cliff wall is really not reliable, this kind of small vine-like tree growing on the stone cliff wall is not deep into the cliff wall at all, and it is too difficult to bear the weight of the two of them.


The soil fell on Qin Fei's head. He looked up and saw the roots of the small tree claws falling into the rock one by one.

Finally, the two fell again in exclamation.

Once again, he grabbed another tree in an exclamation, but failed to withstand the weight of the two people each time, and soon fell again screaming...

There are quite a few cliff trees, but none of them are reliable.

"Hey!" The old fish's voice appeared again.

Qin Fei opened his eyes and looked left and right, but did not see the old fish.

"I'm here!" Old Yu's voice came from under his feet.

Qin Fei lowered his head and saw Lao Yu standing on a piece of sand at the bottom of the cliff.

"It's also called Mao, it's all on the ground here."

The sight opened his eyes and found that the bottom of his feet was actually less than one meter above the ground.

He quickly released his hand and landed on the sand. It sounded that he was still holding Qin Fei's thigh and had been cursing the whole world.

Qin Fei also loosened the branches, dropped to the ground, and sat on the ground, as if he fell apart.

"In this life, the most exciting I think is this time..."


Before Qin Fei rested for a while, the sound of a warhead passing by came over his head. The three of them instinctively reacted and rolled on the ground and rolled into the rock wall at the bottom of the cliff to hide.

"Is it a rebel?" Qin Fei nervously touched to his right, but found that the vz58 rifle was gone...

It must have been dropped while sliding for so many meters just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei hurriedly touched the pistol. Fortunately, the p228 is still there and Anyang is unharmed. He pulled it out and held it in his hand, checked the trigger, and it was all right. , Everything is normal, and the quality made by SIG Sauer is really top-notch.

All the things-

Suddenly the sound of a large-caliber machine gun was heard from above, and then a lot of rubble and dust fell on the heads of several people.

Everyone found that the rebels fired at the top of the slope, and perhaps no one was seen shooting blindly. The threat was not great.

"Fortunately, they didn't dare to come down..." Qin Fei sighed in relief and smiled at Lao Yu: "I think normal people would not choose to slide down like this."

Before the words fell, they heard a swoosh. The three raised their heads and found a rebel army drawn from the U-shaped slope, falling in their direction...



"These **** really dare to slip..."

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