Absolute Honor

Chapter 296: The tough soldier needs no explanation

However, reality immediately told Qin Fei one thing-the battlefield is changing rapidly.

Just when Qin Fei picked up the VZ58 assault rifle and planned to shoot the old man in the red hat and blow his head like a watermelon, this guy actually got off the sedan chair.

As a result, a dozen guards around immediately blocked Qin Fei's line of sight, making him unable to attack.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Fei almost thumped the ground with anger.

It was just a second of thinking, and the warplane was fleeting.

Now the problem is getting bigger. There are more than a dozen guards, plus the scattered rebels around, there are nearly 20 people in total.

It sounds ridiculous to rely on a single person to attack a dozen people in a jungle, and to kill a fixed target.

Squatting behind the tree, Qin Fei hesitated.

The gunshots in front rang again, Lao Yu and the others seemed to be fine, which gave Qin Fei a bit of comfort.

However, this situation will certainly not last long. According to the original plan, the three-person team of Lao Yu can only do one more encounter after enticing the enemy, and then must retreat immediately to avoid being encircled.

My own time is running out, and the contact battle can only last for ten minutes at most. The power of three people can deal with at least two hundred people, and it will not last long to be replaced by any special force in the world.

war? Or withdraw? !

Qin Fei's stubborn temper came up again. At this point, it is definitely impossible to withdraw.

Otherwise, once the rebels return to the defense, they will find that there is a chasing enemy behind them, and they will not have a second chance to sneak behind the rebels as they do now.

This is the only chance, otherwise it is impossible to get rid of the pursuit of the rebels, there is only a dead end.

The rigorous training he received made Qin Fei calm down. The training of Unit 203 has trained special soldiers who can find a chance to survive even in desperate situations.

Because every soldier of the special forces executes a dangerous person, and often wants to achieve combat goals when the enemy is too few, which means that it takes a great risk.

Only if you fight hard, you have a chance, if you don't fight, you will die!

Having received special training does not mean you must win, but it gives you more confidence to fight!

And death, it is reserved for the coward, on the battlefield, the death is often more timid!

Thinking of this, Qin Fei gritted his teeth and jerked up his gun and started rapid fire.

The extreme desperation forced all his potential out. Like a juicer, Qin Fei's combat consciousness was squeezed to the extreme. All the special forces training he received had all the combat qualities that were superior to ordinary soldiers. Play to the fullest in a moment!

Damn it!

The tough soldiers need no explanation!

Qin Fei roared in his heart, shooting all the way.

The rebel soldiers who had no precautions were cut down like leeks. Qin Fei appeared behind everyone like a murderer. The VZ58 in his hand was indeed a good gun. Even after sliding down the cliff, it is well machined. The craftsmanship has brought excellent impact resistance and precision to this gun, so it has been enduring in the special forces of Eastern Europe, and it is still used as one of the assault weapons.

When the last bullet was left in a magazine, Qin Fei quickly pulled out a new magazine from the tactical vest, hit the card with the upper edge, the empty magazine fell, and the new magazine smoothly hit the bayonet.

It took less than four seconds for Qin Fei to quickly knock down eight rebel soldiers. At this time, only a dozen guards were left beside Tours.

At this time, they finally reacted.

All of this is not dreaming, there are really mercenaries who touched behind him.

"Kill him! Kill him!" Turs felt that his hair was all set up in shock. Although he was in the hands of the rebels, he was fierce enough in the past, but the hero does not mention that he was brave in the past, and he was a leader after he became a leader. It has made him lose a lot of bravery, and it has also caused him as a military leader to dress like a hip-hop singer.

He drew a gun in a panic, and kept moving back, trying to find cover.

As a result, the desert eagle actually fell to the ground, and he had to get down, picked up the gun with his hands and feet like a fat insect, and used it to climb behind a big tree next to him.

As Turse crawled, he exclaimed with all his strength: "Help! Come here! There is a white pig behind!"

He regarded Qin Fei as a white mercenary.

Sorrowful screams and screams sounded in the jungle, and masses of blood fog exploded in the crowd guarded by the rebels. The 7.62MM warhead used by the VZ58 has good penetrating power, especially at close range of more than 30 meters. The effect was particularly good, which made Qin Fei twice the result with half the effort, often not one but two enemies were killed with one shot.

The plasma fell like raindrops, dripping with Turs's face.

Finally, a few rebel soldiers recovered from the blindness and began to fight back with their guns.

However, after being panicked, the marksmanship that was already bad enough prevented the bullets fired by these rebels from hitting Qin Fei at all.

As an ordinary soldier, most of them would find a place to hide when they saw the enemy shooting at him, but Qin Fei did the opposite, because at this time there was no chance for him to hide, let alone time for him to find hidden objects. .

As long as you hide yourself, once time is delayed, Tours will take the opportunity to escape.

This is a courageous bet.

He must press over like a frenzy, swept over like a hurricane, so that the enemy cannot breathe.

The legs of several rebel soldiers were shaking, and the guns were almost unsteady. They had never seen such a crazy soldier in their lives, and they didn't even evade~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed that they were not afraid of death at all. They were not afraid of the flying bullets and rushed towards them directly.

Especially the look in Qin Fei's eyes, as long as he meets it, he immediately feels chills in his heart.

Those are the eyes of the **** of death, and they are filled with fire from hell, which seems to be able to burn all the people and things in front of them to ashes!

One by one the rebel guards fell, and Qin Fei stepped on the dead body and rushed in front of Tours.

Suddenly, a gunshot came from the right side, and then, a small tree with a thick wrist on Qin Fei's right side was interrupted by his waist.

Qin Fei felt his right rib lowered like a heavy blow, and he knelt to the ground at once, severe pain came from his body, blood stained the combat vest.


The side is the weakest place of defense, there is a bulletproof board on the front, there is nothing on the side...

This blow almost killed Qin Fei, and his vision suddenly went dark.

However, his training played a great role at this time. He continued to hold the VZ58 in his left hand, and shot the last rebel guard in front of him with a gun in one hand. With his right hand, he pulled out the P228 in the holster on his thigh, aimed and shot!


The successful rebel was rushing towards Qin Fei. He didn't expect that someone would be able to fight back so neatly if he was shot. Three bullets hit his chest directly, shooting him in the heart.

This guy fell into a pile of dead leaves like a torn sack, and stopped moving.


Qin Fei's VZ58 ran out of bullets in the magazine.

Looking back, Qin Fei raised his P228 to shoot at Tours, but saw that Tours had raised the large-caliber desert eagle and aimed at him.


The huge gunfire was accompanied by a rather spectacular muzzle flame, and a bullet was fired at a distance of six or seven meters from Qin Fei with the impractical and civilized Desert Eagle pistol.

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