Absolute Honor

Chapter 298: 0 broken memory

Twenty minutes later, Qin Fei sat on a tree stump about a few hundred meters from the river. He unloaded his combat vest and ammunition, and took out his medical kit to treat his wounds.  ̄︶︺s んц Pavilion 浼镄嗹载尛裞 read du 棢つWw%W. %KaNshUge.lā

So far, Qin Fei still hasn't determined who the guy in the red beret he killed was.

It looks like that guy is a big man. His death will surely mess up the rebels for a while, at least for now, he still has some spare time to deal with the gunshot wounds, otherwise he won't go far with the gunshot wounds.

There are two roads in front of him now-take them out immediately, or save them to go to the hospital after going to Liberty City for the doctor to take them out.

From a safety point of view, the second one is undoubtedly the best choice, but from the current situation, Qin Fei had to take out the warhead as soon as possible.

Because he still has a long way to escape, the bullets left in the body will cause severe pain, and the constant rubbing of the muscle tissue may cause constant bleeding.

The warhead has to be taken sooner or later. It takes at least ten hours to get to Port Loko from here, and a few more to disappear by boat from Port Loko to Liberty City. Waiting for the blood to coagulate before taking it apart is equivalent to a second crime, and it will result in a second crime. harm.

More importantly, the bullets used by the rebels here are mostly made locally, and the craftsmanship is very rough. Some warheads contain heavy metals such as lead. If they stay for too long, they will cause poisoning. Qin Fei didn't want to die from acute tetanus. .

Due to the location of the wound, Qin Fei was unable to see all the conditions in the wound, which caused him a lot of headaches.

There are pliers in the medical bag, and Qin Fei decided to take out the bullet by a method that extremely tested his endurance, that is, relying on the pliers to reach into the bullet hole and pull it out with the feel of the hand.

Handling wounds in the wild is a technical task. Generally, the army has medical soldiers specially trained in health and first aid to take charge of this work, but Qin Fei knows what to do.

He himself didn't know why he knew how to deal with wounds, but the knowledge seemed to stay in his mind like words engraved on a stone, and would pop out when needed.

A strange troop number suddenly popped out of my mind, 203...


What is this?

In an instant, many faces appeared in his mind. Those were soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms. Everyone was talking and laughing in the wild, obviously training.

A face of a small man appeared, yelling fiercely at everyone...

This little man looks really like the thunder **** described in the fairy tale...

Qin Fei shook his head vigorously. Recently, did he always have this kind of illusion? He felt that this should be a scene from his previous service.

However, I have retired and committed a crime. It is a pity that those pictures and the emotions between those comrades-in-arms are so heartwarming.

Even the little officer who looked like Lei Gong didn't seem to be irritating at all.

Qin Fei discovered a serious problem while looking for disinfectant in the medical kit.

The medical kit and water bottle are all over.

A few AK47 bullets that came to his right not only pierced his kettle, but also pierced the bottle containing the disinfectant water.

Now only quick hemostatic agent, hemostatic cotton and self-adhesive gauze can be used in the bag.


Qin Fei let out a long sigh, almost scolding his mother again.

However, he still felt that this was a great fortune in misfortune. He was shot by the desert eagle at close range by the red beret. He didn't wear his body armor, and the ak-47 used by the rebel soldier who shot him sideways. It used a local bullet, which had already interrupted a small tree before hitting Qin Fei, and then penetrated the kettle, so it would not penetrate directly into the abdominal cavity.

Compared with losing a bottle of disinfectant water and a household drinking water, it is a blessing in misfortune.

Without disinfecting water, we can only rely on the old method of disinfection-high temperature.

Qin Fei took out a chain saw from the tool accessory bag and picked up a dry branch. He just wanted to do it, but after thinking about it, he put down the things and observed the surroundings.

Then he stood up and walked more than 20 meters away, tied the handle of a grenade to a small vine, and pulled the small vine across the grass.

In this way, as long as someone passes by, it will definitely trigger the grenade, at least you can have some time to escape.

Back to the original place, Qin Fei used the chain saw to continuously pull back and forth on the stick. The small wood chips began to fall on both sides of the stick. Soon, due to the constant pulling, the chain saw and the stick generated high temperature, and the cut gradually became black. .

Finally, a little spark appeared, and Qin Fei hurriedly placed the sawdust on the spark and blew it lightly.

Fortunately, the fire finally lit up.

Qin Fei grabbed a handful of dead leaves and put them on, then put a few small wooden sticks.

Lighting a fire in the jungle might reveal whereabouts, but Qin Fei was forced to do all this and escape as soon as possible.

Putting the tongs on the fire and roasting for a while, Qin Fei sat on the ground and stuffed a wooden stick into his mouth to bite, and then put the tongs into the **** bullet hole...


Unspeakable pain came from the wound. Qin Fei kept shaking like an electric fish. His face suddenly became red, his eyes almost fell to the ground, and the wooden stick in his mouth was about to bite. ring.

It is a compound type of pain, with burning pain, and muscle wounds being touched.

He must cut the mess with a sharp knife. Qin Fei knew that he could never retreat. Once he took the pliers back, he was not sure if he had the courage to repeat this torture procedure again.

The pliers seemed to touch something.


Qin Fei was overjoyed.

Then take a deep breath, because he needs to open the pliers to clamp the bullet tail.

Expansion in the wound is also a terrible thing.

When he was ready, Qin Fei was cruel and opened his pliers.


He once again felt the feeling of almost fainting caused by the extreme pain. This pain caused Qin Fei's eyes to seep out of tears, but he did not cry, just laughed.

When the pain is extreme, it turns into a laugh.


The tip of the pliers grabbed the unit, and Qin Fei gritted his teeth and pulled it hard, the bullet gushing out of the wound with a puff of blood.

Qin Fei lay down on the ground like a dead dog, drenched with sweat and constantly cursing in his mouth.

"I rely on... I rely on... I **** you uncle..."

After taking a few breaths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei hurriedly sat up reluctantly, poured the quick hemostatic agent on the wound, then sealed it with cotton wool, and finally wrapped it with self-adhesive gauze.

After doing all this, Qin Fei really felt much better in the wound after the extreme pain just now.

But he knew that the matter was not over yet, he had to leave here immediately.

This place is too close to the place where I killed someone just now. If the hunter takes someone to track here, I will be in great trouble.

As soon as I packed my things and stood up, I heard the grenade that I arranged 30 meters away "boom".

Obviously, someone was following it.

Qin Fei once again won the ** lottery.

Obviously, the trip mine he arranged was not first discovered by the hunter. It is estimated that the unlucky rebel soldier who scattered the search triggered it.

Without further ado, Qin Fei picked up the gun, stepped on the fire, and rushed into the dense forest grinning.

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