Absolute Honor

Chapter 301: Hands-on

"Be sure to come..."

Qin Fei wondered in his heart that he couldn't predict whether the jungle hunter would appear in his sight. After all, large-scale searches in the jungle would basically spread out fan formations, and there was no guarantee that who would arrive first.

Of course, this point was also considered by Qin Fei before. He chose marshland, and deliberately left footprints that were obvious to even ordinary rebel soldiers. It was like fishing first and spreading materials, attracting all the fish. Start again.

Sure enough, the traces of Qin Fei left on the edge of the swamp were very obvious. A rebel soldier walking in front found the crushed plants and deep footprints, and then turned to babble and yell behind him. Proceed.

"Don't go any further..."

Qin Fei thought silently in his heart that he hoped that the rebel soldier would really call the jungle hunter to come over and check it out, and he would be in his arms.

The development of the matter did not disappoint Qin Fei, and the short jungle hunter quickly appeared in sight.

Squatting on the edge of the swamp and taking a look at Qin Fei's footprints, the hunter looked around cautiously, and did not rush down the swamp.

"Come down, I have a present for you..."

Qin Fei prayed that this guy would not find himself hiding nearby again. It stands to reason that the distance between the two of them now reached 500 meters, and even a dog's nose would not be able to smell his own scent.

What's more, there is the corpse of this big, rotten hippo on the side.

Qin Fei’s finger was on the trigger, and the VZ58's mechanical sight had been registered with the hunter, but at a distance of 500 meters, the hunter’s shadow could not be seen through the sight and the gap, only the grain of rice was left. A little black spot.

Even Qin Fei was not sure that he would use a mechanical sight at a distance of 500 meters to guarantee a hit.

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and continued to wait.

An excellent sniper must learn to restrain his impulse and learn to be patient and wait for the best shooting opportunity.

Finally, the hunter stood up, took a step, and walked into the swamp.

Qin Fei was ecstatic in his heart. It seemed that his plan was really effective. This guy didn't even notice that he was hiding nearby!

Several rebel soldiers followed the hunter and entered the swamp together.

After walking for a while, the hunter stopped suddenly and ran back away from his feet.

Qin Fei's heart suddenly suspended.

Did this guy find out! ?

He couldn't help but start to worry, is this guy really good! ? At a distance of five hundred meters, can you perceive your own existence? Isn't this a fantasy?

After running for more than 20 meters, the jungle hunter babbled and babbled at several rebel soldiers, then hid himself aside and squatted behind a clump of aquatic plants.

Several rebel soldiers suddenly squatted down as if they were facing the enemy, and then shot and swept across the water more than 20 meters away in front of them.

Qin Fei's suspended heart suddenly fell to the ground. It turned out that they had discovered their own decoy trap, not themselves.

Before in the middle of the swamp, Qin Fei used an AK-47 to hold down a grenade that had been pulled off the tab and placed it in shallow water. This simple and undisguised trap was not expected to kill the hunter, it was only used to confuse him.

But I didn't expect this guy to notice the trap 20 meters away, and I don't know how to find it.


With an explosion, the AK-47 was blown into the air more than two meters, and fell into the water again.

Several rebel soldiers observed and determined that it was safe. Then they walked over, picked up the AK-47 assault rifle that had been blown up, held it in their hands and yelled towards the back, saying that they didn’t understand. Dialect.

When he finished calling, all the rebels stood up again and moved on with their guns.

The jungle hunter also followed several rebels and marched in Qin Fei's concealed direction.

The opportunity is here!

After Qin Fei checked the ruler for the last time and confirmed that there was no problem, he aimed the notched sight at the tip of the wooden stick more than one meter high on the edge of the swamp.

At 200 meters, it is very difficult to hit a 10cm stick with a mechanical sight.

Fortunately, the weather is good today and there is no wind. Qin Fei hardly needs to consider the influence of wind speed. Moreover, the trajectory of the VZ58 assault rifle at a distance of 200 meters is very stable, almost referring to where to hit.

The only thing that made Qin Fei uneasy was that he slid down on the uphill to escape, whether he had shaken the front sight, but judging from the previous exchange of fire, there was nothing wrong with this gun.

The opportunity to shoot is less than thirty seconds.

Because when the hunter walked out of the preset explosion range, everything was in vain.

The hunter and the rebel soldiers suddenly stopped in the middle of the swamp. His current location was 330 meters away from Qin Fei and only 130 meters away from the simple launcher.

The hunter looked a little nervous, his eyes kept rolling, and he began to look around vigilantly.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze all of a sudden, and the rebel soldiers knew that once the hunter looked like this, it represented danger.

Before Qin Fei had set a trap to kill seven or eight of them, seeing the miserable situation of his companions, it was inevitable that anyone would feel a little bit chilled.


The hunter suddenly jumped up, turned around in the air, and ran back, panicking and shouting what it was.

As soon as he ran, the others followed!


Qin Fei was taken aback, this guy is really a god, a distance of three hundred and thirty meters! He actually noticed the danger!

He must die!

Otherwise, I will never escape his tracking!

Qin Fei suppressed the beating heart rate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took a breath, gently squeezing the trigger.


A crisp short shot.

Two 7.62 caliber warheads whizzed out and flew 200 meters away at a muzzle velocity of 710 meters per second.

The top of the wooden stick that fixed the simple bomb bag exploded, and the bullet broke the stick while cutting off the umbrella rope tied to the top.

This gun, in terms of army shooting training, is a perfect 10 ring!

200 meters away!

10 rings!

Qin Fei's marksmanship is extremely powerful!

This is the result of his years of training. It is the result of Wei Tiansheng taking him to the secret base of 203 every year from high school to feed him with bullets. Every super shooter, except for a little talent, improves with bullets. There is no other way out!

The taut parachute car pulled the improvised bomb bag and flew out. The branches bent like a full moon provided powerful ejection power. In a flash, the bomb bag flew into the air and turned into a small black spot.

Qin Fei didn't pin all his hopes on the bomb bag. Although the distance was more than 300 meters, the burst shot could still effectively kill the enemy.

In theory, the effective range of guns such as the VZ58 assault rifle and AK-47 is 400 meters, but in actual combat, if you don’t have a scope and use a mechanical sight to hit people 400 meters away, you can only rely on luck, but these AKs The assault rifle in the gun family is very good. When it shoots at group targets, the effective range can be increased to 800 meters, and the warhead is still lethal when it is flying 1000 meters.

The jungle hunter was finally hit by Qin Fei's rhythmic shots, and the blood soared from his shoulders, and the guy fell headlong into the water.

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