Absolute Honor

Chapter 304: The last 5 kilometers

Rolling to the side, Qin Fei immediately touched the P228 pistol in his waist.

However, this "tiger" seemed to move more quickly than Qin Fei expected. When he fell into the air, he immediately bounced on the ground again and pounced towards Qin Fei again.

The tiger in the impression was not so agile. Qin Fei had no chance to pull the P228 out of the holster, and the black shadow had already rushed in front of him.

At this critical moment, Qin Fei didn't even think about it. He immediately raised his hands and grabbed the black shadow by the neck, took the opportunity to hug the black shadow and rolled back, then the momentum came and turned and rushed back, pressing the black shadow on his body.

With a ray of moonlight passing through the tree canopy, Qin Fei found that the "tiger" he imagined was not as big as he had imagined. It was just a leopard, not a tiger!

This is a typical African leopard with beautiful spots and a piece of white fur below the neck.

The threat of African leopards is much smaller than that of tigers. They generally weigh no more than 90 kilograms. Small adult leopards weigh only 40 kilograms. Qin Fei was relieved.

Because Qin Fei's neck was stuck tightly, the leopard's sharp teeth did not find a chance to bite and encroach on Qin Fei, but its two sharp claws were not vegetarian. They grabbed Qin Fei's arm and immediately tore Qin Fei apart. The camouflage uniforms left a few deep bloodstains.

Qin Fei endured the pain, as long as he relaxed a little, the leopard would get away. Once he got away, he didn't know if he had a chance to kill it.

Qin Fei grabbed the fur on the neck of the African leopard's jaw with his right hand, and pressed his neck with all his strength. He touched the Kabbah Saber with his left hand and pierced it with force through the ribs of the African leopard.


The African leopard screamed, and his two paws desperately grasped Qin Fei's arm, leaving wounds.

Qin Fei could only endure the pain, vent all his anger on the Kabbah knife, desperately rushing into the position of the heart!


The leopard wailed like a sob, and his paws dropped weakly, twitching a few times, and finally stopped moving.

Qin Fei twisted the Kabbah knife half a turn clockwise to make sure that the leopard's heart and other organs had been damaged. Then, he let go and sat down on the ground next to him.

Looking at the leopard carcass on the ground, Qin Fei smiled bitterly, and almost died in the hands of a cat.

I thought it was an enemy. It turned out to be just a leopard. I was so scared that my heart was about to explode just now.

If it is an enemy or a tiger, Qin Fei feels that his chances of surviving are not great. Even this leopard is not too big. It looks like he has just grown up, and he probably has little hunting experience. It looks only 40 kilograms in size. It's a small leopard.

Once the body relaxes, the pain hits like a tide instantly, and the two arms are fiercely painful.

Glancing at both hands, the tactical glove on his right hand was torn by leopard claws, but since the tactical glove is tough after all, there are no scars on the back of the hand.

The most severely injured were the two arms. It was a bit horrible. There were several deep claw marks. Although the bones were not injured, the mouth was not short and deep. When the leopard threw down on the forehead, the tip of the leopard's teeth knocked on it. After a while, the skin broke and bleeding came.

Today, Qin Fei's blood flowed out a lot, which really affected his physical condition and made himself weaker.

Qin Fei grinned and endured the pain and picked up the VZ58 assault rifle, and then pulled out the knife inserted in the leopard's corpse, then leaned on the trunk, took out the first aid kit, and poured the quick styptic powder on the most seriously injured. On the wound on the right arm, the styptic powder touched the exposed muscle tissue, and it hurt like a needle.

"I fuck--"

Qin Fei couldn't help but curse again to feel better.

He suddenly understood that people in the army like to swear, and it turns out that swearing can be useful, just like a religious person who reads the Bible after being hurt. He always feels that it will reduce a lot of pain if it will make him go to heaven. kind.

Although it is of no real use, it is undeniable that it can relieve a lot of psychological stress.

There is no disinfecting water, and Qin Fei can't disinfect and clean the wounds. There are many bacteria in the animal's paws. If it is not treated in time, he may soon be infected.

This is what Qin Fei is most worried about.

After wrapping the wound with gauze, Qin Fei was already sweating profusely in pain, as if he had fished it from a pool.

Of course, if there is gain, there will be losses, and of course there will be gains if there is failure.

There is always something in return for such a serious crime.

The reward was the leopard's body that was still hot. There is nothing better than this stuff. Qin Fei is worried about not being able to find food. This injury is not in vain. At least the drinking and eating are temporarily resolved. Before going to Port Loko, he himself I should not worry about food anymore.

He stepped forward and dragged the leopard's carcass over. There was still warmth from the newly dead carcass, and the wounds on the ribs were still bleeding.

Qin Fei lifted the leopard's body with an umbrella rope, then put his mouth on the leopard's wound, and began to greedily **** the warm blood.

A steady stream of leopard blood flowed into his stomach, and Qin Fei felt that this feeling was simply great!

After half-satisfied, Qin Fei took out the Kabbah knife again and made a circle around the leopard’s neck with the blade. Then, he drew a knife on the front and back of the leopard. After putting the knife away, he grabbed the edge of the cut leather on the neck and used force. A twitch.


A sound similar to tearing apart the kraft paper stuck to the wall sounded, and a large piece of skin was torn off by Qin Fei, revealing the bright red leopard flesh inside.

Qin Fei cut off a piece of meat with a knife, threw it into his mouth and chewed hard. The raw leopard meat had a strong **** smell, but Qin Fei did not reject it at all. Hunger made him no longer have the right to dislike food. , Eat, fill your stomach, and live, this is the top priority.

However, the leopard meat does not seem to be as delicious as expected, at least it is very tough. Because the leopard's muscle tissue is quite developed, the explosive power is particularly strong, because the muscles are very tough.

After finally chewing and swallowing it, Qin Fei gave up cutting meat on the leopard’s thighs and chose the back, where the leopard’s muscles are relatively small and not too much oil, just like the tenderloin, which is usually the most tender meat on livestock. The place.

Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leopard's tenderloin is much better than thigh muscles.

Qin Fei swallowed several pieces hungrily, and his stomach was quickly filled.

He burped contentedly, then took out the map, compared the lower position with a tactical flashlight, chose the direction of Port Loko, and began his desperate journey.

Time was too tight, and Qin Fei wasted a lot of time.

After running for an hour, Qin Fei felt that his feet were full of lead, and it was very difficult to lift up and take a step.

His body temperature was getting higher and higher, and he felt that his wound had become infected after he lost blood. The African jungle was very hot and the temperature was extremely high, and the wound was deteriorating rapidly.

When he took out the map again, Qin Fei found that he was still five kilometers away from Port Loko, and it was already half past eight...

According to the plan, the old fish should have been evacuated.

Qin Fei sat helplessly on the ground. He really couldn't run anymore.

All his stamina was exhausted. There were nearly 20 wounds on his body, large and small, and the fatal gunshot wound on his waist might have begun to inflame.

Lying on the ground, Qin Fei almost gave up on himself, his vision has become increasingly blurred, and he felt that he would faint at any time.

Suddenly, a familiar but unfamiliar face appeared in his mind, and he said loudly, "Don't give up easily! You are the son of a soldier! You are born a soldier! A soldier will never give up on himself!"

Who is this person?

Qin Fei struggled, and stood up again. After falling asleep here, he would soon become a thing in the belly of a beast. There is absolutely no way to survive, and he must not fall asleep in this inaccessible jungle...

Persevering to walk a few hundred meters, Qin Fei staggered and couldn't hold on anymore. His legs softened, and he fell to the ground with a thud and fainted.

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