Absolute Honor

Chapter 310: Little Pepper's Obsession

Somewhere in country Z.

A jeep drove into the compound, the door opened, and An Ruosu appeared beside the car.

A minute later, in the Soviet-style office building with the atmosphere of the 1960s, the "tack" sound of women's officers' shoes on the ground echoed in the empty corridor.

Outside Lin Zhonghu's office, An Ruosu knocked on the door.

Lin Zhonghu's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Pushing the door and entering, An Ruosu saluted: "Report!"

"Is it Ruosu?" Lin Zhonghu was obviously a little surprised: "Are you here so soon?"

An Ruosu took a look at the room. In addition to Lin Zhonghu, Wei Tiansheng and Lei Ming were also sitting across the desks. Obviously they were talking.

"Director Lin, are you talking about something? Or, I'll wait?" An Ruosu said, before going back and quitting.

"No, none of them are outsiders." Lin Zhonghu beckoned to her, "You said there is an urgent matter, is it about Qin Fei?"

Both Wei Tiansheng and Leiming's eyes fell on An Ruosu's face.

An Ruosu was a little bit tired, his eyes were a little dark, and he obviously didn't sleep well last night.

"Do it!" Lei Ming got up, went to the coffee table and picked up the kettle to pour water on An Ruosu.

An Ruosu came to the desk, thought about it, and put the folder he had been holding on Lin Zhonghu's desk.

"Director Lin, I don't think Qin Fei is dead."

"It's okay?" It was not Lin Zhonghu who reacted first, but Wei Tiansheng next to him, "Ruosu, what clues did you find?"

An Ruosu opened the folder, took out a picture, and placed it in front of everyone.

When Thunder came back after pouring the water, he placed the cup in front of An Ruosu, "Sit down first, and speak slowly when you have something to do. This is not a battlefield, don't just stand."

He was also very interested in what An Ruosu said, and his eyes had already fallen on the photo when he said that.

It was a printed picture. There were a lot of blacks, a few whites, and a Chinese. Many people in the picture were dressed in white coats and looked like medical staff.

Everyone was surrounded by a magazine. On the stretcher was a person who couldn't see his face. As it was shot from the side, it was only caught at an angle from the gap in the crowd. You can slightly see the side face of the person lying on the stretcher. Small part.

"This picture..." Leiming's brows wrinkled into the word "Chuan", he didn't see anything special, "What does it have to do with Qin Fei?"

"I think the person lying on the stretcher is Qin Fei!" An Ruosu said with a very certain tone.

This remark was like dropping a bomb in the room, shocking the three veteran special forces present.

"Qin Fei?" Wei Tiansheng grabbed the photo, looked left and right, for a long time.

He and Qin Fei are very familiar, but he really couldn't tell from the photo that this person with only one-third of his face was Qin Fei.

Wei Tiansheng looked a little disappointed, put the photo back on the table and looked at An Ruosu and said, "Ruosu, I know that you are very sad when Qin Fei is dead. After all, you have known each other since you were a child, but..."

"I know what you are going to say, Political Commissar Wei, you said that it is not certain that Qin Fei is still alive based on this, right?" An Ruosu's expression was as cold as an ice sculpture. She was born in a red family since she was a child, which is more than ordinary people. It's calm.

What's more, in Qin Fei's "sacrifice" for more than a month, she has not had a good night's sleep.

In her dream, she saw Qin Fei for a long time. Qin Fei of different ages, Qin Fei carrying a military green schoolbag on her back, smirked at her, Qin Fei wearing camouflage uniforms and walking on the boulevard of 203 training base said that I laughed, patted her on the shoulder like a buddy...

She took out another document from the folder and spread it on the table.

"The final version of the on-site investigation report of the police in Country D has been released. The people on our side got the copy. In the file, we found the DNA traces of a total of 18 people. Although there are no corpses, none of them belong to Qin Fei. Don’t you find it weird?” An Ruosu said, “I know you must say that the explosion caused a big fire and everything was burned out, but why did others leave traces? Qin Fei didn’t leave anything behind?”

"Ruo Su..." Lei Ming lowered his head, his eyes never left the survey report, "the bomb was tied to Qin Fei... he was the center of the explosion..."

"Well, even if you are telling the truth, then how do you explain this..." An Ruosu pointed to the mercenary on the stretcher in the photo, who dressed only one-third of his face, "Look at his Under the base of the ear, there is a very small mole. Qin Fei also has such a mole in the same position."

Lin Zhonghu picked up the photo and glanced at it. Sure enough, although the photo was in black and white, there was a small black spot less than 2 mm in the area.

The black spots are so small that they won’t pay attention at all.

However, it seems a bit far-fetched to judge Qin Fei based on this small black spot.

An Ruosu continued: "This photo was taken by a journalist in Free City, Sierra Leone. During this time, there was a rebellion there. Many mercenaries were involved in the evacuation operation. This mercenary lying on a stretcher belonged to A five-person team, and finally dealt with more than two hundred rebels on its own, and killed the opponent’s leader, disrupted the offensive north of Liberty City, and blocked the entire rebels’ actions, so the local residents took him Serve as a hero."

Everyone looked at An Ruosu and didn't speak.

Because there are still too many questions, how could what happened on that distant African continent be linked to Qin Fei who died in the D operation?

It sounds like a fantasy.

"I checked the local newspaper and asked about our organization there." An Ruosu said: "According to intelligence, this lone hero is called'Qin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is a foreigner. The abbreviation of the name, of course, may also be a homophonic. I contacted the local special agents and asked them to inquire about the news."

"What's the result?" Wei Tiansheng asked eagerly.

"Someone is hiding Qin Fei's trace." An Ruosu stretched out his finger and clicked on a mercenary who appeared to be an Asian in the picture. "I have checked the identity of this person, you guessed it. Who?"

An Ruosu's gaze flicked across the face of every veteran present.

"Who?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

An Ruosu said to Lin Zhonghu, "Director Lin, you know this person."

Turning to Wei Tiansheng: "Wei political commissar, you also know him."

Thunder pointed his finger at himself.

An Ruosu said: "Lei Team, you have a shorter military age, you don't know him."

Lei Ming put down his fingers somewhat boringly, while Wei Tiansheng and Lin Zhonghu reached out for the picture almost at the same time.

Lin Zhonghu still gave it to Wei Tiansheng. Wei Tiansheng picked up the picture and fixed his eyes firmly on the Chinese face. His pupils gradually shrank and his expression was solemn.

After more than ten seconds, his expression gradually relaxed, unfolding...

Then, it became a surprise, but also a little surprise.

"It's him!" Wei Tiansheng looked at Lin Zhonghu and handed the picture to his old comrade-in-arms: "Don't tell me you don't know him!"

Lin Zhonghu took the picture and looked at it carefully.

The memory was pushed aside in a fog, as if returning to the years of southern Xinjiang, gunfire, cannons, and the familiar smell of gunpowder and blood.

The face in the photo seems to have passed through countless time and space, and the yellow memory gradually peeled off in his thoughts, finally revealing his true colors!

"It's Yu Zhonghua! It's him! That's right!"

Lin Zhonghu suddenly cried out excitedly.

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