Absolute Honor

Chapter 312: "Eyeliner" outside the hospital

Sierra Leone, Liberty City, hospital.

The conversation between Lao Yu and Qin Fei continued.

"My comrade-in-arms helped me check the matter of your mother. He retrieved all the information of the person'Liang Shaoqin' in the household registration system and found that there are more than two million people in the system. This number..."

The old fish shook his head helplessly: "There is really no way to screen them one by one. It might take a long, long time to screen one by one."

Qin Fei smiled hard, "Old fish, no need to check...Even if it is found, I can't go back to China. With my current identity, I am afraid that I am all on the wanted list. As soon as I enter the country, I will be Get caught..."

Lao Yu wanted to comfort Qin Fei, but couldn't speak.

The saddest thing about a person is not not being able to go back, but not being able to see each other in his family.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as you remember other specific situations when you remember, I can ask my comrade-in-arms to help. You can't go back, but you can take your mother out." Old Yu said.

The two were talking, sight and others appeared at the door.

"Are we going to leave Sierra Leone?" The sight asked the old fish: "When are we leaving?"

"In an hour, board the plane at the airport." Lao Yu looked at his watch. "Weapons and ammunition are handed over to the employees of the Protector Company at the airport, and they will transport them to Eritrea for us."

"Are you flying in civil aviation?" the polar bear asked.

"No." Lao Yu glanced at Qin Fei, "On Mr. Rhodes's private plane, he just happened to leave here to go back to England. He will take us on the way and go to Eritrea first."

Thor Eric walked to the window, opened a gap in the curtain, and stared at the window warily.

"Eric, what are you looking at?" Old Yu asked.

Raytheon stared at the street outside the window without blinking, then let go of his hand after a moment, then turned his head and said to everyone: "We seem to be being followed."

"What?" Lao Yu quickly walked to the window and looked through the gap to the street downstairs. "Which?"

"The guy sitting in the tea stall, wearing a photographic vest, a young guy, about 20 years old, a slightly thin guy, and a black man sitting opposite him, I think he is his guide." Thor said: "Just now I drove out of the hotel with the front sight and the polar bear. He kept driving behind us. I deliberately stopped to buy cigarettes and he stopped, so I was pretty sure he was a stalker."

The old fish moved his gaze to investigate, and he saw a tanned young man. Although he was dark, he was obviously an Asian. The person sitting opposite could tell that he was a local, a typical Sierra Leonean.

"It's kind of like a national Z." Lao Yu frowned, "What is he doing with us?"

Qin Fei couldn't help but said, "I guess he came to see me?"

"As far as I know, Sierra Leone has not joined the ICPO (avoid harmony, please search for the abbreviation yourself). There should be no way to extradite you here." Lao Yu put down the curtains and returned to Qin Fei: "Don't worry, wait a moment. We dumped him and flew to Eritrea. He couldn't find us."

"Qin, have you caused any major trouble in your country?" The sight asked with a grin.

He was in a big trouble himself, so he saw that Qin Fei was the same as himself, and what was more serious was that he was actually rich and chased here, I am afraid this trouble will only be bigger than his own, not smaller.

This guy feels that he has finally found a back cushion, and it feels very good.

"It's troublesome for you." Qin Fei said, "If you are afraid, you don't have to follow me."

"Hey! That's not interesting enough for you to say that!" The sight glanced at Qin Fei contemptuously. "I, O'Neill Turner, is the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death? You look down on me too much."

The sight went back to the chair, picked up his duffel bag and said, "Leave it to me. I'm sure he won't be able to follow us."

Qin Fei asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill him. Do you think I'm going to blow his head with a sniper rifle? I'm not that violent!" The sight said: "I can kill for money, but I won't kill one of me for no reason. You guys you don’t know, do you think bullets don’t need money?"

After speaking, he left the room and disappeared outside the door.

Qin Fei packed up his things, put on sunglasses, covered half of his face with a tactical scarf, and then put on a peaked cap, followed Lao Yu and the others, and walked along the stairs to the parking lot of the hospital.

Everyone got on the car and waited in the car. Soon they saw the front sight sneaking into the car from the back of the car.

"Okay, let's go!" The sight said with a relaxed look: "I have arranged it. You will be ready to watch the show later."

Turning his head, the car went out of the gate and walked south along the street.

As soon as he left the hospital, Qin Fei saw from the rear mirror that the two stalkers jumped into a white jeep and slowly followed behind him.

"They followed." Old Yu said, "It seems that they are coming for us."

As soon as the voice fell, only a "boom" was heard behind him, which seemed to have crashed.

Qin Fei turned his head and looked from the rear window of the cab, and saw a tattered second-hand Japanese Honda hit the white jeep in the middle, denting the driver's door.

The water tank of the broken Honda car seems to be broken ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It looks like it was hit very badly, and white water vapor sprayed everywhere.

The Asian who got off the co-pilot seemed very anxious. Regardless of the condition of the car, he held up his camera and wanted to take pictures of Qin Fei's car.

But he didn't have a chance at all, because a bunch of black brothers surrounded him, completely blocking his vision.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the black people murmured, as if they wanted the people in the white jeep to lose money.

After seeing his masterpiece, the crosshair turned around and laughed, "It's too easy, get it done!"

Qin Fei was unwilling to have armed conflicts, and the handling method of the front sight was very appropriate.

In this way, waiting for the people in the white jeep to get out, I am afraid that they have already arrived at the airport, and they will not be able to track them.

To the south is the location of Waterloo Airport, and it only takes less than 30 minutes to drive from the hospital.

After leaving the city, there were fewer people. Thor stepped on the accelerator, the car roared all the way, and arrived at Waterloo Airport in less than thirty minutes.

A Gulfstream G350 has been parked on the tarmac.

"Fak!" exclaimed the sight, "the diamond dealer is so rich?!"

Thor looked at the front sight with a look like a hillbilly: "Rhodes is not an ordinary diamond dealer. He does not only buy and sell diamonds, but also sells almost all kinds of jewellery. He also buys antique jewellery. The customers are celebrities, nobles and even royal families. Do you think he will lack more than 20 million pounds to buy a plane?"

"It seems that poverty limits my imagination." The crosshair stuck his tongue out, and a question suddenly sounded. He stared at Thor Eric and asked: "By the way, why do you know his details so well? I think he never mentioned himself. Also do other business."

Eric did not answer the front sight, and went straight to the plane.

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