Absolute Honor

Chapter 314: Beast camp

"Thank you for helping to take care of Kunchai." Qin Fei personally stepped forward and shook hands with Chen Yong, and then said, "What's going on with Kunchai? Who beat him like this?"

Qin Fei must first figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

Chen Yong's eyes lit up when he heard Qin Fei's fluent Chinese, "Are you from the Z country?"

"Well, that's right." Qin Fei said, "Otherwise who do you think I am?"

Chen Yong couldn't help but smiled and said, "I thought you were of T country Chinese like Kun Guai."

"Just treat you like me." Qin Fei felt that he now holds a T country passport, and there is a weird country T name on it. He is unwilling to explain too much to Chen Yong. The Chinese are the Chinese, it's nothing. The big deal.

"Kun Guai was beaten like this by a few whites and blacks. They deliberately targeted him and even let out a message, saying that Kun Guai would just go back and if they didn't agree... they would beat him like this." Chen Yong said.

Qin Fei frowned and asked, "What do you not promise? Blackmail? Ask for money?"

Chen Yong shook his head, and his bronzed face suddenly turned red.

"Chen Yong, we can be regarded as fellows. If you have something, please tell me straight. We don't talk around the corner, right?" Qin Fei said.

Chen Yong's expression became a little embarrassed, but he still didn't speak.

The old fish next to him suddenly said: "Qin Fei, don't ask, I'll tell you that those grandsons seem to have done Kunchai."

He made a piston motion with his hand.

"The mercenary training camps have all three religions and nine streams. Many are soldiers who have cases or retired soldiers. There is no quality to speak of. Many have experienced wars, or criminals, and they have long been psychologically distorted, so they are on the beach. That training camp is also called'Beast Camp', and this is not without reason."

As a veteran mercenary, Lao Yu is certainly not the first time to go there. He is deeply impressed by the management of the beast camp.

Qin Fei suddenly felt extremely sick.

Obviously, those guys who targeted Kunchai must be perverted, the kind of glass.

Kun guess people are relatively short, but they don't look shabby, plus they are from country T, those perverts will naturally move their minds.

"I see."

Qin Fei was furious, and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, heal the injury first. After that, we will accompany you back together. Since it is a beast camp, we will meet the beasts."

Kun Guai looked at Qin Fei with tears in his eyes and said, "Boss, am I very useless and always trouble you?"

"Come on, since you think so, it's great, you should learn more and be a great mercenary earlier, then I don't need my care, right?" Qin Fei said.

Unexpectedly, Kunchai's tears were even more, and he slid down ticking, and finally started crying again.

"Damn, I can't look at men crying." Qin Fei said, "You cry when you get beaten twice? Do you still want to be a mercenary? You can't get a shot and you won't have to roll around and look for life?"

In fact, Qin Fei didn't know that Kun guessed it was not because of being beaten and crying at all.

This guy was extremely conflicted and guilty at this time.

Qin Fei was heartbroken to him, but he was concealing a great secret, the secret that could affect Qin Fei's life path.

He didn't know if he wanted to confess to Qin Fei, Kunchai's heart was extremely contradictory, and extremely scared, just as a lie needs another lie to cover up.

At first, he was just to protect himself, feeling that keeping Qin Fei by his side would at least guarantee his life.

But after getting along, his guilt increased day by day, but the lie got bigger and bigger, and some accumulated hard to come back.


He just wanted to speak, but Qin Fei stood up and walked in front of Chen Yong: "Chen Yong, are you also from the beast camp?"

Chen Yong smiled bitterly and sighed: "Yes, let me improve my combat level."

"You used to be?" Qin Fei asked.

"Yeah." Chen Yong looked at Qin Fei: "So are you?"

After all, in Kunchai's mouth, Qin Fei was his boss, and Chen Yong would not associate Qin Fei with Qin Fei in any way, but he did smell the familiar taste in Qin Fei.

He is almost certain that Qin Fei, like himself, must have experience in the military.

"Yes, I used to be." Qin Fei smiled and said, "Not anymore."

He didn't explain what happened later, because it was unnecessary, so he changed the subject: "How do you come to the beast camp for training? Want to be a mercenary?"

"That's not true." Chen Yong said, "After I was discharged from the army, I followed my uncle to do business here, but you know, we Chinese are very insecure here, and black people often grab us because we are hardworking and accumulating. I paid a lot of money and attracted the attention of others. So I came to pay for the training with a few fellow villagers. I wanted to organize a team to protect my property."

"Oh! That's it." Qin Fei understood.

"Since you are here, I will be able to retreat." Chen Yong said: "I have been here for two days, a little delay in training, I will go back to the training camp first."

Qin Fei sent Chen Yong out, the two said goodbye, and Qin Fei returned to the room.

"What do you think?" Qin Fei asked Lao Yu and the others.

Lao Yu said: "Anyway, we have to go to the beast camp, and we can also rent a venue there to train for cooperation. Since we want to form a mercenary group, we must achieve a tacit understanding of cooperation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise There is nothing good to eat on the battlefield."

The sight said: "Well, Kun guesses it is still two and a half months to complete the training anyway? During this time, everyone can make some preparations for the preparation of the mercenary group, such as who we buy our combat equipment and supplies, and our logistics. How to arrange and support, and intelligence gathering, who is in charge? There are a lot of things to do."

"Well, in this case, we will wait for Kun Guai to be discharged from the hospital and take a trip to the beast camp together." Qin Fei clapped.

"Boss, are you going to form your own mercenary group?" Kun Guai was very surprised, "Can you count me?"

"You?" The crosshair couldn't help but hit him: "Look, you can't even handle a few mercenaries in the beast camp. It's too early to say this, isn't it?"

"Can I let the boss train me?" Kunchai said, "I believe he trains much better than the trash instructors in the animal camp! I promise you won't be disappointed."

"I can train you." Qin Fei said, "but you have to promise me one."

"Boss, you say, I promise you anything." Kunchai jumped for joy.

Qin Fei said earnestly: "First, you must be able to endure hardships and not retreat; second, after the training camp, you personally go to the leader of the bullies, beat him severely, and I won. Let you be a mercenary."

Kunchai sat up abruptly from the hospital bed, forgetting that his right hand was still injured, and hitting the bedside table with a punch: "It must be..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly sucked in an air-conditioner with a cry of "Ouch", his face became sore and deformed.

Just as a group of people were looking forward to the future of the mercenary group in Fati’s hospital ward, far away in a certain army office building in country Z, Xiao Jiao An Ruosu was holding the phone, and was stunned by Wei Tiansheng’s eyes. temper……

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