Absolute Honor

Chapter 332: Arrogant

The emergence of the "God Armed" mercenary group suddenly plunged the entire bar into a tense atmosphere.

ZERO walked to the table of Qin Fei and others, and glanced at the champagne and dinner on the table.

"It's rare that you still have such a good appetite."

He leaned down and said in Qin Fei's ear: "How have you considered the invitation I sent you this morning?"

As he spoke, he looked up and swept around: "Look, there are so many mercenaries here. It can be said that anything that happens here will soon spread throughout the circle. I have officially sent you this message. Challenge, if you want to be a turtle, I think it will soon become the laughing stock of everyone."

Qin Fei took a sip of wine and looked up at ZERO.

This aggressive Maozi seems to take himself too seriously, who does he think he is? Do whatever you want?

Perhaps because of the strength of the "God Armed", in ZERO's eyes, almost no one dared to touch the scales. This time the beating of the three sisters was still a trivial matter. What made him most embarrassed was that the three sisters were beaten so terribly.

Bucker was knocked out by the polar bear Shasa and knocked out. Webb was beaten by a Chinese man and was beaten by a Chinese man. Finally, he was stunned by a naked twister. Rudolph was even more embarrassed and lost his home and was trained by one. The recruits who participated in the training in the battalion were beaten into pigs, and they were finally led by people in the bar barking like dogs.

Apart from disgusting the incompetence of his subordinates, ZERO felt that he had to take his head back, or else he would lose his face in the future when he mixed in the realm of Africa.

ZERO, who beat up the three sisters, decided to go out in person. Anyway, two opponents have been killed in the first two years, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with one more member of Z.

"It seems that the one who became the laughing stock is your subordinate." Qin Fei counterattacked ZERO in an unhurried manner, his gaze over ZERO's shoulders, and cast a grimace at the three sisters behind him, learning from Rudolf's embarrassment that day. , Softly imitating Rudolph's tone at the time, barking twice.

Since I wanted to find a place because of a few of his subordinates, obviously ZERO was not the kind of calm person, and his face was bigger than the sky.

This is an extreme expression of pride, and ZERO is an extremely arrogant guy.

Sure enough, Rudolph's face suddenly became pig liver-colored, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed. After all, what happened that day was the most humiliating scar in his life.

It feels more uncomfortable to be torn apart in public by the blood.

But he was very clear about his abilities, even Webb was not Qin Fei's opponent, and he might not be enough to go up and do it now.

"Boy! Don't be too arrogant!" ZERO showed a fierce look and swept the wine glass in front of Qin Fei to the ground.

Everyone stood up almost at the same time.

The two sides immediately separated their camps, and the atmosphere was tense.

"ZERO!" Robert roared from the door, "What are you doing!?"

Robert brought in Cambert from the Beast Camp Management Office and a bunch of guards, and everyone was armed with guns and live ammunition, as if they were facing an enemy.

"It will be a fighting game in two days. I suggest that you both solve it in the ring." Robert walked over, stood between the two people, took off the cigar on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Qin Fei, and then Looked at ZERO.

"This is my site, don't make trouble on my site!"

ZERO glanced at Robert. He knew that it was definitely not a wise choice to do it now. Robert was the boss of the Protector Company and a big figure in the mercenary circle. The animal camp was founded by him, and there is also the Eritrean government. The relationship with the military is complicated.

If you don't give face and work hard, I am afraid that no matter how brave you are, you will not be able to kill the entire Eritrean military.

"OK!" ZERO raised his hands, expressing his attitude: "I won't do anything here, Mr. Robert, but two days later, I must have this stupid national Z person die in my hands and let him know what it is. A real mercenary, who is the most powerful person!"

After that, he raised his index finger and poked at Qin Fei in the air: "If there is a kind, accept my challenge, don't be a turtle!"

Qin Fei smiled, raised his middle finger, and gestured to the furious ZERO.

"Who do you think you are? If you ask me to accept it, I will accept it? You go to the bathroom to scoop up **** and eat it in front of me. I might consider your request for a dishevelled hat."

ZERO's eyes are protruding, and his expression is similar to that of a cannibal tiger.

Bickering, he is really not Qin Fei's opponent.

Glancing at the polar bear, ZERO said in Russian: "Shasa, I have heard of you. We Russians don’t need to mix with these YelloMonkeys. Come on, join my mercenary group. Don’t mix with these people to reduce your Grade!"

Although Qin Fei doesn't understand Russian, the word ZERO YelloMonkey is spoken in English, but he understands it quite well.

This is a slanderous term for the people of Z and Asians, and it means "yellow monkey" when translated into Chinese.

"Who am I messing with? This is my own personal matter, and it has nothing to do with you." The polar bear said indifferently: "Aren't you messing with those **** too? And it's still some perverts, don't you think it is embarrassing?"

The polar bear deliberately answered in English ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and glanced at Webb among the three sisters.

Webb, the gorilla, had a simple mind, and immediately exploded when he heard it, and was about to rush towards the polar bear.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his footsteps moved, ZERO actually kicked back and kicked directly on Webb's chest, kicking the two-meter-high man directly out of the door, almost rolling out the door.

Rolling on the ground, clutching his chest, groaning in a low voice.

This kick directly kicked Webb so that he couldn't get up.

Qin Fei's eyebrows moved slightly, and the people around him exclaimed in a low voice.

Experts will know if there is any.

ZERO really deserves its reputation, and its explosive power is terrifyingly powerful. Qin Fei asked himself that he did not have his power.

To deal with Webb, he relied on skill, not strength, and although ZERO was a little shorter than Webb, he kicked directly with his feet, apparently extremely confident in his leg strength.

After kicking Webb, ZERO took his people to the next table and sat down, told Zun Ni to bring a bottle of vodka, unscrewed the lid, raised the bottle and yelled at Qin Fei: "Did you see? People from Country Z are like this bear. These guys don't dare to fight with me. They will always be SickmanofEastAsia! Hahahahahaha!"

Rudolph accumulated a lot of grievances, and then yelled: "Yes! These **** ChingChong! They don't deserve to be mercenaries!"

More than a dozen "God-armed" mercenaries began to clamor, and various insulting titles one after another.

Qin Fei beckoned to Zunni.

"What's the matter?" Zun Ni looked a little nervous, and under such blatant provocation by ZERO, it was impossible for any man to endure it.

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