Absolute Honor

Chapter 335: Bloody event

The next night, the animal camp entered the most lively day of the year.

Starting in the afternoon, many convoys with soldiers escorted into the training camp area one after another.

The large playground of the entire camp is full of luxury cars that are rare in Eritrea.

All kinds of chiefs with big beards and white turbans and headbands, or successful people in Europe and America who have neatly combed hair in suits and leather shoes, so shiny and slippery that even ants can’t hold their feet. Wearing all kinds of temporary and gem-inlaid large rings, they walked to the stadium accompanied by high-level Eritrean military and government officials.

Hundreds of Eritrean special forces members and more than one hundred animal camp guards are responsible for the security of the camp.

One post with five steps and one sentry at ten steps, like a big enemy.

All the lights were energized, and the camp was like daylight.

There are a total of four indoor combat training grounds in the entire animal camp. Tonight’s Hell Fighting Competition will set the arena in the largest hall 1. The center of the field has already been cleared. The original four arenas were removed and replaced by one. The large iron cage with a diameter of 15 meters has two iron mesh doors on both sides of the cage, allowing two opponents to enter from different directions.

Once the cage is closed, there is a desperate situation inside, and only one person can stand up and come out.

The venues are rapidly becoming rudimentary and even without air conditioning, but the grounds here are not valuable, so the built venues are also very large, capable of accommodating 5,000 people to watch the game at the same time.

Outside the VIP area on the east side, the remaining three sides are mercenaries in the beast camp and some Eritrean government personnel or soldiers who are not qualified to enter the VIP area.

In order to increase the atmosphere, a large square is hung from the ceiling directly above the stadium, with large LCDs on all sides, which can play the game in the center of the stadium at the same time, so that spectators sitting too far will not jump and scold their mothers.

Starting from the daytime, the handicap in charge of Robert's animal camp management office began to receive a steady stream of bets.

Some people even ask the people present to place their bets if they can't come by themselves.

This kind of battle is no less than the grand occasion of any world-class fighting or boxing competition in Las Vegas as far away as North America.

Entrance requires admission tickets, 100 US dollars per person, although it is not a lot, but five thousand people is a big profit when calculated.

A team of professional gambling personnel entered the office in the fighting hall early. There, forty cash counters and a hundred cash counters were constantly operating at the same time, racing against time to get cash, and there was a row of more than thirty. A laptop computer can accept electronic transfers and bets.

Betting on the last day of betting began at 8 o'clock in the morning. The prize pool of the entire market has risen, breaking records over the years and setting new highs.

Fifty million……

80 million...

100 million...

Robert's face was full of smiles, and he himself felt that he was too smart. There was no need to engage in a mercenary company other than that. The camp in Eritrea could bring him amazing returns in one year.

There are a total of five games scheduled tonight, but only one is the one that everyone is looking forward to.

Nearly 60% of the game was injected into the game tonight. According to the rules, the gates will be closed ten minutes before the start of the game and no bets will be accepted.

The match between Qin Fei and ZERO was put at the latest and was regarded as the finale, and the time was 10 o'clock in the evening.

After the first game started at six o'clock, Qin Fei hadn't entered the lounge to prepare. Instead, he sat outside and watched the game with his teammates.

The rules of the game here are really different.

Compared with ordinary fighting competitions, there are no gloves, no prescribed clothing, and it is just the dress of the usual mercenaries-tactical pants, desert boots and dry T-shirts.

Absolutely unarmed, absolutely primitive state.

This reminded Qin Fei of the words in his mind, how to practice as you fight.

The same goes for this death fighting event. You can fight as hard as you normally would. Once you get into the cage, your opponent is your enemy on the battlefield. Either you die or I die.

In less than five minutes, the two sides in the cage were already terrible. One's eyes burst and one's ear was bitten off.

The two of them refused to give up, still panting, four punches facing each other, and soon they ran into each other like crazy bison.

The blood dripped from the bodies of the two of them, clattering to the ground, and soon stained the wooden floor of the cage shockingly.

The audience was even more passionate. Although it was already November, the weather in Eritrea was still hot. Thousands of mercenaries took off their shirts, revealing angular muscles and centipede-like scars on their skin, which are called centipede-like scars. The stuff of the man's medal looked terrifying under the dim light.

The roar almost knocked off the roof of the entire fighting hall. It was as if you were in purgatory, and all ghosts screamed. Fortunately, there is no need to carry weapons and guns in the admission regulations, otherwise the mercenaries who support different players will definitely have nothing. Do not hesitate to draw a gun and face each other.

Even so, some people started fighting.

On Qin Fei's right, on the west side of the stand, the two gangs of people, like two groups of hungry wolves meeting and hostile in the wilderness, scrambled and fought together.

Both sides went shirtless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe it was a mercenary group from different players. No one would like to see their comrades beaten up on the court. Everyone can't wait to play in person.

The guards of the government and the beast camp rushed up, and truncheons and rifle stocks fell like rain.

Down with one, drag it out like a dead dog.

Knock down a pair, throw it into the car under the stands like a slaughtered pig in a slaughterhouse. After throwing a kick on the accelerator, it drove directly out of the stadium.

Life and death fight on the court, and flesh and blood are also flying off the court.

The smell of alcohol, sweat, smoke, blood, foot odor, and the staleness of the air brought by the sultry weather in the tropics are all mixed together, like the same high-concentration stimulant, which stimulates everyone's adrenal glands. hormone.

At this time, Qin Fei understood why this beast camp's irregular fighting competition was called **** fighting and why it was also called death fighting.

Here, every face is distorted at this time, and it is full of fear of death, madness of bloodthirsty, and worship of killing!

Qin Fei can find on the faces of everyone onlookers, of course, those chiefs and rich men who used to be in suits and leather shoes, or unsmiling and solemn and majestic, and find something that is not easy to see but they share at this moment-that is cold and arrogant. The scary side.

Those faces faintly in the smoke, the fear aroused by the cruelty, and the excitement provoked by the blood, are mixed in the hoarse throat.

The fierce scene stimulated certain natures of people. The chief threw away his headscarf, the rich took off his coat, and everyone tore off his usual disguise, allowing the precipitation to accumulate in the blood for thousands of years of killing. Impulsive dross emerged.

This is also the most primitive human nature.

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