Absolute Honor

Chapter 337: Turbulent sentiment

"Qin! It's time for you to play!"

Before the old fish continued to speak, the sight, Kunchai, and the polar bear broke into the lounge.

"The last game is over. It is estimated that it will be over in ten minutes. Here is the game between you and ZERO!"

"So fast!?" Qin Fei was stunned. He and Lao Yu stayed in the room for about half an hour after watching a game, and the remaining two games actually solved the battle within half an hour?

This means that each battle takes no more than fifteen minutes.

"Aren't you kidding me?" The old fish looked at the military watch. "The first game took nearly half an hour. Why are the next two games so fast?"

"Because I used a knife." The crosshair stuck out his tongue with a look of horror, "Oh! My goodness! The next two groups of opponents are lunatics, fighting directly with tactical knives, so the problem was solved at once. I guess it is better than us. Xiaokun guesses it's faster to hit a pistol..."

He turned his head evilly to look at Kunchai, and made a joke on the rookie.

"It's faster than you go to bed and get out of bed!" Kunchai couldn't help but sneered.

The sight shot haha, his face didn't matter, this guy never mind others teasing him.

"A member of the X mercenary group." A staff member of the management office in charge of the arena affairs walked into the lounge and glanced at everyone: "Here you are, go to the entrance of the arena to prepare, and the game will officially start in ten minutes."

"Let's go, brothers!" Qin Fei took a deep breath, left the lounge, and walked towards the playing field along the long corridor.

The humming vocals gradually became clear, and Qin Fei could hear various accents and roars in various languages.

Spanish, French, English, he even heard Mandarin...

"Qin Fei, Qin Fei!"

Someone is calling himself.

Lifting his head, Qin Fei saw Chen Yong and three fellow villagers actually pulling a national flag.

"Come on! Fuck that ghost!"

"We support you! Fuck him to death!"

"Qin Fei, I bought all my money and you win! Fuck him!"

Chen Yong and other young people were excited. Obviously, there was a conflict with ZERO in the bar, and the other party's words insulting Asians had already spread in the camp.

No one can accept this insult, especially those who are away from home.

Seeing the national flag in such a place, Qin Fei couldn't help feeling a warm current.

The scene that surprised him happened again later.

Qin Fei was surprised to see a group of black buddies holding up the national flag of their own country.

"Get rid of that white pig! Chinese people!"

"Yes, kill him! Let him know how powerful Chinesekungfu is!"

Qin Fei was a little dazed by these black buddies who never knew each other.

I didn't expect these people to support themselves.

"Lao Yu, I didn't look at Dazzling? They were holding our national flag?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking Lao Yu.

Lao Yu seemed to be a little surprised, and could not answer this question for a long time.

But the sight immediately clarified the big guy's doubts: "It's not surprising that blacks also don't like whites. If Asians and whites stand in front of them, African blacks will like yellow people more."

The big guy was relieved immediately, that's how it was.

When he walked to the iron cage, ZERO stood opposite the cage. This guy smiled obsessively, his gaze fiercely shot through the net-shaped wire mesh of the iron cage towards Qin Fei.

He opened his mouth as if saying something.

The surrounding area was too noisy, Qin Fei couldn't hear clearly, obviously ZERO also spoke very quietly.

However, after looking at the shape of the mouth carefully, I finally understand-I'm going to kill you!

This is the sentence.

Qin Fei smiled, raised his **** to ZERO again, and opened his mouth once again following his appearance-go to hell!

The sight said quietly to Qin Fei: "I heard a news."

"What news?" Qin Fei asked.

"The handicap has fallen." The sight said: "Your odds with ZERO are now 1:6."

Seeing the meaningful smile on the front sight, Qin Fei wondered: "Why did you rise?"

He knows nothing about such things as bets.

"It's very simple. Handicap is determined based on analysis and the amount of bet. Although your winning percentage is not high in many people's eyes, the natural odds will drop as more people bet on you."

The polar bear was a little upset and said: "My money is going to be less again."

"Dear guests, brothers! Be quiet!" The host's voice with a little hip-hop style came from the speakers.

Qin Fei followed the prestige, and saw that beside the cage, two black men holding microphones, apparently the event host or commentator, were trying to calm everyone down.

I have to, these two guys are very distinctive.

One is a white suit from head to toe, hat and leather shoes are white, even the frame on the sunglasses is white.

The other is just the opposite. He is black from head to toe, with black hat, black shoes, and black spectacle frames. Since his skin is also dark and dark, Qin Fei feels that he must not be able to see this guy standing there if the lights are turned off. , The same effect as wearing a cloak.

"Tonight's most exciting event is coming soon! I think everyone is as excited as I am, but so excited, let me introduce you to the two players~www.wuxiaspot.com~The white suits are actually full Sweating profusely. It is really uncomfortable to wear a tightly wrapped suit in this kind of weather, and the effect is no worse than sitting in a sauna.

"On my right, this big man who looks like a beast, oh! In front of him, I am like a poor little one! He is the leader of the God Armed Mercenary Corps who won for two consecutive years-ZERO! Terrible! The Caucasian nationality, a former member of the Russian special forces of signal flags, is said to be able to kick off a coconut tree, a god-like figure!"

The white suit raised his hand exaggeratedly and pointed to ZERO.

The audience began to thunder, especially God armed more than 20 mercenaries, at this time they were already shirtless, with their mercenary group emblem painted on their bodies, and a cloth strip on their heads, jumping up in the audience. A self-made war dance.

Headed by them, the surrounding white mercenaries also raised their hands and shouted with their thumbs up.




The sound waves are like tides rushing to the shore, one after another, covering the sky and the earth.

The sight could not help but muttered: "Fak! There are so many people who support that white pig!"

The black buddies who bet Qin Fei won, as well as Asians, such as Chen Yong and the like, began to cheer. They also stretched out their hands and gave them thumbs up, and then slammed into the ground, expressing strong contempt.

After roaring for a moment, the two parties began to feel uncomfortable. As there were no weapons such as guns and knives, some people began to pick up mineral water bottles and threw them at each other. Finally, food was also thrown, roast chicken, bread and drinks, all thrown out like grenades.

There was a sudden chaos in the fighting hall.

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