Absolute Honor

Chapter 340: Huge bonus

"Tonight is really crazy--" The black suit took the microphone, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and started to cheer up like a medicine: "Tonight, a new hero was born in the camp, a A god-like character! When we all thought that the people who challenged ZERO were lunatics, he won! He is a member of Country Z-Qin Fei! Tonight, belongs to this lunatic!"

Coming out of the cage, Qin Fei heard cheers like mountains and seas.





Thousands of mercenaries clapped their palms neatly. There was no one organized, but everyone's chants were very neatly chanted, and their voices waved wave after wave.

The world of mercenaries is a world that absolutely worships the strong, and the winner is king.

Qin Fei wins, he is the king of the night.

And no matter how brilliant the ZERO lying on the ground was, it was like a wave that was swept away when the tide was low, and it was quickly forgotten without leaving a trace.

It is foreseeable that the God Armed Mercenary Corps has lost nothing overnight.

"Qin, congratulations." Major Cambert came over, and the veteran special forces major, who has always been arrogant, humbly stretched out his hand this time: "It seems that I have missed you. You are an amazing guy. If you have a chance, I hope to work with you."

"Thank you, Major." Qin Fei shook his hand politely and walked towards the lounge.

Then, Lao Yu and Kunchai rushed up. The former gave Qin Fei a soldier-like hug and slapped Qin Fei's back.

"Boy, I really didn't see the wrong person! I didn't see the wrong person! You are an amazing guy!"

Kunchai rushed to hug Qin Fei, and pecked Qin Fei's cheek several times like a chicken pecking rice. While pecking, he said: "Boss is awesome! Boss long live!"

Qin Fei was slobbered by the kiss, and couldn't help but push him away and warned: "If you kiss again, my bonus won't be yours!"

The polar bear clapped his hands: "By the way! Let's collect the money quickly!"

When it comes to money, his eyes shine!

"One lose six!"

Kunchai broke his fingers and counted, and almost didn't smile. "My boss bet twice. The first time I lost three, including the principal amount of 1.2 million U.S. dollars, the beast camp has a 10% rake and 1.18 million, and then the second time. One loses six. Excluding water money, there is still 6.37 million U.S. dollars in the account!"

"Boss, we made 6.37 million U.S. dollars!" Kunchai couldn't help but bloom, "Oh my God! It only took ten minutes to make more than seven million dollars!"

Qin Fei asked Lao Yu: "You bet one hundred thousand dollars?"

The old fish couldn't hide his joy: "Yes, it's 1.45 million US dollars."

"How about you?" Qin Fei asked the polar bear.

The polar bear sighed and shook his head: "I only have fifty thousand dollars to bet, so the money I make is only half of the old fish, but it is already very good. I have never tried to make so much money, compared to me being a mercenary. Earn more in the year! I'm very satisfied."

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and patted the polar bear's arm: "Don't worry, I will give you a copy later. Actually, you can beat ZERO tonight, and you also have your credit. It wasn't you who made a gesture with me for the day of the Russian army’s Sismat and Sangbo technology, I don’t know much about ZERO’s fighting style at all.”

"I'm really convinced by the move you just made." The polar bear gave a thumbs up. If it was said that Qin Fei was made to be the head of the X mercenary group simply because of obeying everyone's opinions, then now he is convinced." You are better than me!"

The old fish couldn't help saying: "You brat is really brave enough. If ZERO is not an underestimate, and intends to use Jiu-Jitsu to kill you all at once, I am afraid that you will be a little patient with that trick and you will definitely suffer a big loss."

"How can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair?" Qin Fei said, "If I drag on with him, even if I win, I'm afraid I will be injured and I won't be able to get it."

After finishing talking, looking towards ZERO, I saw a few medical staff in white coats surrounding ZERO, and various first-aid equipment was covering his head and face. It was electric shock and CPR, and he was busy.

"Boss, do you think ZERO can still live?" Kunchai couldn't help asking.

Qin Fei shook his head: "I am not dead and disabled, so I can only say that."

"Yeah." The old fish nodded as well: "The Dovetail and temples are both big acupuncture points. What's more, I think your kick has cracked his skull. Even if he is not dead, I am afraid that the brain tissue will be damaged, let alone Dovetail. There are many important meridians and organs in the acupuncture points. When you are hit by violence like this, I think internal bleeding is the least, and whether the organs are damaged or not will be discussed separately."

"Isn't it better to live than to die?" Kunchai asked.

Qin Fei's heart sank.

A life was sent to the brink of death by his own feet.

The old fish seemed to see what Qin Fei was thinking, and comforted: "Okay, military combat is like this. Either you die or he dies. If ZERO has the upper hand, I'm afraid you will die."

Qin Fei is right to think about it, ZERO will definitely not show mercy to his men.

"What about the front sight?" Qin Fei suddenly thought of the front sight, and looked around, but he didn't see anyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this guy was still there just now..."

"I'm here..." The painful voice of the sight came from the corner.

Everyone looked down and saw that this guy actually sat under the edge of the stand, holding his hair in his hands.

Everyone was stunned.

What's wrong with this guy?

Qin Fei remembered that the crosshair also placed a bet. It seemed that it was US$80,000, and it was reasonable to make millions.

"Is it too excited?" Looking at the sight of the sight that seemed a little bit painful, the old fish couldn't help but ask Qin Fei: "Isn't it okay to earn this million?"

"Excitement is very exciting..." The sight still grabbed his hair and tugged hard, "I didn't make a cent, and I lost $80,000. I think I feel very excited!"

Everyone was stunned again.

The polar bear felt his head for a long time and asked, "Didn't you bet $80,000? I heard you talk about it in the bar, why did you lose?"

"Because..." The sight looked up at Qin Fei, his face was embarrassed, and he lowered his head again embarrassedly and continued to pull his hair.


Kungues rolled his eyes and suddenly laughed, clutching his stomach.

"What are you laughing at?" the polar bear asked puzzledly.

"I know what he is laughing at." The old fish couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled. "This guy is betting on ZERO, and he has lost everything."

The sight was even more embarrassing when someone saw through the hole cards. After all, it was really embarrassing. He didn't bet on Qin Fei and ran to bet on ZERO.

"I'm not...I didn't want to buy insurance. You said that you all bought Qin Fei to win. If Qin Fei...It's not that we will have no money and we will have no money when we go to South Africa."

Everyone was stunned again, and then everyone laughed.

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