Absolute Honor

Chapter 343: Blood stains

The entire stadium was blocked, Eric could not be found, and Qin Fei had to go back to the locker room assigned to him during the game with Lao Yu.

In order not to worry other people, Qin Fei dragged Lao Yu to another house in the locker room and whispered: "Lao Yu, ask you something, how did you know Eric? Where did he serve before? "

Lao Yu looked at Qin Fei in amazement: "Do you suspect Eric?"

Immediately shook his head: "Impossible, there is a dead person here, how can you think of Eric's head for no reason?"

Qin Fei said: "It's just a coincidence, and then a premonition. You tell me first, which unit did he serve in the past?"

"I have known him for about a year, and he himself took the picture in the mercenary bar and asked me if I had any work. Of course, I also asked him if he had a battlefield operation. He said no, but said he was in Served in the Norwegian Wehrmacht." Lao Yu said: "I took him to the outskirts and gave him a gun for a test shot. Judging from his methods, this man has indeed received strict military training. And he was a good player. I wanted to form my own mercenary squad, so I kept him."

After a pause, he said, "No... I said, how could you suspect Eric?"

"Don't you think it's strange? Eric disappeared from the beginning, is it normal? If something happens, why didn't he tell us?" Qin Fei said, "Now you see, people are no longer found. Normally, Where do you say he will go?"

"Maybe..." The old fish stall said, "He is not feeling well, and he has gone back to our place of residence."

"It's not that simple..." Qin Fei's brows were still frowned and did not loosen. "In fact, no matter what happens, he should tell us. After all, he is a member of our mercenary group. Everyone is sitting in the same boat... "


Lao suddenly made a silent gesture, scorned Qin Fei, and pointed his finger to the ground.

Qin Fei immediately understood, and when he looked down, there seemed to be something like water droplets on the ground.

The two slowly squatted down. Qin Fei reached out his hand and dipped some of the water droplets on the ground. He felt that something was wrong when he started his hand. After twisting it, he found that it was very sticky, the color was red, and there was a fishy smell.


His eyes lit up, and his hand jerked to his waist.

But immediately found out that there was no gun.

The guards took all the guns away.

Qin Fei lightly walked to the side to pick up a stool, and motioned to the blood on the ground.

The two followed the blood, slowly searching for the past, and finally stopped by a locker.

This locker is much larger than the outside locker, making it a great place to hide.

Standing on the right, Qin Fei raised the stool and motioned to Lao Yu to open the cabinet door.

The old fish gently grabbed the handle and yanked away!

Qin Fei raised the stool and was about to smash it in!

Suddenly, Qin Fei froze, and the stool stopped in the air.

The old fish froze too, and his gaze shot in the locker incredulously.

Thor Eric was pale, leaning against the cabinet with a bloodless face, holding a HKUSP pistol with a silencer at the door.

Seeing Lao Yu and Qin Fei, Eric seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and his muzzle dropped.

"Fuck! Eric, what's wrong with you?"

Lei Shen shook his head, looked at Qin Fei, then at Lao Yu, and finally said, "Don't guess, I killed the guy in the VIP room."

The old fish's jaw was almost astonished, "What?! Are you crazy!? Why did you kill him?"

"I must kill him, I have my own reasons." Thor Eric said: "He is my enemy."

"Enemy?" Old Yu scratched his head: "Fuck, you can't kill him here! Do you know this is Robert's site? There are thousands of mercenaries here who listen to him, my God! Kill him, you can't live!"

"If you can't live, you have to kill. He has humiliated my family..." Thor said, "I won't hurt you, I'll go by myself."

After all, struggling to get out of the locker, staggeringly trying to leave.

Qin Fei saw that Eric's right abdomen was oozing blood. It seemed to have been treated, but it seemed to be of little use. Obviously, the injury was relatively serious.

The intensive gunfire that sounded just now was obviously shot at the escaped Thor Eric, and it had already hit Eric, but he did not kill him for the time being, and he finally escaped.

The sights and others outside heard the movement inside and walked in one after another.

"This is..." The sight saw the **** Thor in his abdomen, and then looked at Qin Fei and Lao Yu, his eyes doubled.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, standing still at a loss.

"What I want to say is, if you treat us as friends, don't go anywhere. Let's find a way to leave together." Qin Fei persuaded Eric from behind.

Lei Shen leaned on the wall and turned to look at Qin Fei.

After a while, he said: "I killed someone on Robert's site. Now the venue is sealed. It is almost impossible to escape. If you hand it over, you may be able to survive. If you help me, you will die. In the land of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you also said it was'almost', then it doesn't mean that there is no chance at all." Qin Fei said without hesitation: "If a few days ago, I won't stand up for you, but Now you are a member of the X mercenary regiment, you are mine, and you don’t even help yourself, so I don’t have the face to be the head."

Raytheon didn't seem to expect that Qin Fei would answer him this way. No one would be so stupid to choose a way to die, let alone a mercenary? The mercenaries only recognize money but not people, and Qin Fei is actually willing to take risks for himself.

"Thank you for your kindness, Qin, it's nice to meet you." He said, "But I still don't want to hurt you."

"It seems too late for you to say this. You are a member of our mercenary group. This is a fact that everyone knows and no one can change it." Qin Fei said, "Do you think Robert will let us all go?"

Thor smiled miserably: "Then what do you do now?"

"Give me the gun and treat your wound first." Qin Fei stretched out his hand.

Thor hesitated for a moment, and handed the gun over.

"There is also a knife." Qin Fei said, "I heard that you cut someone's throat. There must be a knife."

Thor drew a knife from behind and handed it to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei took it and found that it was not an ordinary knife.

This slightly curved scimitar dagger is very exquisite in shape, antique and has a strong Arabic style, and it is certainly not a new creation.

The exquisite handle and scabbard are covered with silver and are inlaid with several gems. The material of the blade is very unique, layered on top of each other, a bit like the pattern of a pleated knife, the color is dark but silvery. Very sharp!

"Damascus steel?!" The old fish obviously recognized the material, and said in surprise: "This is the most primitive and oldest Damascus steel!"

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