Absolute Honor

Chapter 346: You are my hostage

In the dimly lit corridor, the cigar that Robert was biting at the corner of his mouth went on and off, flashing a dark red light.

"Qin, I know you are a very powerful character." Robert said triumphantly: "But I advise you to stay safe and look around you."

In the darkness, the doors on both sides of the corridor had opened.

Countless black AK-47 muzzles were aimed at the members of the X mercenary group in the corridor. Three Eritrean government soldiers appeared behind Robert, who carefully aimed at Qin Fei and others with their automatic rifles.

Everyone was surrounded, and the back and forth path was blocked, and Robert seemed to have placed a lot of surroundings.

"Yes, you are great." Qin Fei said, "How did you find out?"

Robert pointed to his nose triumphantly: "Yes, I didn't see the assassin, but I asked the smell of blood. Don't forget, I am also a veteran."

Qin Fei's heart trembled. He was really negligent, and he underestimated the old fox Robert. Although he took a bold bet in the locker room, he didn't expect that Robert would have seen the clues a long time ago, but he just didn't start. That's it.

"Robert, I'm very strange, why didn't you start in the locker room just now?"

"Ah, that's because I am definitely a prudent person." Robert made no secret of his pride once again: "When I went into the locker room, I found that I had made a mistake. I had six or seven people in the paper bag. You are the best. Mercenaries, these six or seven people can’t deal with you. If they don’t, I will lose my life."

Qin Fei nodded, and had to admire the old fox's calmness: "Yes, I accept it. Prudent people always live long enough. No wonder you live so long."

"Thank you very much for your compliment." Robert grinned and motioned to several government soldiers: "Go up and tie them up!"

A few soldiers just wanted to move, Qin Fei smiled and said, "Do you believe that if they are close, I can take the gun?"

Everyone was taken aback, and Qin Fei's words were equivalent to reminding the enemy to be careful of himself.

Usually by this time, everyone will try their best to find a chance to get out, but there are still people who have spoken to remind their opponents?

It is incredible.

Sure enough, Robert was taken aback and immediately reached out to stop a few government soldiers.

"Be careful, this guy is no ordinary person."

Turning his head and said to Qin Fei: "It seems that you are really arrogant. Do you think that killing ZERO on stage is very powerful? But thank you for your reminder. Now, raise your hands."

"Okay, I raise my hand, I surrender." Qin Fei suddenly raised his hand exaggeratedly, then turned and said to the old fish behind him: "Everyone listens to Mr. Robert. Anyway, people are not killed by us. Follow us. It doesn't matter, just explain it clearly, there is no need to lose your life for this."

The old fish saw Qin Fei lose a color at himself.

Looking down, Qin Fei raised his hand exaggeratedly just now, and pulled up a corner of the T-shirt, revealing the HKUSP pistol stuck in his back.

Both of them were actually trained in the same special forces. Needless to say, they immediately understood what to do.

What Lao Yu has to do now is to wait for Qin Fei's signal.

"Listen to Qin Fei, raise your hand, we surrender, don't make fearless resistance."

The old fish also raised his hand.

The others had to raise their hands in consternation.

This situation went beyond Robert's expectation. He thought there was a fierce battle, but he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

It seems that no matter how much you can fight, people are still afraid of death.

He also knew very well that the matter might have nothing to do with Qin Fei and others. Although he did not understand the relationship between Qin Fei and the assassin, it seemed that Qin Fei decided to draw a clear line.

Thor Eric was pale and looked at Qin Fei disappointedly.

"Hey!" Robert suddenly smiled again, "Don't you think I will relax my guard, now, Qin, you kneel down and kneel down with your hands up."

Without saying anything, Qin Fei raised his hands and knelt down immediately.

Robert's eyes lit up again, and he thought to himself, this kid seemed to be really scared to death.

However, he drew his pistol cautiously and motioned to the three soldiers around him: "Go in."

Three government soldiers approached Qin Fei slowly with their guns. It was obvious that these soldiers had received good military training, one on the left and one on the right, with one in the middle.

Approaching Qin Fei, the soldier in the middle put his muzzle on Qin Fei's forehead and motioned to the soldier on the right: "Tie him!"

The soldier on the right put down his gun and reached out to find the rope in his waist.

At this moment, Qin Fei closed his hands abruptly, grabbed the AK-47 against him, lowered his head and raised his hands.

The soldier in the middle pulled the trigger subconsciously, the bullet hit the top of the stairs, and sawdust splashed.

At the same time, Lao Yu Lightning generally stretched out his hand to draw out the USP pistol from Qin Fei's waist, and fired at the two soldiers on the left and right.


With the low gunfire, the heads of the two government soldiers blossomed and threw the dust down.

Almost at the same time, Qin Fei jumped hard with both feet, and the person jumped up, kicking the soldier's knee front with both feet at the same time. The fierce explosive force directly kicked the government soldier and fell forward, pressing on himself.

Robert didn't expect Qin Fei to be able to take action at this time, and subconsciously fired two shots at Qin Fei.

The bullet didn't hit Qin Fei, but hit the hapless guy who rushed to Qin Fei's body. Two shots splattered him with blood.

Due to limited vision, the soldiers in the rooms on both sides did not clearly see what was happening in the corridor.

Qin Fei had already snatched the AK-47 of the soldier who had died on him, and shot Robert in the arm.

The bullet hit Robert's right arm and his pistol fell to the ground.

"Robert, let your people stop, or you will be dead!"

Qin Fei got up from the ground, blocked the soldier's body in front of him, put the AK-47 on his shoulder, and aimed at Robert.

"At this distance, I will never hit your right eye with your left eye!"

"Listen to him! Listen to him!" Robert was really timid, and immediately yelled, "Let me put down the gun!"

The soldiers lowered their guns. They were all elite soldiers trained by Robert's animal camp for Eritrea. Although they belonged to the government army, they obeyed Robert's orders at the same time.

Qin Fei walked in front of Robert, picked up his pistol and stuck it in his waist, and said loudly: "Front sight, polar bear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Pick up the gun, get the ammunition, let’s go."

The front sight and the polar bear finally understood what was going on.

The two hurriedly picked up the guns from the dead body and took away all the ammunition and grenades.

In less than a minute, Robert has changed from a scene controller to a hostage.

"Mr. Robert, I think you'd better cooperate. I need to go to the medical room now, so I will bother you to lead the way. I have no grudges with you. I don't have to kill you. As long as you listen to me, I promise not to kill. you."

"Qin, you don't seem to know what happened." Robert grinned sadly: "Do you think you can leave here? Can you leave Eritrea if you leave here?"

"It's not my turn to think about that much now." Qin Fei said: "I can only see one step at a time. I believe that in Eritrea, you still have a bit of negotiating capital."

"You don't even know who your friend killed." Robert roared a little excitedly: "He killed the number two figure of the Russian Mafia (avoid harmony, in English, please forgive me for book friends) organization! You are done! ! You know? You are dead!"

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