Absolute Honor

Chapter 357: "Hospitality" is difficult but

"Qin Fei, I forgot to ask you one thing."

Lao Yu suddenly turned his head on the co-pilot and asked: "In the medical room before, what did your kid froze at a critical moment? I didn’t ask you if you had no chance before. Now I want to ask you what you saw at the time. Something? Two 105 recoilless guns won’t scare you like that."

The white mercenary flashed in Qin Fei's mind.

"Old fish, what would you think if I saw an acquaintance in the fight hall?"

"What?" The old fish suddenly became nervous: "Acquaintances!? Acquaintances in your army?! Impossible! Some of them will appear in the fighting hall? There are mercenaries and Somalis there, but they are back to Campbell. My man..."

After thinking about it, I suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't you a mercenary like you?"

"No." Qin Fei said, "Lao Yu, I have been thinking of more and more things recently. Although it is still fragmentary, I can still remember some names and things. People in the fighting stadium, I think Not an ordinary mercenary. I have seen that white man, and I have fought him before..."

"Have a hand?" The old fish's mind immediately flew around, "You worked as a scout in the country, and then you escaped from a crime. Can you fight a white mercenary? It doesn't make sense..."

Qin Fei said: "That's why I feel strange. And I remembered his name. This person is FOX. He is a member of the special forces. What kind of special forces it is. I was awakened by you at the time. I didn’t think about it. I’m absolutely sure that I played against him and almost died in his hands. This person is definitely not easy. If it’s just a Cambert, I don’t have to bother so much, but with this person, we must be careful. cautious."

Lao Yu feels that Qin Fei’s worry is not superfluous. If Qin Fei’s memory is not wrong, then this special forces member called FOX joins Cambert’s camp, although he can formulate a more detailed combat plan to deal with special forces members. It's as simple as dealing with the guards of the beast camp.

It's just Qin Fei's words that make Lao Yu full of doubts.

Who on earth is Qin Fei?

How can a domestic field force scout have the opportunity to face-to-face with a foreign special forces member?


A guess flashed in the old fish's mind, but he quickly denied himself.

Because if he was also a member of that force like himself, according to Qin Fei, he himself was a fugitive who committed a crime. That force would definitely not let him go, and he would be tracked down by Tianya Haijiao.

Could it be that Qin Fei deliberately concealed himself?

Many speculations flashed through Lao Yu’s mind, but now it seems that it’s not a good time to get to the bottom of it. Lao Yu decided to wait for this to pass and have to talk to Qin Fei. If necessary, it seems that he still Look for the comrades who have served in that army before, and see if you can find any clues.

Of course, the old fish also knows that this kind of hope is very slim.

As a disciplinary constraint for that top-secret army, there is basically no possibility even if you want to inquire about something. If you are still in the army, you might still be able to do it. Now that you have been away from the motherland for many years, you are still in various foreign troops and even mercenaries abroad. After serving in the military, I am afraid that it is only on this level, and it is impossible for others to reveal the least bit of news.

The Kuz Valley is not far away from the animal camp, and it takes less than ten minutes to reach it within ten kilometers.

Diago found a flat ground in the valley, took out some cartons and plastic boxes for drinks from the trunk of Jonnie’s car, stacked them on the ground, removed a spare tire, vented the air, and threw the tires away. On top.

Qin Fei watched Diago busy, knowing that he was planning to use the firelight to guide the helicopter to land.

After finishing all this, Diago used a mineral water bottle to draw a bottle of gasoline from the fuel tank and put it beside the sundries. He walked to Qin Fei and sat down.

"Qin, my sister told me that she likes you very much."

The African people are as unobtrusive as the savannah, so what can they say?

Diago said so, but Zun Ni was not embarrassed at all, but looked at Qin Fei with affection.

Qin Fei's face became feverish when he was so jealous of Diago.

"Oh! I am very grateful to Zun Ni for taking care of us, and I always treat it like her sister." Qin Fei said to him.

"Don't underestimate our family. Our family is still very powerful in Eritrea. I heard Jenny say that you are from country Z?"

"Yes." Qin Fei had no choice but to admit. It seemed that Zunni didn't reserve anything, and told her brother.

"Country Z has a great influence in Africa. Your country has developed very well over the years." Diago said: "If you marry Jenny, you can bring him back to your home country. I miss my family. My elders will definitely not object, and they will give you a big gift."


Standing behind Qin Fei, the sight holding a bottle of water squirted into the air with a sip of water.

"Why? Is my proposal funny?" Diago was a little unhappy. As a lieutenant colonel, he has his dignity.

The sight star quickly explained: "No, no, I'm not the laughing sister, I was thinking, Qin Fei is a fugitive, he has a case in his hometown, and he can't go back at all, so he is not blessed and can't take it with him. Jenny goes back."

Originally, the front sight's remarks were intended to liberate Qin Fei, but he did not expect to incur even greater trouble for Qin Fei.

When Diago heard that Qin Fei had committed a crime in the country and he was a fugitive who couldn't go back, he was more happy if he was not annoyed. He slapped his thigh and said, "Isn't it better?! Then don't leave! Take root here, you see, if this is done, the entire animal camp is yours, and the scenery here is good, you have business, and you have a football team here, you don’t have to want to go back to the country. Regardless, Jonnie doesn’t have to leave her hometown..."


This time it was Kunchai's turn to spray water.

Qin Fei complained secretly in his heart, these Eritreans didn't care about their status at all. They were completely different from the girls in China, and they were definitely "enlightened" good elders.

In China, if I hear that my sister is going to marry a fugitive who has a criminal case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as my brother, he will turn around and go home and raise a knife to kill someone.

It's better here, not only doesn't cut people, but doesn't curse people, and you just treat yourself as your own person.

Qin Fei felt that he was messy in the wind, and he did not dare to raise his eyes, because Zun Ni's big eyes stared at him with passion, as if he was about to swallow him.

Fortunately, Qin Fei's luck was not bad at all.

Just when he didn't know how to reject Diago's hospitality, the sound of helicopter propellers breaking through the air came from the sky.

"Your people are here, Lieutenant Colonel, I think we'll get the business done first."

Qin Fei quickly stood up, took the gasoline bottle and walked to the pile of plastic and cardboard boxes, put the gasoline on it, took out the ZIPPO lighter, and lit the fire.

The raging flame suddenly jumped up to half a meter high, and quickly burned.

In the sky, the helicopter with a few small lights seemed to quickly spot the flames in the darkness, and began to slowly land here.

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